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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Arboria 110110 Darkshore
Blunt the Spikes 110110 Darkshore
Break Free 110110 Darkshore
Breakthru 110110 Darkshore
Detonate! 110110 Darkshore
Don't Stop Me Now 110110 Darkshore
Extinguish the Lights 110110 Darkshore
Fuel for the Demolishers 110110 Darkshore
Hang On In There 110110 Darkshore
I Want It All 110110 Darkshore
I Want It All 110110 Darkshore
It's a Kind of Magic 110110 Darkshore
No Turning Back 110110 Darkshore
One Vision 110110 Darkshore
Our Sacred Forest 110110 Darkshore
Ours For the Taking 110110 Darkshore
Pruning the Thorns 110110 Darkshore
So We Meat Again 110110 Darkshore
Spiritual Aid 110110 Darkshore
Staying Power 110110 Darkshore
Stop the Drilling 110110 Darkshore
The Azerite Stuff 110110 Darkshore
The Azerite Stuff 110110 Darkshore
They Eat Like Orcs 110110 Darkshore
Under Pressure 110110 Darkshore
We Will "Rock" You 110110 Darkshore
Wicked Kegger 110110 Darkshore
Not Dead Yet! 100100 3,770 XP
46 20
REUSEME 100100 The Dranosh'ar Blockade
Scouting Report 100100 3,770 XP
46 20
Tearing down the Legion 100100 3,770 XP
46 20
Tracking Quest - W1 - See Demon Attack 9898 Durotar
Delegation Tracker 8585 19,310 XP
28 20
Mount Hyjal
A Moment of Reflection 7070
28 9 Theramore Isle
A Protector of Magic 7070
28 9 Winterspring
A Wyrm Rest 7070
28 9 Winterspring
Aftershocks 7070
28 9 Theramore Isle
Artifacts Abound 7070
28 9 Winterspring
Back with the Blues 7070
28 9 Winterspring
Breaking the Cycle 7070
28 9 Theramore Isle
Creative Solutions 7070
28 9 Theramore Isle
Legacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past 7070
Pick one:
28 9 Orgrimmar
Owl of a Sudden 7070
28 9 Winterspring
Test Subject 7070
28 9 Winterspring
The Sullied Banner 7070
28 9 Theramore Isle
Armaments of War 5454-56
Armaments of War 5454-56
Armaments of War 5454-56
Armaments of War 5454-56
Armaments of War 5454-56
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Darnassus
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 Thunder Bluff
A Donation of Runecloth 5050-60 The Exodar
Additional Runecloth 5050-60 Darnassus
Additional Runecloth 5050-60 Thunder Bluff
Additional Runecloth 5050-60 The Exodar
[PH] Bridle Buy-In 5050-53 Winterspring
A Balanced Diet 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Bit of Investigation 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Bloody Treat 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Crack in the Armor 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Custom Order 5050 2 34 Uldum
A Deeper Dive 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Rallying Cry 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Shocking Technique 5050 23 40 Uldum
A Smashing Plan 5050 23 40 Uldum
A World Worth Saving 5050
2 34 Uldum
Action Figures 5050 23 40 Uldum
All Gassed Up 5050 23 40 Uldum
Anchors of the Black Empire 5050 23 40 Uldum
Ancient Armaments 5050 23 40 Uldum
Aqir Extermination 5050 23 40 Uldum
Aqir Instincts 5050 2 34 Uldum
Assault: Amathet Advance 5050 Uldum
Assault: Aqir Unearthed 5050 Uldum
Assault: The Black Empire 5050 Uldum
Big Bad Beetle 5050 23 40 Uldum
Blind Leading the Blind 5050 23 40 Uldum
Blind the Eyes 5050 23 40 Uldum
Bloodied Sentinel's Glaive 5050
Bug Buddies 5050 Uldum
Buried History 5050 23 40 Uldum
Burn the Bodies 5050 23 40 Uldum
Champions of Azeroth 5050 Silithus: The Wound
Champions of the Amathet
3 players
5050 23 40 Uldum
Chew On This! 5050 23 40 Uldum
Cleansing Uldum 5050 23 40 Uldum
Close to Tears 5050 23 40 Uldum
Coming Out of His Shell 5050 46 80 Uldum
Continued Incubation
5050 23 40 Uldum
Corpse Cleanup 5050 23 40 Uldum
Dark Deceivers 5050 23 40 Uldum
Down From the Sky 5050 23 40 Uldum
Encased in Amber 5050 23 40 Uldum
Encroaching Poachers 5050 23 40 Uldum
Eyes on the Amathet 5050 11 70 Uldum
Far From Home 5050 23 40 Uldum
Fetid Filets 5050 23 40 Uldum
Getting Ahead
3 players
5050 23 40 Uldum
Guarded Secrets 5050 23 40 Uldum