clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Cell Block Tango 2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Celestial Shadowlands Chart 6060
The Archivists' Codex
Celestial Blessings 3535 41 22 Legendary
Celebrating Good Times 3030
Pick one:
Stormwind City
Cease Fire! 1010-60
25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Cease all Summoning 2020-60
Pick one:
25 74 Nazmir
Cayden Dunwald 3030-35 6 87 Twilight Highlands
Caverns of Time 4040 Mag'har Orc
Caverns Criss-Cross - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
Caverns Criss-Cross - Reverse 6060-62
Caverns Criss-Cross - Challenge 6060-62
Caverns Criss-Cross - Advanced 6060-62
Caverns Criss-Cross 6060-62
Cavernous Capers 7070
7 2 Zaralek Cavern
Cavern Drakewatching 6060-70 Zaralek Cavern
Cavern Cleaning 7070
28 9 Emerald Dream
Cave-In - Tracking Quest
Cave of the Blood Trial 1010-45 20 22 Highmountain
Cave of Murlocs 5050 Nazjatar
Cave of Ai'twen 3030-60 2 57 Stormsong Valley
Cave Medicine 2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Cave Commotion 3030-60 2 57 Stormsong Valley
Cavalry Has Its Place 5858-60
2 57 The Forbidden Reach
Cauterizing Wounds 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Cause Without a Rebel 6868-70
28 9 Thaldraszus
Cause for Distraction 5050-60 2 57 Death Rising
Cause for Distraction 5050-60 2 57 Death Rising
Caught Unawares 3232-35
13 74 Firelands Invasion
Caught Off-Guard 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Caught Off-Guard 3030-35 13 74 Shimmering Expanse
Caught in the Net 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Caught In The Chaos 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Caught in the Act 6060 12 87 Maldraxxus
Caught In a Dusk Storm 6060-70 The Azure Span
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Temptress of Pain 4545 Cathedral of Eternal Night
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Mother of Flame 4545 Cathedral of Eternal Night
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Mistress of Blades 4545 Cathedral of Eternal Night
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Fel Beast 4545 Cathedral of Eternal Night
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Altar of the Aegis 4545
Pick one:
Cathedral of Eternal Night
Catching Wind 6262-65 2 80 Ohn'ahran Plains
Catching up with Brann 2525-30 7 87 The Storm Peaks
Catching Up to Chromie 6868-70 2 80 Thaldraszus
Catching Up 2020-60 2 57 Nazmir
Catching His Eye 1010-40 33 96 Shadowmoon Valley
Catching a Ride 5050 2 57 Horde War Campaign
13 74 The Jade Forest
Catch the Wild Wolpertinger! 1 2 80 Brewfest
Catch the Wild Wolpertinger! 1 2 80 Brewfest
Catch the Caravan 6565-68 2 80 The Azure Span
Catch Me if You Can 2020-60
Pick one:
51 48 Nazmir
Catch and Release: Thousandbite Piranha 6060-70
Catch and Release: Temporal Dragonhead 6060-70
Catch and Release: Scalebelly Mackerel 6060-70
Catch and Release: Islefin Dorado 6060-70
Catch and Release: Cerulean Spinefish 6060-70
Catch and Release: Aileron Seamoth 6060-70
Catch and Release 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Catch and Carry 3535
13 74 Cooking
Catch A Star 6060
25 74 Covenant Sanctum
Catch a Dragon by the Tail 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Dustwallow Marsh
Catapult Vision Frostfire Ridge
Catapult Vision Frostfire Ridge
Catapult Vision Frostfire Ridge
Catapult Destruction 77-10 20 Exile's Reach
Catapult Destruction 77-10 20 Exile's Reach
Catalyze This 6060 12 87 Queen's Conservatory
Catalysm 1515-30 Eastern Plaguelands
Cataloging Zaralek Cavern 7070 Zaralek Cavern
Cataloging the Waking Shores 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Cataloging the Waking Shores 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Cataloging the Ohn'ahran Plains 6060-70 Ohn'ahran Plains
Cataloging the Ohn'ahran Plains 6060-70 Ohn'ahran Plains
Cataloging the Azure Span 6060-70 The Azure Span
Cataloging Thaldraszus 6060-70 Thaldraszus
Cataloging Thaldraszus 6060-70 Thaldraszus
Cataloging Horror 7070
28 9 Zaralek Cavern
Cataloging Expeditions 6060-70 Dragonscale Expedition
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Weapons
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Silk Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Scaled Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Plate Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Felweave Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dreadplate Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Dragonhide Armor
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Chain Armor
Cataclysm: Onward to Adventure in the Eastern Kingdoms 1010-61 Timewalking Campaign
Cataclysm: Onward to Adventure in Kalimdor 1010-61 Timewalking Campaign
Cataclysm! 3030-35 Stormwind City
Cata/MoP 80-89 1010-35
Cata/MoP 80-89 1010-35
Cata/MoP 80-89 1010-35
Cata/MoP 80-89 1010-35
Cata/MoP 80-89 1010-35
Cat Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Cat on a Hot Copper Roof 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Casual Redistribution 4545 Suramar
Castle Nathria: Getting a Head 6060 51 48 Castle Nathria