Name | Req. | Level | Side | Rewards | Gains | Category | ||
No Horde Allowed | 110 | 110 | 19 40 | The Warchief's Agenda | ||||
No Negotiations | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
No Reprieve
Daily | 85 | 85-90 | 11 40 | Vale of Eternal Blossoms | ||||
No Turning Back | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
On The Mend | 5 | 5 | 19 40 | |||||
On Unhallowed Ground | 110 | 110 | Invasion | |||||
One of the Hive | 120 | 120 | Stormsong Valley | |||||
One Vision | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Only the Best | 110 | 110 | ||||||
Open the Golden Doors | Scenario | |||||||
Our Sacred Forest | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Ours For the Taking | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Overgrown Anchor Weed | 120 | 120 | Drustvar | |||||
Overgrown Anchor Weed | 120 | 120 | Tiragarde Sound | |||||
Overgrown Anchor Weed | 120 | 120 | Drustvar | |||||
Overgrown Anchor Weed | 120 | 120 | Stormsong Valley | |||||
Overgrown Anchor Weed | 120 | 120 | Drustvar | |||||
Overgrown Anchor Weed | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
Pandaria 88-90 | 80 | 80-90 | 11 40 | |||||
Pandaria 88-90 | 80 | 80-90 | 22 80 | |||||
Pet Battle Trainers: Kalimdor
Daily | 5 | 5 | 11 40 | Battle Pets | ||||
Pet Battle Trainers: Kalimdor | 5 | 5 | 15 40 | Battle Pets | ||||
Pet Battle Trainers: Kalimdor
Daily | 5 | 5 | 11 40 | Battle Pets | ||||
Pomfruit Pickup
Daily | 85 | 85-90 | 11 40 | Vale of Eternal Blossoms | ||||
Preserve the Oasis | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
Prizes for Pellets | 1-120 | |||||||
Proving Grounds | 90 | 90 | 34 20 | Warrior | ||||
Pruning the Thorns | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Raining Bones
Daily | 85 | 85-90 | 18 80 | Isle of Thunder | ||||
Raining Bones
Daily | 85 | 85-90 | 18 80 | Isle of Thunder | ||||
Ranishu Feeding Frenzy | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
Rare Fish - Pale Ghoulfish | 1 | 4 85 | Fishing | |||||
Raw Clefthoof Meat | 40 | 40-120 | Silithus | |||||
Raw Clefthoof Meat | 40 | 40-120 | Silithus | |||||
Raw Tiger Steaks | 40 | 40-120 | Silithus | |||||
Raw Tiger Steaks | 40 | 40-120 | Silithus | |||||
Redridge Group Trial | 1 | Redridge Mountains | ||||||
Repel | 10 | 10-100 | Tanaris | |||||
Repel | 10 | 10-100 | Dun Morogh | |||||
Repel | 10 | 10-100 | Northern Barrens | |||||
Repel | 10 | 10-100 | Westfall | |||||
Repel | 10 | 10-100 | Azshara | |||||
Repel | 10 | 10-100 | Hillsbrad Foothills | |||||
Request for the Deathlord | 98 | 98-110 | 1 94 | Artifact | ||||
Returning Home | 10 | 10 | Priest | |||||
Returning Home | 10 | 10 | Priest | |||||
REUSE | 1 | |||||||
REUSE | 98 | 98 | Highmountain | |||||
reuse me | 110 | 110 | ||||||
reuse me | 110 | 110 | 19 40 | Karazhan | ||||
Rise to the Occasion | 98 | 98 | Artifact | |||||
Ritual Bit | 98 | 98 | Artifact | |||||
Ritual Bit | 98 | 98 | Artifact | |||||
Daily | 85 | 85-90 | 11 40 | Vale of Eternal Blossoms | ||||
Running Interference | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
Rustbolt Requisitions: Star Moss
Daily | 120 | 120 | Mechagon | |||||
Rustbolt Requisitions: Star Moss
Daily | 120 | 120 | Mechagon | |||||
Sabertron | 120 | 120 | Stormsong Valley | |||||
Salt of Shards | 40 | 40-120 | 93 60 | Silithus | ||||
Salve via Hunting | 40 | 40-60 | Felwood | |||||
Salve via Mining | 40 | 40-60 | Felwood | |||||
Sandworm Meat | 40 | 40-120 | Silithus | |||||
Sandworm Meat | 40 | 40-120 | Silithus | |||||
Saurfang, Warrior | 90 | 90 | 1 14 | Warrior | ||||
Saurolisk Tails | 110 | 110-120 | 23 40 | Tiragarde Sound | ||||
Scribe Wei Wu | 90 | 90 | 1 14 | Warrior | ||||
Scrolls and Scales | 120 | 120 | Zuldazar | |||||
Second Place | 1 |
| 30 80 | Fishing | ||||
Set Sail
Weekly | 110 | 110-120 | Zuldazar | |||||
Set Sail
Weekly | 110 | 110-120 | Tiragarde Sound | |||||
Sharptalon Matriarch Tracking Q | 1 | |||||||
Show Hidden Treasure Cache | 98 | 98 | Stormheim | |||||
Show Legion Portal | 98 | 98 | Stormheim | |||||
Silver Blades | 110 | 110-120 | 23 40 | Drustvar | ||||
Simply Dying of Boredom | 120 | 120 | 23 40 | Brawler's Guild | ||||
Simply Dying of Boredom | 120 | 120 | 23 40 | Brawler's Guild | ||||
Snowfeather Matriarch Tracking Q | 1 | |||||||
So We Meat Again | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Some Dust
Daily | 90 | 90 |
| Engineering | ||||
Sound the Alarm | 110 | 110-120 | 23 40 | Tiragarde Sound | ||||
Sourcing Resources | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
Spider Scorching | 120 | 120 | Vol'dun | |||||
Spiritual Aid | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Stars of Elune | 10 | 10 | Priest | |||||
Staying Power | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Stone Hard Quilen
Daily | 85 | 85-90 | 11 40 | Vale of Eternal Blossoms | ||||
Stop the Drilling | 110 | 110 | Darkshore | |||||
Stopping Antiquities Theft | 120 | 120 | Zuldazar | |||||
Stormwind | 60 | 60-80 | 3 70 | Special | ||||
Strike Back | 110 | 110-120 | 23 40 | Drustvar | ||||
Summon Felsteed | 40 | 40 | Warlock | |||||
Summon Felsteed | 40 | 40 | Warlock | |||||
Summon Felsteed | 40 | 40 | Warlock | |||||
Summon Felsteed | 40 | 40 | Warlock | |||||
Summon Felsteed | 40 | 40 | Warlock | |||||
Summons for the Arch Druid | 98 | 98 | 1 6 | Artifact | ||||
Super Healing Potion | 50 | 50 | ||||||
Super Healing Potion | 50 | 50 | ||||||
Super Mana Potion | 50 | 50 | ||||||
Super Mana Potion | 50 | 50 |