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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Adventurer: Deathfang 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Cromas the Mystic 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Clora 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Chachi the Artiste 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Bron 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Bogdan 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Auric Spiritguide 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Adventurer: Apolon 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Advancing the War Effort 4545 40 44 Death Knight Campaign
Advancing the Effort 5050-60
25 74 Death Rising
Advancing the Campaign 2020-30 1 5 The Shattered Halls
Advancing the Campaign 2020-30 1 5 The Shattered Halls
Advancing Our Efforts 6060 2 57 Covenant Sanctum
Advanced Wanding 4545 Azsuna
Advanced Quenching 1010-45
Advanced Needlework 1010-45
Advanced Excavation Tools 6060-70 Dragonscale Expedition
Adopting the Adorable 1010-45 10 11 Val'sharah
Adopt a Tadpole 1 28 9 Borean Tundra
Admiral Taylor has Awakened 2020-35 1 37 Kun-Lai Summit
Admiral Taylor has Awakened 2020-35 1 37 Kun-Lai Summit
Admiral Taylor has Awakened 2020-35 1 37 Kun-Lai Summit
Admiral Taylor 3030-40
Pick one:
33 96 Spires of Arak
Admiral Taylor 3030-40
Pick one:
33 96 Spires of Arak
Admiral Rel'var 4545
Antoran Wastes
Administering the Salve 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Hellfire Peninsula
Administering Aid 4545 20 22 Priest Campaign
Adjutant Dekaris
6060 The Maw
Adinakon 6060-70 The Waking Shores
Adherents of the Sun God 3030-40 16 98 Spires of Arak
Adhara White 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Aderic's Retort 7070
28 9 Gilneas Reclamation
Adella's Covert Camp 1515-30 7 87 Feralas
Additional Waygate Energy 1-70
Additional Supplies 5050 Nazjatar
Additional Materials 2525-30 10 50 Shadowmoon Valley (Outland)
Additional Armaments 3232-35 27 48 Firelands Invasion
Additional Accoutrements 1010-45 20 22 Demon Hunter Campaign
Additional Academic Acquisitions 7070
2 80 The Azure Span
Adding Injury to Insult 1010-30
Pick one:
21 Howling Fjord
Adder Subtraction 1010-30 10 50 Southern Barrens
Add More to the Collection 5050 Zuldazar
Add 'em to the Pile 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Eastern Plaguelands
Adaptive Cooling Salve
7070 14 4 Legendary
Adapting Our Tactics 3535-60 Alliance War Campaign
Adapting Our Tactics 3535-60 Horde War Campaign
Adapt, Improve, Overcome!
1010-60 23 40 Mechagon
A'dal 1515-30 Terokkar Forest
Acts of Cruelty
13 74 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Active Ingredients 1010-58 38 61 Revendreth
Actions Speak Louder than Words 6060 25 74 Bastion
Actions on Azeroth 1010-45 10 11 Priest Campaign
Actionable Intelligence 3535 6 87 The Nexus
Action Figures 5050 23 40 Uldum
Across Transborea 1010-30 Borean Tundra
Across the Weald 7070 2 80 Ohn'ahran Plains
Across the Universe 4545 40 44 Eredath
Across the Stars 1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Valley
Across the Shadowlands 6060 12 87 Covenant Sanctum
Across the Great Divide 3030-35 1 37 Shimmering Expanse
Acrosoth 6868-70 28 9 Thaldraszus
Acquisition: Stygic Ore 6060 The Maw
Acquisition: Runeforged Shackles 6060 The Maw
Acquisition: Crystallized Stygia 6060 The Maw
Acquisition: Blazing Ingots 6060 The Maw
Acquaintances Forgotten 6060 25 74 Zereth Mortis
Acid Reflux 6060 25 74 Ardenweald
Acid Rain 1010-35
Pick one:
13 74 The Jade Forest
Acid Beats Paper 5050
28 9 Heritage
Aces High! 3030
Pick one:
21 Borean Tundra
Aces High!
3030 10 50 Borean Tundra
Ace in the Hole 1515-30
Pick one:
Western Plaguelands
Accusatory Missive 6060 2 57 Covenant Sanctum
Accidental Dread 5050 Nazmir
Accessories Sold Separately 1010-60
Accessories of the Cursed 1010-45
Pick one:
20 22 Helheim
Accessing the Archives 5050
2 34 Black Empire Campaign
Access Request
3 players
6060 51 48 Zereth Mortis
Accepting All Eggs 2525-30 Shadowmoon Valley (Outland)
Academy Ascent - Reverse Challenge 6060-62
Academy Ascent - Reverse 6060-62
Academy Ascent - Challenge 6060-62
Academy Ascent - Advanced 6060-62
Academy Ascent 6060-62
Academic Exploration 4545 2 2 Archaeology
Academic Assistance 7070 2 80 The Azure Span
Academic Aquaintances 6565-68 2 80 The Azure Span
Academic Acquisitions 7070 28 9 The Azure Span
Abyssion's Minions 3030-35 13 74 Deepholm
Abyssal Ritual 5050 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Abyssal Monstrosity 1010-45
Abyssal Gulper Lunker 1010-40 Fishing
Abyssal Gulper Eel
1010-40 16 98 Fishing
Abyssal Gulper Eel
1010-40 16 98 Fishing
Abuse of Power 1515-30 Burning Steppes
Abuse of Power 1515-30 Burning Steppes
Abu'gar 3535-40
16 98 Nagrand
Absorbent 55-30 Azshara
Absolutely Barbaric 5050