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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
Deep Dark

Our scouts report a system of natural caverns beneath Black Rook Hold. We should investigate to see if they are as fortified as the castle above.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8453× 250 7 hrs3000
Encroaching Gloom

The veil between Eredath and the void is fragile within Isolon. Prevent the shadowguard from exploiting this weakness.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 500 7 hrs3000
Enthralled Energy

The nightborne have been drawing on the energies of the Starweaver's Sanctum, summoning terrible creatures of pure energy.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8053× 150 7 hrs3000
Evasive Species

Void aberrations are spilling out of the Umbra Hollows. Cull their numbers before they overrun Eredath.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 300 7 hrs3000
Far from Home

Reinforce the Shadow's Concourse so the ethereals cannot move freely between the Umbra Hollows and Shadowguard Incursion.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 300 7 hrs3000

Eredar Soulshapers are creating monstrous ur'zul in the Petrified Forest. They must be stopped.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 7 hrs3000
Fire At Will

The Legion is fortifying the Deceiver's Scar with Fel Devastators. Sabotage these cannons before they are operational.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 7 hrs3000
From Helheim

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8903× 250 7 hrs3000
Make It Rain

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 150 7 hrs3000
Meteor Mining

Many fragments of Argus floating near Eredath appear untouched by fel corruption. Send your champions to investigate.`

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 300 7 hrs3000
One Way Trip

The Portal Keepers beneath Kil'jaeden's Terrace are necessary for the Legion to quickly reinforce Eredath. Send the Portal Keepers back into the Nether.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 300 7 hrs3000
Preserving Memory

Spirits of the distant past relive their final nightmares in Triumvirate's End. Set them to rest.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 300 7 hrs3000
Prevent Apocalypse

Admiral Rel'var coordinates Legion movements from Terminus. Destroy him.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 300 7 hrs3000
Prince of the Hill

Of the same cut as his father, Hill Prince Urgo is destined to be lord of the dangerous hill ettin tribes in Highmountain. We should strike at him.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8203× 200 7 hrs3000
Prisoners of Value

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8903× 250 7 hrs3000
Provisioning Resistance

Darkfall Ridge was a stable settlement for decades. Tools and provisions can be found if the Legion is removed.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9002× 100 7 hrs4500
Return Fire

Infernals blaze across Keeper's Juncture. Banish them back into the Nether.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 400 7 hrs3000
Rotbriar Rampage Rare

A Rotbriar Trickster and some Scrappers have ganged up to accomplish their nefarious objectives.

609.0 Encounter - Ardenweald8005× 30 7 hrs600
Scrapping for Pieces

Not much can fend off trinket-stealing harpies, but Skullhat, a skull-wearing kobold of the Skywhisker tribe, has managed to hole up in the harpies' hills.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 7 hrs3000
Shadow of Helya

Dangers creep from the Helmouth, and even the dead are not safe in their graves. Investigate Stormheim and fight back against death itself.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 7 hrs3000
Singed Feathers

Few beasts are as dangerous and terrifying as Charfeather, an alpha owlcat that does not fear any hunter. Dispose of Charfeather.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8103× 150 7 hrs3000
So Long, Farewell

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 150 7 hrs3000
The Legion's Vanguard

Legion vessels dock at Terminus, taking on soldiers and supplies for their assaults against Azeroth. Bring those vessels down.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 300 7 hrs3000
The Mountain Stirs

In the Halls of the Mountain King, the drogbar and vrykul are conducting all manner of strange rituals, harnessing the power of the mountain. Put a stop to it.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 150 7 hrs3000
The Rocks Below

The vrykul use runestones to summon powerful elementals, including Boulderfall, the Eroded, who can block the flow of rivers vital to the life of the valley.

1097.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 7 hrs2000
Undisputed Heavyweight

A famous boxing champion in Highmountain has issued a challenge to everyone: Whoever can last three rounds with him will be rewarded handsomely.

