clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Warchief's Command: Un'Goro Crater! 1515-30 1 5 Un'Goro Crater
Warchief's Command: Valley of the Four Winds! 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
Warchief's Command: Vashj'ir! 3030-35 1 37 Vashj'ir
Warchief's Command: Western Plaguelands! 1515-30 1 5 Western Plaguelands
Warchief's Command: Winterspring! 1515-30 1 5 Winterspring
Warchief's Command: Zangarmarsh! 1010-30 1 5 Zangarmarsh
Warchief's Command: Zul'Drak! 2020-30 1 5 Zul'Drak
Warchief's Emissary 1-30 2 62 Durotar
Warchief's Revenge 1-20
Pick one:
10 70 The Lost Isles
Warcraft Rumble Minis: New Look! 1 2 80 Valdrakken
Warcraft Rumble Minis: New Look! 1 2 80 Orgrimmar
Warcraft Rumble Minis: New Look! 1 2 80 Stormwind City
Warcrawler Karkithiss 5050 Zuldazar
Warden Entrix
The Forbidden Reach
Warden Hamoot 1010-30 Zangarmarsh
Warden Tower Assault: Blackhawk's Bulwark 4545 Stormheim
Warden Tower Assault: Blackhawk's Bulwark 4545 Stormheim
Warden Tower Assault: Cordana's Apex 4545 Highmountain
Warden Tower Assault: Cordana's Apex 4545 Highmountain
Warden Tower Assault: Darkfollow's Spire 4545 Val'sharah
Warden Tower Assault: Darkfollow's Spire 4545 Val'sharah
Warden Tower Assault: Nightwatcher's Perch 4545 Highmountain
Warden Tower Assault: Nightwatcher's Perch 4545 Highmountain
Warden Tower Assault: Starstalker's Point 4545 Val'sharah
Warden Tower Assault: Starstalker's Point 4545 Val'sharah
Warden Tower Assault: Whisperwind's Citadel 4545 Stormheim
Warden Tower Assault: Whisperwind's Citadel 4545 Stormheim
Wardens' Wrath 5050
56 18 Heritage
Warding the Walls
2525-30 10 50 Wintergrasp
Warding the Warriors
2525-30 10 50 Wintergrasp
Warding the Warriors
2525-30 10 50 Wintergrasp
Wardrummer Zurula 5050 Nazmir
Warforged Seals 3030-35
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Warforged Seals 3030-35
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Warfront Contribution 5050 25 74 Warfronts
Warfront Contribution 5050 25 74 Warfronts
Warfront Preparations 5050 2 34 Darkshore
Warfront: The Battle for Darkshore 5050
46 80 Warfronts
Warfront: The Battle for Darkshore 5050
46 80 Warfronts
Warfront: The Battle for Stromgarde 5050
46 80 Warfronts
Warfront: The Battle for Stromgarde 5050
46 80 Warfronts
Broken Shore
Warlock Speaking to Gul'dan Talador
Warlocks Have the Neatest Stuff 1515-30 10 50 Burning Steppes
Warlocks Have the Neatest Stuff 1515-30 10 50 Burning Steppes
Warlord Halthar is Back
Daily - 2 players
3030-35 27 48 Twilight Highlands
Warlord Krellian 3030 Mage
Warlord of Draenor 1010-40
33 96 Shadowmoon Valley
Warlord of Draenor 1010-40
33 96 Frostfire Ridge
Warlord of the Amani 3535
Pick one:
13 74 Zul'Aman
Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow 1010-30 10 50 Hellfire Peninsula
Warlord Sriss'tiz 1-30
Pick one:
31 50 Azuremyst Isle
Warlord Zothix 5050 Vol'dun
Warlords Heroic Dungeon Reward Quest 4040
Warlords Max Level Dungeon Bonus Reward Quest 1010-40
Warlords Max Level Dungeon Reward Quest 1010-40
Warlords of Draenor: Onward to Adventure in Draenor 1010-61 Timewalking Campaign
Warlords of Draenor: Onward to Adventure in Draenor 1010-61 Timewalking Campaign
Warlords of Draenor: The Dark Portal 1010-40 8 49 Assault on the Dark Portal
Warlords of Draenor: The Dark Portal 1010-40 8 49 Assault on the Dark Portal
Warm and Cozy 1010-60
Pick one:
51 48 Tiragarde Sound
Warm Away These Shivers 7070
28 9 The Azure Span
Warm Dragonfruit Pie 6060-70
28 9 Little Scales Daycare
Warm Leystone Deposits 4545 Highmountain
Warm Welcome 3030-35 10 30 Twilight Highlands
Warm Welcome 3030-35 10 30 Twilight Highlands
Warm Winds and Water 7070
28 9 The Jade Forest
Warmaul Wingding 6060-70
Nagrand (Outland)
Warmaul Wingding - Advanced 6060-70
Nagrand (Outland)
Warmaul Wingding - Reverse 6060-70
Nagrand (Outland)
Warming Up 1-5 5 Exile's Reach
Warming Up 1-5 5 Exile's Reach
Warmother 1010-60
Pick one:
51 48 Zuldazar
Warmother Captive 5050 Vol'dun
Warmth and Comfort 6060-70
28 9 Little Scales Daycare
Warmth of Life
7070 Emerald Dream
Warmth of the Sun 5050 23 40 Uldum
Warn Area 52! 2525-30 Netherstorm
Warn Grom'gol 3535 13 74 The Zandalari
Warn Master Thal'darah 1010-30 Stonetalon Mountains
Warn Stoneplow 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
Warn Stoneplow 1515-35 1 37 Valley of the Four Winds
Warn the Rebel Camp 3535 13 74 The Zandalari
Warn Your People 1-30 Azuremyst Isle
Warning Fairbreeze Village 1-30
Pick one:
5 25 Eversong Woods
Warning Orgrimmar 1010-40
Pick one:
33 96 Blasted Lands
Warning the Cenarion Circle 1010-30 5 25 Zangarmarsh
Warning the Exarchs 1010-40 1 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Warning: Some Assembly Required 1010-30
Pick one:
21 Howling Fjord
WARNING: This is Only a Test! 5050-60
25 74 Death Rising
Warp-Raider Nesaad 2525-30
Pick one:
10 50 Netherstorm
Warren Mongrel 6060 The Maw
Broken Shore
Warriors of Light 4545
Pick one:
60 66 Paladin Campaign
Warriors of the Void 1010-52 38 61 Bastion
Warriors' Redemption 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50 Southern Barrens
Warspear Welcome 1010-40 4 24 Warspear
Waruk the Frostforger 1010-40 4 24 Garrison Support
War'zuul the Provoker 4545 20 22 Demon Hunter Campaign
Wash Out 55-30 7 87 Azshara