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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Crunchy Spider Legs 4040-120
Diamondine Sigil of Kazum 4040-120
93 60 Silithus
Garbage Fishing 4040-120 Thousand Needles
Grog, Rum, and Ale 4040-120 Thousand Needles
Lean Shanks 4040-120
Lean Shanks 4040-120
Raw Clefthoof Meat 4040-120
Raw Clefthoof Meat 4040-120
Raw Tiger Steaks 4040-120
Raw Tiger Steaks 4040-120
Salt of Shards 4040-120
93 60 Silithus
Salve via Hunting 4040-60 Felwood
Salve via Mining 4040-60 Felwood
Sandworm Meat 4040-120
Sandworm Meat 4040-120
The Colossus of Regal 4040-120 Silithus
The Colossus of Regal 4040-110 Silithus
The Colossus of Zora 4040-110 Silithus
The Colossus of Zora 4040-120 Silithus
The Gnomes Stole Our Bombs! 4040-120 Thousand Needles
Winterfall Firewater 4040-60 90 Winterspring
Vimes's Report 3535-38 Dustwallow Marsh
A Legendary Engagement 3535 13 74 Orgrimmar
Delegation 3535 41 22 Mount Hyjal
The Fallen Guardian 3535 27 48 Mount Hyjal
The Stuff of Legends 3535 41 22 Orgrimmar
The Zandalari Menace 3535 1 37 Orgrimmar
Your Time Has Come 3535 6 87 Molten Front
Your Time Has Come 3535 6 87 Molten Front
Feralas Breadcrumb [PH] 3131-35 Desolace
[DEPRECATED]Suspicious Hoofprints 3030-70 Dustwallow Marsh
A Bird in Hand 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
A Champion's Collar 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
A Disarming Distraction 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
A Favor for the Furrier 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
A Gap in Their Armor 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
A Most Puzzling Circumstance 3030
Pick one:
A New Master 3030-35 6 87 Mount Hyjal
A Personal Summons 3030-35 Orgrimmar
A Plea From Beyond 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
A Prayer and a Wing 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
A Prisoner of Interest 3030-35 6 87 Mount Hyjal
A Strange Disc 3030-35
Pick one:
Aessina's Miracle 3030-35
Pick one:
1 37 Mount Hyjal
After the Fall 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Agility Training: Run Like Hell! 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Al'Akir's Vengeance 3030-35 10 30 Uldum
An Ancient Awakens 3030-35 27 48 Mount Hyjal
An Ancient Reborn 3030-35
Pick one:
Mount Hyjal
An Offering for Aviana 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
Ancient Weapons 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
Angered Spirits 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Artificial Intelligence 3030-35 10 30 Uldum
As Hyjal Burns 3030-35 10 30 Mount Hyjal
Aviana's Legacy 3030-35 6 87 Mount Hyjal
Bad Datas 3030-35 3 43 Uldum
Battlezone 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
Be Prepared 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
Be Prepared 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Uldum
Beating the Market 3030-35 13 74 Azshara
Black Heart of Flame 3030-35
Pick one:
Mount Hyjal
Bleeding the Enemy 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Breaking the Bonds 3030-35 Mount Hyjal
Breakthrough 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Brood of Evil 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Budd's Plan 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
By the Light of the Stars 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Camelraderie 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Children of Tortolla 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Cindermaul, the Portal Master 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Cleaning House 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Cleaning House 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Colossal Guardians 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Commander Jarod Shadowsong 3030-35 10 30 Mount Hyjal
Core Access Codes 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Crisis Management 3030-35
13 74 Uldum
Crushing the Cores 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Da Perfect Spies 3030-35 13 74 Durotar
Death to the Broodmother 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Mount Hyjal
Dirty Birds 3030-35 Uldum
Disassembly 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Disaster at Mount Hyjal 3030-35 1 37 Mount Hyjal
Disrupting the Rituals 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Do the Honors 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Uldum
Do the World a Favor 3030-35 Uldum
Durable Seeds 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Eastern Hospitality 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Easy Money 3030-35 Uldum
Efficient Excavations 3030-35 1 37 Uldum
Efficient Excavations 3030-35 1 37 Uldum
Efficient Excavations 3030-35 1 37 Uldum
Egg Hunt 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Egg Wave 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Mount Hyjal
Elementary! 3030-35
Pick one:
Mount Hyjal
Emerald Allies 3030-35 6 87 Mount Hyjal
End of the Supply Line 3030-35 13 74 Mount Hyjal
Escape From the Lost City 3030-35
Pick one:
Expel the Envoys 3030-35 Uldum
Exploding Through 3030-35 13 74 Uldum
Fact-Finding Mission 3030-35 3 43 Mount Hyjal