1067.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 7 hrs1400
A Dying World

There are remote regions of the Argus Wastes with little Legion presence. Scout the Wastes for any resources untouched by fel corruption.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 6 hrs3000
Ambush at Grimwatt's Crash Rare

The outpost at Grimwatt's Crash is under attack by blood trolls! Dispatch reinforcements to aid in the defense!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Bat Out of Fel

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8653× 150 6 hrs3000
Big Hands, Big Swords

Ogre are known to possess massive, thick, and long swords. Disenchanting them makes a tremendous amount of dust.

100Enchanting3× 20 6 hrs1500
Bird Watching Rare

Rumors are swirling that a raid on an Outcast hovel has yielded a particularly interesting map. Intercept the arakkoa before they return to Skyreach!

97Exploration3× 50 6 hrs1000
Bitterbrine Treasure

Along the coast of Azsuna, the Britterbrine raiders have collected and hoarded vast amounts of loot. We should see if we can claim any.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7653× 250 6 hrs3000
Blackrock Munitions

Not only does the ammunition of the Iron Horde carry value on the black market, but lifting some means less for the Earthbreaker cannon.

100Treasure2 6 hrs1500
Block the Rook

Black Rook Hold has been overrun by the spirits of the damned. The long-dead Theryssia rises from her grave, attacking anyone.

1077.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 150 6 hrs1600
Break Their Garrison

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 300 6 hrs3000
Can't Go Home This Way

Trains symbolize inevitability, but you've never put much stock in fate. That's good: you've got a huge infrastructure to shatter.

100Combat6303 6 hrs1500
Colossal Purge

Felsoul Hold is churning out infernals almost too fast for us to handle. We should purge their numbers, so the Legion cannot rain them down.

1067.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 6 hrs1400
Crystallized Fel

Nath'raxas Hold contains a cache of fel crystals we could use to power our defenses. Infiltrate the Legion's base and recover them.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 6 hrs3000
Dangerous Fields

The denizens of Azsuna, whether natural or unnatural, are a dangerous sort. Be wary while traveling through the area.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions8503× 150 6 hrs3000
Deathhoof Rare

A doomsday weapon has been enchanted to look like an adorable baby clefthoof. Clefthoof violently defend their young. Proceed with caution.

100Combat6452× 10 6 hrs100
Demonic Influence

The demons of Faronaar extend their influence deep into Azsuna, corrupting any and all they can. Search, and dispose of any under the Legion's thumb.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8503× 250 6 hrs3000
Dino Research Rare

Zuldazar is home to a variety of dinosaur species that have not been encountered elsewhere. Dispatch a team of hunters to capture specimens for research!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150

A diversion on the western side of Arathi will provide cover for our troop landing to the east.

1208.0 - Quick Strike8003× 20 6 hrs3000

In the Field of Forgotten Kings, Oktel Dragonblood no longer rests peacefully in his grave. He was among the first to ride dragons. Defeat him.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8303× 200 6 hrs3000
Elemental Territory

A group of territorial elementals has claimed an area near our supply route in Frostfire Ridge. Slay them and collect any lost supplies.

100Combat2 6 hrs1500
Entreat the Fallen

Before they turned to fel, the eredar were masters of the arcane. Explore the Praetorium in search of lost magic.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 1800 6 hrs3000
Fate of the Fallen

Annihilan Fanatics are attempting to recover Aggonar's remains to hasten his reconstruction. Disrupt their efforts.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 1200 6 hrs3000
Feast of Crows

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8803× 250 6 hrs3000
Fickle Loyalty Rare

A disgruntled Bladespire Chef has provided us with a lead on an ancient map hidden in the mines beneath the citadel.

100Exploration1× 50 6 hrs1500
Finding Farahlon Rare

The Netherstorm must have come from somewhere. Get on a boat, sail northeast, and bring something good back while you're at it.

90Exploration1× 10 6 hrs500
Flux to Give

Blacksmiths know that furies can be harvested for the best flux. Snuff the fires and bring it home.

