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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Oh, Deer! 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Oh, It's Real 1515-30 Dustwallow Marsh
Oh, the Tangled Webs They Weave 1-30 10 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Oil and Irony 1515-30 10 50 Felwood
Old Puttery 1515-30 Thousand Needles
On the Brink 55-30 10 50 Darkshore
On the Wings of a Hippogryph 1-30 Azuremyst Isle
On to Something 3030-35 Uldum
On to the Bulwark 1515-30 Thousand Needles
One Bitter Wish 55-30 10 50 Darkshore
One Shot. One Kill. 55-30 21 Darkshore
Open Their Eyes 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Felwood
Operation Fishgut 55-30 Azshara
Order Among Chaos
3 players
5050 23 40 Uldum
Orders from Base Camp 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Orders from High Command 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Orendil's Cure 77-30 21 Ashenvale
Other Fish to Fry 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Otherworldly Armaments 5050 23 40 Uldum
Our Tribe, Imprisoned 1-10
Pick one:
20 Camp Narache
Out of Harm's Way 1515-30 21 Winterspring
Outrider Advanced Care Package 1010 Ashenvale
Outrider Basic Care Package 1010 Ashenvale
Outrider Standard Care Package 1010 Ashenvale
Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern 1515-30
Pick one:
Dustwallow Marsh
Owl of a Sudden 7070
28 9 Winterspring
Pain of the Blood Elves 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Winterspring
Paragon of the Champions of Azeroth 5050 Silithus: The Wound
Parts-is-Parts 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Peace at Last 1515-30
Pick one:
31 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Peace of Mind 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Peace of Mind 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
Pearl of Fathoms 1
112 36 Silithus
Pearl of Fathoms 1
102 96 Silithus
Peculiar Delicacies 1515-30 10 50 Un'Goro Crater
Perfect Yeti Hide 1515-30 21 Feralas
Physical Training: Forced Labor 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Pick-a-Part 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Pierce Their Heart! 77-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ashenvale
Pikwik in Peril 1515-30 5 25 Felwood
Pilfered Equipment 1-30 10 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Pirate Accuracy Increasing 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
Pirate Accuracy Increasing 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
Plainstrider Menace 55-30 10 50 Northern Barrens
Planting the Heart 1-30 Teldrassil
Playing Possum 77-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ashenvale
Playing With Felfire 77-30
Pick one:
10 50 Ashenvale
Ploughshares to Swords 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Poached, Scrambled, Or Raw?
Un'Goro Crater
Poison Water 1-30 Mulgore
Portals of the Legion 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Portals of the Legion 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Powder Play 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Power Over the Tides 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Darkshore
Precious and Fragile Things Need Special Handling 1-30 10 50 Azuremyst Isle
Precious Waters 1-10
Pick one:
20 Shadowglen
Pre-Flight Checklist 3030-35 Azshara
Preparation for Ceremony 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Mulgore
Preparations for the Future 1010-30 10 50 Stonetalon Mountains
Preparin' For Battle 3030-35 Durotar
Prepping the Soil 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Preserving the Barrens 55-30 5 25 Northern Barrens
Pressing the Advantage 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Pride of the Dinner Table 1515-30 21 Winterspring
Pride of the Highborne 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Winterspring
Priestess of the Moon 1-10 10 Shadowglen
Prismbreak 55-30 Azshara
Prisoners of the Grimtotems 1515-30 10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Pristine Yeti Hide 1515-30 21 Feralas
Private Chat 55-30 5 25 Azshara
Probing into Ashenvale 77-30 2 62 Ashenvale
Profitability Scouting 55-30
Pick one:
42 Azshara
Pro-liberation 55-30 10 50 Azshara
Proof of Lies 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Proof of Treachery 1515-30 Dustwallow Marsh
Propaganda War 1515-30 10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Prospector Gunstan 1515-30 1 5 Tanaris
Protect the Home Front 1010-45 20 22 Orgrimmar
Protect the World Tree 3030-35 3 43 Mount Hyjal
Protector of Ameth'Aran 55-30 1 5 Darkshore
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Proving Pit 1-10 20 Echo Isles
Puddle Stomping 1515-30 10 50 Tanaris
Puddle Stomping 1515-30 10 50 Tanaris
Pulling Weeds 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Desolace
Punish the Trespassers 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
Purge the Valley 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Durotar
Purity From Corruption 1515-30 10 50 Felwood
Push the Button! 55-30
Pick one:
10 50 Azshara
Put Out The Fire 77-30 10 50 Ashenvale
Put That Baby in the Cradle! 3030-35 Uldum
Put the Fear in Them 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Put Your Foot Down 5050 23 40 Uldum