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Name Type Category Counters Description
Book of Lost Sermons
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Hooded Priests.
Bottled Sanity
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Band of Zealots or Dark Zealots.
Bottomless Flask
TraitIncreases success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 30%.
Bow of Ancient Kings
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Squads of Archers or Unseen Marksmen.
Brooch of Endless Dreams
TraitReduces mission duration by 15%.
Increases mission success chance by 5%.
Carrot on a Stick
TraitReduces mission duration by 10%.
Chi Empowered Jewel
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Ox Initiates, Ox Adepts or Ox Masters.
Cloak of Concealment
Trait SpellIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Increases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Cloak of Deception
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Bands of Trackers or Pathfinders.
Conjurer's Bauble
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Tirisgarde Apprentices or Kirin Tor Invokers.
Curio of Abundant Happiness
TraitGrants 50 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Darklost Claw
Trait HazardIncreases mission success chance by 25%.
Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 40%.
Death's Touch
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Ebon Knights or Ebon Ravagers.
Demon in a Box
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Reduces mission duration by 5%.
Demonic Brew
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Packs of Imps or Swarms of Wild Imps.
Demonic Standard
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Shivarra.
Demon's Sigil
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Illidari Adepts or Transformed Illidari Adepts.
Diamond Stone
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ravenholdt Assassins.
Draught of Courage
TraitGrants 2 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Dreamgrove Leaf
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Dreamgrove Wardens.
Dust of Azeroth
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Grants 25 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Earthly Pincer
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Lesser Elementals or Greater Elementals.
Elixir of Overwhelming Focus
TraitIncreases success chance by 40% on missions shorter than 4 hours.
Elixir of Plenty
TraitGrants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Eltrig's Grace
TraitReduces mission duration by 15%.
Grants 2 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Elune's Sight
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Dreamgrove Treants or Daughters of Cenarius.
Embers of the Firelands
TraitGrants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Grants 2 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Empty Equipment Slot
TraitEquip items here.
Empty Equipment Slot
TraitEquip items here.
Empty Equipment Slot
TraitEquip items here.
Essence of Malice
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Illidari Adepts or Transformed Illidari Adepts.
Essence of Nether
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Kirin Tor Guardians.
Exalted Xenedar Hammer
TraitIncreases success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 50%.
Fel Imp Tooth
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Reduces mission duration by 15%.
Fel-Infused Legion Effigy
Trait SpellIncreases mission success chance by 25%.
Increases success chance of missions with Spells by 40%.
Forest Ember
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Druids of the Claw or Keepers of the Grove.
Fruitful Bauble
TraitGrants 25 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Furious Charge
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Circles of Earthcallers or Earthen Ring Geomancers.
Glacial Fang
TraitGrants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Reduces mission duration by 5%.
Glowing Token
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Druids of the Claw or Keepers of the Grove.
Harpy Feather
Trait HazardIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Hasty Pocketwatch
TraitIncreases success chance by 20% on missions shorter than 4 hours.
Helm of Command
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Black Harvest Acolytes or Black Harvest Invokers.
Highborne Bauble
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Water Elementals or Arcane Golems.
Holy Figurine
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Group of Acolytes or Netherlight Paragons.
Horn of Rage
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by a Shock Force.
Horn of Valor
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Silver Hand Crusaders.
Impervious Shadoweave Hood
Trait SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 40%.
Justice Hammer
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Squads of Squires or Shieldbearer Phalanx.
Krokul Sledgehammer
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 20%.
Leech Brew
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Crews of Pirates or Uncrowned Duelists.
Libram of Enlightenment
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Silver Hand Knights or Silver Hand Templar.
Lightburst Charge
Trait MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
Light's Command
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Group of Acolytes or Netherlight Paragons.
Light's Haven
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Increases mission success chance by 5%.
Light's Shield
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Squads of Squires or Shieldbearer Phalanx.
Lucky Doodad
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10%.
Marauder's Vestige
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Ashtongue Warriors or Naga Myrmidon.
Memento of the Lightforged
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 30%.
Mogu Madstone
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Tiger Initiates, Tiger Adepts or Tiger Masters.
Necklace of Endless Memories
TraitGrants 5 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Nightmare's End
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.

Reduces mission duration by 5%.
Omen's Bidding
TraitGrants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Increases mission success chance by 5%.
Pathfinder's Saddle
TraitReduces mission duration by 15%.
Pit Lord Tusk
Trait HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 30%.
Potion of Energy
TraitIncreases success chance by 30% on missions shorter than 4 hours.
Potion of Sacrifice
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Grants 2 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Potion of Triton
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Pouch of Wonder
TraitGrants 10 Gold when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Praetorium Tome of Arcana
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 25%.
Reduces mission duration by 25%.
Pronged Ridgestalker Spear
Trait SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 30%.
Pulsing Wrathguard Skull
Trait HazardIncreases success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 40%.
Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 40%.
Queen's Feathers
TraitIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Grants 25 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Relic of Demonic Influence
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Felguard Demons.
Relic of the Ebon Blade
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ebon Knights or Ebon Ravagers.
Rune of Reckoning
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Packs of Ghouls or Geist Swarms.
Runewarded Lightblade
Trait SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 50%.
Sanctified Armaments of the Light
TraitIncreases success chance by 50% on missions shorter than 8 hours.
Sanity Edge
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Band of Zealots or Dark Zealots.
Satchel of Lucidity
TraitReduces mission duration by 25%.
Scroll of Growth
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Dreamgrove Treants or Daughters of Cenarius.
Seeker's Scrip
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Squads of Archers or Unseen Marksmen.
Serrated Stone Axe
TraitIncreases success chance by 30% on missions shorter than 8 hours.
Shadow Relic
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ashtongue Warriors or Naga Myrmidon.
Shadowguard Void Effusion
Trait HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 40%.
Shadow-Soaked Stalker Heart
Trait MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 40%.
Shard of Twisting Nether
TraitGrants 100 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Sigil of Ebon Frost
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ebon Knight Frostreavers.
Silver Hand Ornament
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Silver Hand Knights or Silver Hand Templar.
Skull of a Fallen Foe
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Shieldmaiden Warbands or Valkyra Shieldmaidens.
Skull of Embrace
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Packs of Imps or Swarms of Wild Imps.
Sleep Potion
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Gangs of Bandits or Defias Thieves.
Smoke Grenades
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Gangs of Bandits or Defias Thieves.
Soothing Focus
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Masters of Serenity.
Stone Totem
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Earthen Ring Protectors.
Sturdy Hiking Boots
TraitIncreases success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 20%.
Swift Boots
TraitReduces mission duration by 5%.
Tea of Blessing
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ox Initiates, Ox Adepts or Ox Masters.
Test - Follower Test Ability
TraitTest follower ability description
Tome of Secrets
TraitReduces mission duration by 15%.
Grants 25 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.