clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Where There's a Pilgrim, There's a Way 6060 12 87 Zereth Mortis
Where There's a Quill... 6060
Covenant Sanctum
Where There's a Ward, There's a Way 6868-70 28 9 Thaldraszus
Where There's Smoke, There's Delicious Meat 1515-30 5 25 Winterspring
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire 7070
2 80 Zaralek Cavern
Where They Hide 5050
23 40 Nazjatar
Where They Hide 5050
23 40 Nazjatar
Where They Least Expect It 4545
Where Time Went Wrong 2525-30 10 50 The Storm Peaks
Where'd They Go? 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Where's Goldmine? 3030-35 Deepholm
Where's Lyndras Again? 1010-45 Tailoring
Where's Lyndras Now? 4545 Tailoring
Where's Lyndras: Downward Spiral 4545 Tailoring
Where's Lyndras: Leyflame Larceny 4545 2 2 Tailoring
Where's Lyndras: Sewer Sleuthing 4545 Tailoring
Where's Lyndras? 1010-45 Tailoring
Where's My Head? 55-30 Azshara
Where's My Wolf?! 1010-40 16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Where's Our Wine? - Tracking
Where's Synge? 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
Where's The Chief? 6868-70 14 4 Thaldraszus
Where's the Reef? 4545 Val'sharah
Where's Wizzle? 1515-30 10 50 Thousand Needles
Where's Wyllithen? 1-30 Eversong Woods
Wherever I May Gloam 4545 Val'sharah
Which Berries? Witchberries.
6 87 Valley of the Four Winds
Which Witch? 5050 Drustvar
While Meeting The Family 3030-35 27 48 Twilight Highlands
While the Iron Is Hot 7070
56 18 The Waking Shores
While We're Here 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
While We're in the Neighborhood 2020-40
16 98 Talador
While We're in the Neighborhood 2020-40
16 98 Talador
While You're At It 1-20
Pick one:
4 1 Gilneas City
While You're Here 1010-30 Desolace
Whiplash 5050 Stormsong Valley
Whirling Zephyr 7070
56 18 Zaralek Cavern
Whirlwing 5050 Stormsong Valley
Whisper of Hope 6060 25 74 Maldraxxus
Whispered Fragments 6565-68 28 9 The Azure Span
Whispering Felflame Crystal
28 9 Dalaran
Whispering Pandaren Spirit
1 28 9 Battle Pets
Whispers from Oronaar 4545 5 5 Eredath
Whispers from the Dark 1010-45 20 22 Stormheim
Whispers from the Shadows 4545 Highmountain
Whispers in the Dark 5050 46 80 Black Empire Campaign
Whispers in the Darkness
1010-40 16 98 Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Whispers in the Void 1010-45 2 2 Priest Campaign
Whispers in the Wind 3030-35 13 74 Twilight Highlands
Whispers of a Frightened World 4545
20 22 Dalaran
Whispers of a Frightened World 4545
20 22 Dalaran
Whispers of N'Zoth 5050 2 34 Heart of Azeroth
Whispers of N'Zoth 5050 2 34 Heart of Azeroth
Whispers of the Darkness 4040 28 9 Highmountain Tauren
Whispers of the Djinn
3030-35 13 74 Archaeology
Whispers of the Raven God 2020-30
Pick one:
Blade's Edge Mountains
Whispers on the Wind 2020-30 Blade's Edge Mountains
Whispers on the Winds 1010-70 2 80 Dragon Isles
Whispers on the Winds 1010-70 2 80 Dragon Isles
Whisperwind Grove 1515-30 2 62 Felwood
Whistling Rocks 6060-70 Maruuk Centaur
White Eyes, Blue Dragon 6868-70 28 9 Thaldraszus
Whitebark's Memory 1-30 Eversong Woods
Whitebeard Needs Ye 1-10 2 Coldridge Valley
Whitewater Typhoon Stormheim
Whitewater Wash Treasure
Whitewater Wash Treasure
Whitney "Steelclaw" Ramsay 5050 Drustvar
Who Are They? 1515-30 10 50 Terokkar Forest
Who Are They? 1515-30 10 50 Terokkar Forest
Who Are You Fooling? 6060 25 74 Bastion
Who Brought the Ruckus? 6060-62 28 9 The Waking Shores
Who Devours the Devourers?
3 players
6060 Ardenweald
Who Did This? 1010-30 Southern Barrens
Who is the Maw Walker? 6060 12 87 Korthia
Who Knew Fish Liked Eggs?
13 74 Fishing
Who Let The Dogs Out? 4545
Antoran Wastes
Who Lurks in the Pit 66-9
Pick one:
34 Exile's Reach
Who Lurks in the Pit 66-9
Pick one:
34 Exile's Reach
Who Needs Cauldrons? 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Western Plaguelands
Who Seeks the Seekers? 1010-60 2 57 Zuldazar
Who Shapes the Forest 6060 2 57 Covenant Sanctum
Who Wards The Greenwarden 1010-30 5 25 Wetlands
Who's a Big Troll? 1010-30
Pick one:
21 Northern Stranglethorn
Who's In Charge Here? 55-30 10 50 Loch Modan
Who's Next? 6565-68 28 9 The Azure Span
Who's Shroomin' Who? 55-30 10 50 Northern Barrens
Who's That Chromie? 7070
14 4 Dawn of the Infinite
Who's Top of the Food Chain Now? 1-20 5 35 The Lost Isles
Whose Vault Is It Anyway? 7070
21 6 Zaralek Cavern
Whurain the Elder 1
Lunar Festival
Why Do We Fight? 3535 13 74 Siege of Orgrimmar
Why Fabricate When You Can Appropriate? 1515-30 10 50 Grizzly Hills
Why Is The Brew Gone? 2020-40 16 98 Talador
Why Not Scallions?
6 87 Valley of the Four Winds
Why So Serious? 1515-35
Pick one:
13 74 Krasarang Wilds
Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey 1010-45
Wiccaphobia 3535-60 25 74 Horde War Campaign
Wicked Gateways 1010-52 38 61 Bastion
Wicked Webs
13 74 Firelands Invasion