Name | Req. | Level | Side | Rewards | Gains | Category | ||||
The Hopeless Ones... | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
The Horde Way | 1-20 | 53 | Orgrimmar | |||||||
The Kessel Run | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
The Kurken is Lurkin' | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
The Kurken's Hide | 1-30 |
| Azuremyst Isle | |||||||
The Missing Expedition | 1-30 | 31 50 | Bloodmyst Isle | |||||||
The Missing Fisherman | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
The Missing Survey Team | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
The Moss-twined Heart | 1-30 | Teldrassil | ||||||||
The Prophecy of Akida | 1-30 |
| Azuremyst Isle | |||||||
The Prophecy of Velen | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
The Ravaged Caravan | 1-30 | Mulgore | ||||||||
The Ravaged Caravan | 1-30 | Mulgore | ||||||||
The Relics of Wakening | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Teldrassil | ||||||
The Restless Earth | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Mulgore | ||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Rise of the Darkspear | 1-10 | 15 | Echo Isles | |||||||
The Road to Darnassus | 1-30 | 10 50 | Teldrassil | |||||||
The Second Sample | 1-30 | 10 50 | Bloodmyst Isle | |||||||
The Shimmering Frond | 1-30 | 10 50 | Teldrassil | |||||||
The Sleeping Druid | 1-30 | Teldrassil | ||||||||
The Smoldering Ember
Weekly | 1 | 23 40 | Orgrimmar | |||||||
The Sprouted Fronds | 1-30 | Teldrassil | ||||||||
The Sun Gate | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
The Unwritten Prophecy | 1-30 |
| Bloodmyst Isle | |||||||
The Vengeance of Elune | 1-30 |
| 21 | Teldrassil | ||||||
The Venture Co. | 1-30 | 7 87 | Mulgore | |||||||
The Venture Co. | 1-30 | 10 50 | Mulgore | |||||||
The War of Northwatch Aggression | 1-30 |
| 21 | Durotar | ||||||
The Waters of Teldrassil | 1-30 |
| Teldrassil | |||||||
The Wolf and The Kodo | 1-30 | 10 50 | Durotar | |||||||
The Woodland Protector | 1-10 | 15 | Shadowglen | |||||||
They're Alive! Maybe... | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
Thonk | 1-30 | 1 5 | Durotar | |||||||
Thunder Down Under | 1-30 | 10 50 | Durotar | |||||||
Thunderhorn Cleansing | 1-30 |
| Mulgore | |||||||
Thunderhorn Totem | 1-30 | Mulgore | ||||||||
Tidal Sigil of Skwol | 1 | 112 36 | Silithus | |||||||
Tidal Sigil of Skwol | 1 | 112 36 | Silithus | |||||||
Timberling Seeds | 1-30 | 10 50 | Teldrassil | |||||||
Timberling Sprouts | 1-30 |
| 21 | Teldrassil | ||||||
To Darnassus | 1-30 | Teldrassil | ||||||||
Totem of Coo | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
Totem of Tikti | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
Totem of Vark | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
Totem of Yor | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
Translations... | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
Travel to Azure Watch | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
Tree's Company | 1-30 | 31 50 | Azuremyst Isle | |||||||
Truth or Fiction | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
Twisted Hatred | 1-30 |
| Teldrassil | |||||||
Unbidden Visitors | 1-30 | 10 50 | Durotar | |||||||
Urgent Delivery | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
Ursal the Mauler | 1-30 |
| 21 | Teldrassil | ||||||
Victims of Corruption | 1-30 | 10 50 | Bloodmyst Isle | |||||||
Vile Familiars | 1-10 |
| 40 | Valley of Trials | ||||||
Vile Touch | 1-10 |
| 20 | Shadowglen | ||||||
Vindicator's Rest | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
Walk With The Earth Mother | 1-30 | 7 87 | Orgrimmar | |||||||
WANTED: Deathclaw | 1-30 |
| 21 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||
War at Sea | 1 | Tanaris | ||||||||
War Dance | 1-30 |
| 10 50 | Mulgore | ||||||
Warchief's Emissary | 1-30 | 2 62 | Durotar | |||||||
Warlord Sriss'tiz | 1-30 |
| 31 50 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||
Warn Your People | 1-30 | Azuremyst Isle | ||||||||
Watershed Patrol | 1-30 | 21 | Durotar | |||||||
Webwood Corruption | 1-10 |
| 20 | Shadowglen | ||||||
Welcome! | 1-30 |
| Shadowglen | |||||||
Welcome! | 1-30 |
| Durotar | |||||||
Welcome! | 1-30 |
| Mulgore | |||||||
What Argus Means to Me | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
What We Don't Know... | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
What We Know... | 1-30 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||||
Wildmane Cleansing | 1-30 |
| Mulgore | |||||||
Wildmane Totem | 1-30 | Mulgore | ||||||||
Winds in the Desert | 1-30 | 10 50 | Durotar | |||||||
Winterhoof Cleansing | 1-30 |
| Mulgore | |||||||
Winterhoof Cleansing | 1-30 |
| Mulgore | |||||||
Word from Azure Watch | 1-30 |
| Azuremyst Isle | |||||||
Young and Vicious | 1-10 |
| 20 | Echo Isles | ||||||
Your Place In The World | 1-10 | Valley of Trials | ||||||||
Ysera's Tears | 1-30 |
| 31 50 | Bloodmyst Isle | ||||||
Zenn's Bidding | 1-30 | 10 50 | Teldrassil | |||||||
Invasion: Azshara | 1 | Azshara | ||||||||
Invasion: Northern Barrens | 1 | Northern Barrens | ||||||||
Invasion: Tanaris | 1 | Tanaris | ||||||||
[DEPRECATED]Catch a Dragon by the Tail |
| Dustwallow Marsh | ||||||||
Find a Rumble Coin | Orgrimmar | |||||||||
Rare Elite 01
Daily | Azshara | |||||||||
Rare Elite 02
Daily | Azshara | |||||||||
Rare Elite 03
Daily | Azshara | |||||||||
Rare Elite 04
Daily | Azshara | |||||||||
Rare Elite 05
Daily | Azshara |