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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Winterfall Firewater 4040-60 90 Winterspring
Wicked Kegger 110110 Darkshore
We Will "Rock" You 110110 Darkshore
Under Pressure 110110 Darkshore
Tracking Quest - W1 - See Demon Attack 9898 Durotar
They Eat Like Orcs 110110 Darkshore
The Sun King's Command 1010-60 Bloodmyst Isle
The Gnomes Stole Our Bombs! 4040-120 Thousand Needles
The Colossus of Zora 4040-120 Silithus
The Colossus of Zora 4040-110 Silithus
The Colossus of Regal 4040-120 Silithus
The Colossus of Regal 4040-110 Silithus
The Azerite Stuff 110110 Darkshore
The Azerite Stuff 110110 Darkshore
Stop the Drilling 110110 Darkshore
Staying Power 110110 Darkshore
Spiritual Aid 110110 Darkshore
So We Meat Again 110110 Darkshore
Sandworm Meat 4040-120
Sandworm Meat 4040-120
Salve via Mining 4040-60 Felwood
Salve via Hunting 4040-60 Felwood
Salt of Shards 4040-120
93 60 Silithus
Repel 1010-100 Northern Barrens
Repel 1010-100 Tanaris
Repel 1010-100 Azshara
Raw Tiger Steaks 4040-120
Raw Tiger Steaks 4040-120
Raw Clefthoof Meat 4040-120
Raw Clefthoof Meat 4040-120
Pruning the Thorns 110110 Darkshore
Ours For the Taking 110110 Darkshore
Our Sacred Forest 110110 Darkshore
One Vision 110110 Darkshore
No Turning Back 110110 Darkshore
Lean Shanks 4040-120
Lean Shanks 4040-120
It's a Kind of Magic 110110 Darkshore
Invasion: Tanaris 1 Tanaris
Invasion: Tanaris 1010-100 Tanaris
Invasion: Northern Barrens 1 Northern Barrens
Invasion: Northern Barrens 1010-100 Northern Barrens
Invasion: Azshara 1 Azshara
Invasion: Azshara 1010-100 Azshara
I Want It All 110110 Darkshore
I Want It All 110110 Darkshore
He Who Would Be Forgiven 1515-60 Ashenvale
Hang On In There 110110 Darkshore
Grog, Rum, and Ale 4040-120 Thousand Needles
Garbage Fishing 4040-120 Thousand Needles
Fuel for the Demolishers 110110 Darkshore
Extinguish the Lights 110110 Darkshore
Don't Stop Me Now 110110 Darkshore
Diamondine Sigil of Kazum 4040-120
93 60 Silithus
Detonate! 110110 Darkshore
Demon Commander 1010-100 Tanaris
Demon Commander 1010-100 Azshara
Defend 1010-100 Northern Barrens
Defend 1010-100 Tanaris
Defend 1010-100 Azshara
Crunchy Spider Legs 4040-120
Crunchy Spider Legs 4040-120
Crocolisk Tails 4040-120
Crocolisk Tails 4040-120
Circle the Wagons... er, Boats 4040-60
Pick one:
90 Thousand Needles
Chilled Meat 4040-120
Chilled Meat 4040-120
Breakthru 110110 Darkshore
Break Free 110110 Darkshore
Blunt the Spikes 110110 Darkshore
Beach Ball Bash 4040-110 Thousand Needles
Arboria 110110 Darkshore
Zukk'ash Infestation 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
Zukk'ash Infestation 1515-30 10 50 Feralas
Zenn's Bidding 1-30 10 50 Teldrassil
Zen'Aliri 1515-30 1 5 Un'Goro Crater
Ze Gnomecorder 1010-30 10 50 Ashenvale
Zalazane's Fall 3030-35 13 74 Durotar
Ysondre's Farewell 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Feralas
Ysondre's Farewell 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Feralas
Ysondre's Call 1515-30 Feralas
Ysondre's Call 1515-30 Feralas
Ysera's Tears 1-30
Pick one:
31 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Your Time Has Come 3535 6 87 Molten Front
Your Time Has Come 3535 6 87 Molten Front
Your Place In The World 1-10 Valley of Trials
Your New Identity 3030-35 6 87 Mount Hyjal
Young and Vicious 1-10
Pick one:
20 Echo Isles
You'll Know It When You See It 1010-30 Desolace
You'll Know It When You See It 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
You Too, Brute? 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Tanaris
You Gotta Have Eggs 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Winterspring
You Flicked a Fine Vine to Leaf Me 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Yetiphobia 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Winterspring
Xylem's Asylum 55-30
Pick one:
7 87 Azshara
Writs of the Sun King 5050 23 40 Uldum
Writings of the Void 55-30 31 50 Darkshore
Wrapping Up 5050 23 40 Uldum
Wounded Wastewanderers 5050 23 40 Uldum
World First: Gnomegen 1010-30 10 50 Stonetalon Mountains