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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Woundsplicer Handwraps
3732Hands Cloth
Archivist's Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Bipsi's Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Bloodthirsty Fireweave Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Satin Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Silk Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Blossoming Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Bone Fever Gloves
3731Hands Cloth
Daughter's Hands
3732Hands Cloth
Dolomite Adorned Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Dolomite Adorned Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Gloves of Aetherial Rumors
3731Hands Cloth
Gloves of Purification
3732Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Painless Midnight
3732Hands Cloth
Gold-Flecked Gloves
377Hands Cloth
Mnemiopsis Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Mnemiopsis Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Roffle's Ruffly Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Smoldercloth Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Vicious Embersilk Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Vicious Fireweave Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Ambermist Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Angkhal Handguards
37Hands Cloth
Angkhal Handwraps
37Hands Cloth
Bamboo Fiber Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Bamboo Strip Handguards
37Hands Cloth
Faded Forest Satin Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Faded Forest Silk Handguards
3732Hands Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Handguards
37Hands Cloth
Growing Handwraps
3732Hands Cloth
Mountainscaler Satin Gloves
3733Hands Cloth
Mountainscaler Silk Handguards
3733Hands Cloth
Nayeli Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Nayeli Handwraps
37Hands Cloth
Reed Handwraps
3732Hands Cloth
Scavenger's Satin Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Scavenger's Silk Handguards
37Hands Cloth
Silkmasters' Satin Gloves
37Hands Cloth
Silkwood Handguards
37Hands Cloth
Stitched Handwraps
3731Hands Cloth
Windwool Gloves
3732Hands Cloth
Netherworn Handwraps
3740Hands Cloth
Shandris's Fingerless Gloves
3740Hands Cloth
Sunbleached Handwraps
3740Hands Cloth
Unraveling Cloth Handwraps
3740Hands Cloth
Deathsilk Gloves
3630Hands Cloth
Dolomite Adorned Gloves
3630Hands Cloth
Mnemiopsis Gloves
3629Hands Cloth
Vonica's Gauntlets
3630Hands Cloth
Bluefen Handwraps
3632Hands Cloth
Brightwood Handwraps
3630Hands Cloth
Corruption Resistant Gloves
36Hands Cloth
Diamond Clutching Gloves
36Hands Cloth
Everstill Handwraps
3631Hands Cloth
Forge-Hold Gloves
36Hands Cloth
Galardell Handwraps
3632Hands Cloth
Gloves of Troggslaying
36Hands Cloth
Gunnery Gloves
36Hands Cloth
Impeccable Uniform Gauntlets
36Hands Cloth
Keythief Handwraps
36Hands Cloth
Mystral Handwraps
3631Hands Cloth
Spiritmend Gloves
3631Hands Cloth
Gronncloth Gloves
3635Hands Cloth
Bloodmage Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Bloodmage Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Cold Sweat Grips
3530Hands Cloth
Cold Sweat Grips
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Deathbringer Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Deathbringer Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Gloves of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Handwraps of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Handwraps of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Kirin Tor Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Conqueror's Kirin Tor Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Constructor's Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Constructor's Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Dark Coven Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Dark Coven Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 5
3530Hands Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 5
3530Hands Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 5
3530Hands Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 5
3530Hands Cloth
Ebonweave Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 6
3530Hands Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 6
3530Hands Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 6
3530Hands Cloth