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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 60 min1000
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 60 min1000
The Nameless King

The vrykul's long-dead ancestors rise from their graves, threatening our allies. Face the Nameless King, and put him back to rest.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7953× 150 6 hrs3000
The Neverending Threat

Demons simply don't know when they're beaten. Even now, they plot to invade parts of Suramar. Investigate, and stop them.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions8503× 100 5 hrs3000
The Neverending Threat

Demons simply don't know when they're beaten. Even now, they plot to invade parts of Suramar. Investigate, and stop them.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 100 5 hrs1500
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Nighthold Rare

The Legion's influence has swept across the Nighthold. Before we can attack the heart of the nightborne stronghold, send our forces to investigate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid8503× 1000 16 hrs3000
The Pale Predator

Some beasts don't wait for the cover of darkness to attack, and Abesha, a pale beast, has been stalking our allies in broad daylight. Dispose of the beast.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7903× 100 4 hrs3000
The Perils of Ashran

Your champions have heard of a place of endless war, where the tides of battle flow constantly. Send them to investigate further.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions8503× 500 16 hrs3000
The Screeching Forest

The Nightmare has transformed once-beautiful creatures into twisted visions. Wraithtalon, once a mighty hippogryph, now preys upon our allies.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 13 hrs3000
The Spirit Crucible

A vortex of power envelops the Spirit Crucible. Lead an incursion against the Eredar Soulflayers tapping into that energy.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9502× 200 24 hrs6000
The Star Buck

Usually, the squallhunter drakes prey on the stags of Stormheim, but one stag has turned the tables, slaughtering dragons. Hunt down this beast.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8453× 250 16 hrs3000
The Star Buck

Usually, the squallhunter drakes prey on the stags of Stormheim, but one stag has turned the tables, slaughtering dragons. Hunt down this beast.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8453× 250 16 hrs3000
The Tides of War

A sea giant is running rampant, lets hope size doesnt matter.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 50 6 hrs2000
The Tomb of Sargeras Rare

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid9003× 500 16 hrs3000
The Tomb of Sargeras Rare

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid9003× 500 16 hrs3000
The Tomb of Sargeras Rare

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid9003× 500 16 hrs3000
The Tomb of Sargeras Rare

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Raid9003× 500 16 hrs3000
The Underbelly of the Legion

The Scavenger's Boneyard lay beneath the Legion's garrisons in the Antoran Wastes. Send your champions to waylay Legion patrols traveling between them.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9502× 200 24 hrs6000
The Undying

Hidden in the cliffs of Stormheim, undying spirits keep a watch, despite having long passed on. Bring them some resolution to their vigil.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8353× 150 12 hrs3000
The Wait Has Ended

Venture near the Burning Breach. Measure the Legion's defenses.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 250 6 hrs3000
The Wilds of Azsuna

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 12 hrs3000
Their Emancipation

Shadow-touched Krokul have enslaved their brethren in the Ruins of Oronaar. Liberate them from the maddening whispers of the void.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 400 6 hrs3000
There is no Brawlers Guild Rare

Now that you've found your way into the guild, it seems only fair that your champions should be allowed to participate.

1107.0 Class Hall - Quest Missions7503× 200 3 hrs3000
They're In the Walls

Our scouts report that Legion agents have been trying to infiltrate Dalaran through its own citizens. We should investigate and unmask any enemies.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 18 hrs3000
This Wine Tastes Like Feet!

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 300 8 hrs3000
Thunder on the Tundra

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8953× 250 4 hrs3000
Time Tested

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 250 8 hrs3000
Titan's Gaze

It is said that the Titan watchers themselves observe all the residents of Stormheim, and who is worthy to ascend. Prove our worth.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 100 4 hrs3000
Tomes of Yore

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 150 4 hrs3000
Too Many Legs

The Ruins of Falanaar are a dangerous place, especially for any that are wary of arachnids. Thin out the number of Lurkers there.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8353× 250 6 hrs3000
Too Many Legs

The Ruins of Falanaar are a dangerous place, especially for any that are wary of arachnids. Thin out the number of Lurkers there.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8353× 250 5 hrs3000
Tools of Defiance Rare

Krokul armaments were abandoned in the Petrified Forest. Seek them out.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7602× 100 6 hrs4500
Totems Thunder

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 100 2 hrs3000
Trail of Breadcrumbs

The forests of Val'sharah are no place to wander off alone. Danger waits behind every tree, and sometimes it doesn't wait.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 9 hrs3000
Traitors Below

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 250 6 hrs3000
Traitors Demise

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 100 4 hrs3000
Treacherous Paths

The paths along the cliffs of Highmountain are beseiged with dangers.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 4 hrs1000
Trophy Hunting

A satyr named Perrexx has been making sport out of hunting the druids of Moonclaw Vale, as though they were trophies! Turn the tables on him.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 9 hrs3000
Turtle Soup

On the Timeworn Strand, gigantic turtles wander the ancient ruins. Their meat would go a long way to supporting our troops. Beware of naga though.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8353× 150 16 hrs3000
Turtle Soup

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8953× 250 4 hrs3000
Twisted Ash