100Blacksmithing3× 20 6 hrs1500
Giant Slaying Rare

The outpost at Stonetusk Watch has been having issues with ettins in the woods. Dispatch a hunting party to eliminate the threat!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Go to Fel

The Defiled Path leads straight to the Burning Breach. Scout ahead for a path across.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 300 6 hrs3000
Got a Light?

A train full of artillery and explosives is about to leave the depot. Detonating one bomb should be enough to destroy the entire payload.

100Combat6303× 20 6 hrs1500
Got Your Goat

In the shadow of Black Rook Hold, herds of innocent goats have been terrorized by risen hounds. The farmers depend on those goats for their livelihood.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs3000
Grimwatt's Crash Rare

One of our supply planes crashed in Nazmir. We need to send a rescue party to secure the crash site before our supplies fall into enemy hands!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Hardened Creatures

Magnaron and goren both grow rocky plates on their hides that have magical properties. Collect these plates for our use.

100Combat3× 10 6 hrs1500
Herb Infused

A monstrous beast roams the Murkbog. Our alchemists say they can harvest it for a bounty of alchemy supplies.

100Alchemy3× 20 6 hrs1500
High in the Mountain

Its time to take Stili the Salty down.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 6 hrs1000
Highplains Robbery Rare

A Warsong elder carrying historical documents important to the clan is communing at the Elemental Plateau. Relieve her of her burdens.

100Exploration3× 50 6 hrs1000
Hillcrest Pasture Rare

Our scouts have found an ideal location for an outpost in Stormsong Valley, but it is currently occupied by the enemy. Dispatch a war party to claim Hillcrest Pasture for the Horde!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Hold Until Relieved

That bridge is a main conduit for Hode Supplies. Disrupting the flow of those supplies is critical to our war effort. Reinforcements are on thier way to relieve you. HOLD THAT POSITION!

1208.0 - Long Campaign8003× 40 6 hrs3000
Hunting the Hunters

The garn are primarily known for their ferocity, but they are only slightly lesser well known for their sumptuous furry pelts.

100Tailoring3× 20 6 hrs1500
Interrupt the Reclaimers

Reclaimers in Suramar are performing some curious rituals. Interrupt them, and try to discover their intentions.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 6 hrs1000
Jungle Escort Rare

The outpost at Mistvine Ledge has requested healing support. Dispatch a team to safely escort the reinforcements to the outpost!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Justice Has Come

The Army of the Light requires aid defending the Xenedar's wreckage. Help them hold the line.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 250 6 hrs3000
Kill and Cut

Iron Horde tents are made from rugged leather that can be crafted into fine leather armor.

100Leatherworking3× 20 6 hrs1500
Lessons of the Blade Rare

You will find Yozshura the Blademaster atop Mount Volwrath. Seek his wisdom, challenge him, and return enlightened.

100Combat6752× 60 6 hrs1500
Lost in the Foundry

The Iron Horde excavations taking place in The Pit occasionally turn up rare diamonds. Retrieve one and we'll make use of it.

100Treasure2 6 hrs1500
Magical Mystery Tour

The Kirin Tor who were sent to Gorgrond have gone silent. Turned or slain? Find out what's going on, and get them back on task if you can.

100Combat6303 6 hrs1500
Make Haste

The Azurelight Bazaar once contained all manner of ancient treasure. Comb through the wreckage.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9253× 250 6 hrs3000
Mind Your Step

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8953× 250 6 hrs3000
Missing Supplies Rare

A vital supply shipment for the outpost at Vulture's Nest has been intercepted by bandits. Dispatch a team to recover the stolen supplies!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Mistvine Ledge Rare

Our scouts have found an ideal location for an outpost in Zuldazar, but it is currently occupied by the enemy. Dispatch your troops to take Mistvine Ledge for the Alliance!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Moon Wings

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8603× 150 6 hrs3000
Mudfisher Cove Rare

Our scouts have found an ideal location for an outpost in Drustvar. Dispatch a war party to secure the area.

