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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Furious Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 6
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Ambivalence
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Broken Fingers
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Broken Fingers
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Dark Gestures
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of False Gestures
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Glistening Runes
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Grandeur
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Looming Shadow
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Looming Shadow
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Fallen Wizard
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Lifeless Touch
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Lifeless Touch
3530Hands Cloth
Gloves of Token Respect
3530Hands Cloth
Gul'dan's Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Gul'dan's Gloves of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Gul'dan's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Gul'dan's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Gunship Captain's Mittens
3530Hands Cloth
Gunship Captain's Mittens
3530Hands Cloth
Handgrips of Turmoil
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Plentiful Recovery
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Plentiful Recovery
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Resonance
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Resonance
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Surrendered Hope
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of the Lifeless Touch
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of the Lifeless Touch
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of the Vigilant
3530Hands Cloth
Handwraps of the Vigilant
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Satin Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Silk Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Silk Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Frostfire Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Frostfire Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Gloves of Faith
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Gloves of Faith
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Handwraps of Faith
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Plagueheart Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Heroes' Plagueheart Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Gloves of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Gloves of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Khadgar's Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Khadgar's Gauntlets of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Khadgar's Gauntlets of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Khadgar's Gauntlets of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Kirin Tor Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Looming Shadow Wraps
3530Hands Cloth
Looming Shadow Wraps
3530Hands Cloth
Marwyn's Macabre Fingertips
3530Hands Cloth
Moonshroud Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Overlook Handguards
3530Hands Cloth
Pharos Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Pulsar Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 7
3530Hands Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 7
3530Hands Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 7
3530Hands Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 7
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Bloodmage Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Bloodmage Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
San'layn Ritualist Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
San'layn Ritualist Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Sister's Handshrouds
3530Hands Cloth
Sister's Handshrouds
3530Hands Cloth
Spellweave Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Static Charge Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Static Charge Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Sunstrider's Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Sunstrider's Gauntlets of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth
Sunstrider's Gauntlets of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Sunstrider's Gauntlets of Triumph
3530Hands Cloth
Suspiciously Soft Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Touch of the Occult
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Deathbringer Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Deathbringer Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Frostfire Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Gloves of Faith
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Gloves of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Gloves of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Handwraps of Faith
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Handwraps of Sanctification
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Kirin Tor Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Kirin Tor Gauntlets
3530Hands Cloth
Valorous Plagueheart Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Velen's Gloves of Conquest
3530Hands Cloth