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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Offering a Warm Welcome
13,690 XP
11 40
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Oh Sheepie... 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Oil Stop 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Old Age and Treachery 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
Old Faces, New Problems 5050 46 80 Dread Wastes
Old Man Thistle's Treasure 1515-35 Valley of the Four Winds
On the Crab 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
On The Prowl
13 74 The Jade Forest
Once in a Hundred Lifetimes 3030-35 1 37 Dread Wastes
Once More Into Kor'vess 5050 23 40 Dread Wastes
One Final Turn 3030-35
Timeless Isle
One Magical, Flying Kingdom's Trash... 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
One Traveler's Misfortune 2020-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Only the Worthy Shall Pass 1-20
Pick one:
5 35 The Wandering Isle
Onward and Inward 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Onyx Hearts
13 74 Townlong Steppes
Onyx To Goodness 1010-35 The Jade Forest
Orbiss Fades 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Orchard-Supplied Hardware 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Order of the Cloud Serpent 1010-35 6 87 The Jade Forest
Orders are Orders 1010-35 1 37 The Jade Forest
Ordnance Disposal
13 74 Dread Wastes
Our Backs to the Gate 5050 2 34 Kun-Lai Summit
Out of Sprite 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Out with the Scouts 3030-35 13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Overthrone 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 Dread Wastes
Pages of History 1010-35
Pick one:
13 74 The Jade Forest
Paint it Red! 1010-35
Pick one:
13 74 The Jade Forest
Painting the Ruins Red
13,690 XP
19 84
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pandaren Alliance Tracking Quest 10 1,415 XP
The Wandering Isle
Pandaren Horde Tracking Quest 10 1,415 XP
The Wandering Isle
Pandaren Prisoners 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Pandaren Prisoners 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Parental Mastery 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Particular Plumage 1515-35 13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Passing Wisdom 1-20
Pick one:
5 35 The Wandering Isle
Path Less Traveled 2020-35 6 87 Kun-Lai Summit
Path of the Mistwalker
56 18 Timeless Isle
Paying Tribute
13 74 Townlong Steppes
Peering Into the Past 1010-35 The Jade Forest
Pei-Back 1010-35
Pick one:
27 48 The Jade Forest
Perfect Pitch 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Perfection 1010-35
13 74 The Jade Forest
Pest Problems
13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Pick a Yak 2525-35 Townlong Steppes
Piercing Talons and Slavering Jaws 1515-35 10 30 Valley of the Four Winds
Pillaging Peons 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Pillars of Oblivion 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pitching In 2525-35
13 74 Townlong Steppes
Plunder the Plunderers 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Poisoned! 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Pomfruit Pickup
11 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
13 74 The Jade Forest
13 74 The Jade Forest
Potency 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Practically Perfect Produce 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
Preparing the Remains 2020-35 1 37 Kun-Lai Summit
13 74 The Jade Forest
Preserved in Amber 3030-35 6 87 Dread Wastes
Preying on the Predators 1-20 5 35 The Wandering Isle
Priorities! 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Priorities! 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Priorities! 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Prisoners of Mind and Body 5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Ancient Sap Feeder 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Banner of the Mantid Empire 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Firestorm Egg 3030-35
1 37 Dread Wastes
Pristine Kypari Sap Container 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Mantid Lamp 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Pollen Collector 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Praying Mantid 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Remains of a Paragon 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Pristine Sound Beacon 1010-35 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Profit Mastery 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Profit Mastery: Chasheen 1515-35 13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Profiting off of the Past 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Profiting off of the Past 2020-35 13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Promises of Gold 3030-35 41 22 Dread Wastes
Prophet Khar'zul 2020-35
Pick one:
13 74 Kun-Lai Summit
Provoking the Trolls 8787 13,140 XP
10 20
Kun-Lai Summit
Prowler Problems 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Psycho Mantid 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
Pulsating Mound 5050 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Putting An Eye Out
13 74 Dread Wastes
Quid Pro Quo
17,110 XP
24 72
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Quiet Now
13 74 Dread Wastes
Quill of Stingers 1010-35
Pick one:
13 74 The Jade Forest
Raid Leader Slovan 1515-35 13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Raising Spirits 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Rally the Survivors 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
Rampage Against the Machine
13 74 Dread Wastes
Rampaging Destroyers
3 players
5050 23 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Rampaging Rodents 1515-35 13 74 Valley of the Four Winds
Ranger Rescue 2525-35 13 74 Townlong Steppes
Rascals 1-20 5 35 The Wandering Isle
Raucous Rousing 1-20 5 35 The Wandering Isle
Red Blossom Leeks, You Make the Croc-in' World Go Down
6 87 Valley of the Four Winds
Reeltime Strategy 3030-35 13 74 Dread Wastes
Refining The Vision 3030-35
Timeless Isle
Reflections in Amber 5050 2 34 Vale of Eternal Blossoms