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Mugamba Overlook Rare

Our scouts have found an ideal location for an outpost in Zuldazar, but it is currently occupied by a tribe of wild gorillas. Dispatch a hunting party to clear the camp for the Alliance!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Nature Calls Rare

The druids at Swiftwind Post are seeking information concerning ancient Drust rituals. Dispatch a scouting party to search for clues!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Not More Cats

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8703× 100 6 hrs3000
Orgrimmar Incursion

1208.0 - Stealth8003× 40 6 hrs3000
Overwhelming Odds

Two massive fel cannons are wearing down the Vindicaar's shields. Disable them!

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9503× 2400 6 hrs3000
Pluck Them All

Our alchemists have found uses for the oils secreted by arakkoa feathers. Gather as many as you can - by any means necessary.

100Combat6153× 30 6 hrs1500
Power of a Titan

Lady Heretica saturates the infernals of Nath'raxas Hold with Sargerite, dramatically increasing their destructive potential. Put an end to these rituals.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions9003× 300 6 hrs3000
Profitable Machinations

A joint operation between the Venture Co. and Iron Horde is taking place on Darktide Roost. Profit must be some sort of motive.

100Treasure2 6 hrs1500
Rescue on the Bloody Cliffs

The bloodmaul ogres of the Stonefury Cliffs are infamous as brutal slavemasters. Show no quarter and free their slaves.

100Patrol3× 15 6 hrs1500
Rocks For Brains

With all the upheaval in Highmountain, the Ambershard elementals are pouring out of their caverns and threatening the Highmountain tribes.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs3000
Ruinous Portents

If our troops are to become battle hardened, there would be no better test than the immense magnaron, Drov the Ruiner.

100Patrol3× 10 6 hrs1500
Running Aground

The Iron Horde's flagship is at the Iron Docks. It's intimidating, but if it's steered into a shoal, it'll founder like any other boat.

100Combat6153× 20 6 hrs1500
Sablehorn Hides

The hides of the Sablehorn provide valuable materials for our troops.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 6 hrs1000
Scour the Surface Rare

Our champions must be adequately armed to assist Hatuun. Order them to search Krokuun for suitable equipment.

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7602× 100 6 hrs4500
Shafted Miners

A mineshaft has collapsed, and those Bloodmaul dogs have left the enslaved miners down there to die. We must dig them out!

100Combat6303× 30 6 hrs1500
Sixteen Tons

Slaves in the Slag Mines are ripe for revolt. Aid them. Then ask if they've dug up any powerful relics lately. Try to be subtle.

100Combat6303× 20 6 hrs1500
Slippery When Wet

The lion seals of Azsuna are taking up much of the viable shoreline and driving everyone away. Remove Ravyn-Drath, and the others will follow.

1097.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs2000
Souls of the Vykrul

1107.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions8853× 150 6 hrs3000
Spare Parts Rare

The outpost at Stonetusk Watch has requested materials to build a scrapping machine. Dispatch a war party to salvage the necessary materials from enemy engineers!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Spare Parts Rare

The outpost at Mugamba Overlook has requested materials to build a scrapping machine. Dispatch a war party to salvage the necessary materials from enemy engineers!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150

There are many paths to the great caverns in Highmountain, but some are more dangerous than others. Explore to see if there's a better way inside.

1107.0 Class Hall - Treasure Missions7603× 150 6 hrs3000
Stonefist Watch Rare

Our scouts have found an ideal location for an outpost on Vigil Hill, but it is currently guarded by the local militia. Dispatch a war party to clear them out!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150
Stonetusk Watch Rare

Our scouts have found an ideal location for an outpost in Stormsong Valley, but it is currently occupied by the enemy. Dispatch a war party to claim Stonetusk Watch for the Horde!

1208.0 - Hub Unlock8003× 100 6 hrs150

Our allies have hit a wall of storms in Galebroken Path, likely due to the awakened storm elemental raining down on them. Destroy Bladesquall.

1027.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 6 hrs600