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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Supplies from the Rajani 5050
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Surprise Attack! 2525-35 41 22 Townlong Steppes
Survival Ring: Blades
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Survival Ring: Flame
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Swallowed Whole 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Sweet as Honey
13 74 The Jade Forest
Taken by the Swarm 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Taking a Crop 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Taking Stock 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Taoshi and Korvexxis 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Hivelord
13 74 Townlong Steppes
Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Swarmlord
13 74 Townlong Steppes
Taste Test 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Tears in the Vale 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Tears of Pandaria 1515-35 13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Temple of the White Tiger 2020-35 21 6 Kun-Lai Summit
Temple of the White Tiger 2020-35 21 6 Kun-Lai Summit
Tenderpaw By Name, Tender Paw By Reputation 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Terror of the Dread Wastes 2525-35
Pick one:
13 74 Townlong Steppes
Testing the Untested 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
That Dangling Carrot
6 87 Valley of the Four Winds
The "Earth-Slasher" Master Plow 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The "Jinyu Princess" Irrigation System 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Anglers 1515-35 1 37 Krasarang Wilds
The Anglers 1515-35 1 37 Krasarang Wilds
The Arcanic Oubliette 1515-35 13 74 Krasarang Wilds
The Archiereus Of Flame 3030-35
13 74 Timeless Isle
The Arena of Annihilation 2020-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Ballad of Liu Lang 3030-35
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Battle Ring
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Bees' Knees 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
The Beginner's Brew 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Big Brew-haha
13 74 The Jade Forest
The Big Guns
13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Big Kah-Oona
13 74 The Jade Forest
The Bigger They Come...
13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Broketooth Ravage 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Burlap Grind 2020-35
Pick one:
27 48 Kun-Lai Summit
The Burlap Grind
2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Burlap Trail: To Burlap Waystation 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Burlap Trail: To Kota Basecamp 2020-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Cabbage Test
6 87 Valley of the Four Winds
The Challenger's Fires 1-20 5 35 The Wandering Isle
The Challenger's Ring: Chao the Voice 2525-35 27 48 Townlong Steppes
The Challenger's Ring: Hawkmaster Nurong 2525-35 27 48 Townlong Steppes
The Challenger's Ring: Lao-Chin the Iron Belly 2525-35 27 48 Townlong Steppes
The Challenger's Ring: Snow Blossom 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Challenger's Ring: Tenwu of the Red Smoke 2525-35 27 48 Townlong Steppes
The Challenger's Ring: Yalia Sagewhisper 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Chen Taste Test 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Cost of War 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
The Crumbling Hall
54 96 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Dark Heart of the Mogu 3030-35
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Darkness Around Us
13 74 The Jade Forest
The Darkness Within 1010-35 27 48 The Jade Forest
The Dawning Light 1010-45
2 2 The Wandering Isle
The Deadtalker Cipher
13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Death of Me 2525-35
Pick one:
1 37 Townlong Steppes
The Defense of Shado-Pan Fallback 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Direct Solution 1-20 5 35 The Wandering Isle
The Disciple's Challenge 1-20
Pick one:
16 5 The Wandering Isle
The Dissector Wakens 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Dread Wastes
The Double Hozen Dare 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
The Dread Clutches 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
The Dreadsworn 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
The Easiest Way To A Serpent's Heart
13 74 The Jade Forest
The Elder's Instruments 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
The Emperor 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
The Empress' Gambit 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
The Empress' Guard
3 players
5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Endless Swarm 2525-35
Pick one:
13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Enemy of My Enemy... Is Still My Enemy!
13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Essence of Time 3030-35
Timeless Isle
The Eternal Vigil
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Exile 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Fabulous Miss Fanny 1515-35 10 30 Valley of the Four Winds
The Fall of Ga'trul 1010-35
Pick one:
41 22 The Jade Forest
The Fall of Shai Hu 2020-35
Pick one:
27 48 Kun-Lai Summit
The Fanciest Water 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Farmer's Daughter 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Fearmaster 2020-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
The Field Armorer 2525-35
Pick one:
13 74 Townlong Steppes
The Fight Against Fear
13 74 Dread Wastes
The Final Blow! 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
The Final Power 3030-35
Pick one:
27 48 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The General's Edge 1010-35 10 30 The Jade Forest
The Golden Dream 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Golden Lotus 3030-35 2 80 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Golden Lotus 3030-35 1 37 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Gratitude of Stoneplow 1515-35
Pick one:
Valley of the Four Winds
The Great Banquet 1010-35 6 87 The Jade Forest
The Great Water Hunt 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Greater Danger 1515-35 13 74 Krasarang Wilds
The Guo-Lai Halls 3030-35 27 48 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Guo-Lai Halls 3030-35 27 48 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
The Healing of Shen-zin Su 1-20
Pick one:
5 35 The Wandering Isle
The Heartland Legacy 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
The Heavens Hum With War 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
The Hidden Master 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
The High Elder 1010-35 1 37 The Jade Forest