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 250 12 hrs3000
Unravelling the Madness

The shadowguard within the Umbra Hollows must be stopped. Send our champions to halt their rituals.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 100 24 hrs6000

Not all vrykul will ascend to the halls of Valarjar, and those are desperate to avoid the turmoil of Helheim. They will do anything to earn honor.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 200 12 hrs3000
Wailing Good Time

The swamps outside Bradensbrook are wailing. See whats causing the noise, and silence it.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 2 hrs1000
Waking the Dead

Late at night, someone has been going to the cemetery in Dalaran and attempting to raise the dead. We should investigate and put a stop to it.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions8303× 150 11 hrs3000
Walking on Broken Glass

Someone has been shattering windows throughout Dalaran, leaving a trail of destruction and broken glass. Investigate and find the culprit.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8303× 250 6 hrs3000
War Materiel

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8703× 600 12 hrs3000
What Lies Beneath

In Suramar, a vrykul warrior named Hertha Grimdottir has been lying in wait for travelers. Put an end to her.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 8 hrs3000
What Lurks Beneath the Tower? Rare

Karazhan stirs. Send our forces to investigate the tower.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions - Dungeon8503× 500 16 hrs3000
Win the Crowd

The nightborne pride themselves on the great heights they've achieved with their civilization. Send our champions to their tournament.

1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 250 12 hrs3000
Withered Straining

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8603× 250 12 hrs3000
Woe of the Wyrmtongue

Scavenger's Post is crawling with wyrmtongue looking for valuable salvage. Beat them to it.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9502× 200 12 hrs6000
Worse Than Death

The Swamprock murlocs of Shipwreck Cove have a long history of grabbing survivors from wrecks and dragging them back to their village.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs3000
Wretched Echoes

Power flows through the Conservatory of the Arcane. Augari Wakeners practice their craft in death, and must be purged.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9252× 200 24 hrs6000
Yes, We Take Candle

Send some troops toe Candle Rock, and clear out the Bluewax miners there. We need the resources in that mine.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 3 hrs1000
Zone Support - Aszuna

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Azsuna.

110Zone Support - Horde7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Aszuna

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Azsuna.

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Highmountain

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in High Mountain.

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Highmountain

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in High Mountain.

110Zone Support - Horde7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Stormheim

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Stormheim.

110Zone Support - Horde7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Stormheim

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Stormheim.

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Suramar

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Suramar

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Suramar

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Suramar

110Zone Support - Horde7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Thal'Dranath

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Thal'Dranath.

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - The Broken Shore

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in The Broken Shore.

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Val'Sharah

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Val'sharah.

110Zone Support - Alliance7001 18 hrs0
Zone Support - Val'Sharah

Send a follower on this mission to have extra support while in Val'sharah.

110Zone Support - Horde7001 18 hrs0
zzA Citadel's Plunder Rare


1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 1000 3 days6000
zzA Relic of Argus Rare


1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 1000 2 days6000
zzJourney to the Core Rare


1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 1000 3 days6000
zzMemory of a Lost City Rare


1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 1000 2.5 days6000
zzRaiding the Ruins Rare


1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 1000 2.5 days6000
zzThe Demon Hoard Rare


1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 1000 2 days6000
A Shocking Confrontation

A rift has split right through the ley-ruins, discharging dangerous amounts of energy. We should destroy as many ley-creatures as we can.

1097.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 9 hrs2000
Slippery When Wet

The lion seals of Azsuna are taking up much of the viable shoreline and driving everyone away. Remove Ravyn-Drath, and the others will follow.

1097.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs2000
The Rocks Below

The vrykul use runestones to summon powerful elementals, including Boulderfall, the Eroded, who can block the flow of rivers vital to the life of the valley.

1097.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 7 hrs2000
An Apple a Day Keeps the Legion Away

We have reason to suspect that a Legion agent has successfully infiltrated the city of Dalaran, and is now posing as a simple fruit vendor.

1087.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 7 hrs1800
Don't Go In the Water

The local tribes have been terrorized by a giant fish lurking in the lakes of Highmountain. It's made off with a few of the fishermen as well.

1087.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 150 2 hrs1800
Freya's Spring: Harpy Mother

We were attacked by relentless harpies. Defend against the attack and take down their leader.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: Ice Furies

This high on the mountain, the elements themselves are our greatest enemy. Elementals of wind and ice roam the peaks. Defeat them and press on!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: Snowblind Mesa

The tauren at Snowblind Mesa are dealing with encroaching drogbar. They've asked for our aid in exchange for shelter.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: The Mountain

We made camp at the base of the mountain, but the area is home to hostile ettin. We'll need to fend them off before we make our ascent.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: The Mountain King

We are nearing Freya's Spring, but the area is guarded by a drogbar chieftain who calls himself the mountain king. Defeat him and we will gain our prize!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Infiltrating Our Enemies

In order to fulfill Velen's prophecy, we must infiltrate our enemies and find out if any among them could make a potential ally.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 20 60 min1800
Investigate Felsoul Hold

Before we can break our way to the other side, we will need to find the best place to steal a Legion gateway. Felsoul Hold is a candidate.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 150 60 min1800