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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Wasteland Leather Spaulders
3834Shoulders Leather
Wasteland Leather Tunic
3834Chest Leather
Watch Master's Breastplate
16Chest Bones That Walk Leather
Watchman's Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Waterlogged Leggings
104Legs Leather
Waterproof Leggings
12Legs The Floodsurge Core Leather
Wax-Coated Chestguard
33ChestQuest Leather
Wax-Filled Hood
36Head Siren's Song Leather
Weavers of the Unending Tale
18Hands Saving Yenniku Leather
Webspinner Bindings
3529WristsLooted Leather
Webspinner Boots
3529FeetLooted Leather
Webspinner Cord
3529WaistLooted Leather
Webspinner Gloves
3529HandsLooted Leather
Webspinner Hood
3529HeadLooted Leather
Webspinner Leggings
3529LegsLooted Leather
Webspinner Shoulderguards
3529ShouldersLooted Leather
Webspinner Vest
3529ChestLooted Leather
Webweave Stompers
40070Feet Leather
Well Crafted Leather Britches
16Legs Deep Roots Leather
Wendigo Bands
3429WristsLooted Leather
Wendigo Boots
3429FeetLooted Leather
Wendigo Chestpiece
3429ChestLooted Leather
Wendigo Collar
85Waist Big Crate of Salvage Leather
Wendigo Girdle
3429WaistLooted Leather
Wendigo Gloves
3429HandsLooted Leather
Wendigo Hood
3429HeadLooted Leather
Wendigo Legguards
3429LegsLooted Leather
Wendigo Pauldrons
3429ShouldersLooted Leather
Whalehunter Cuffs
81Wrists Leather
Whalehunter Gloves
32Hands The Emissary Leather
Whalehunter Leggings
32Legs Leading the Ancestors Home Leather
Whirling Dervish Belt
6050WaistLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Bindings
6050WristsLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Breeches
6050LegsLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Gloves
6050HandsLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Shoulders
6050ShouldersLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Striders
6050FeetLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Turban
6050HeadLooted Leather
Whirling Dervish Vest
6050ChestLooted Leather
Whirlpool Bracers
36Wrists Any Portal in a Storm Leather
Whisper Bindings
3732WristsLooted Leather
Whisper Boots
3732FeetLooted Leather
Whisper Britches
3732LegsLooted Leather
Whisper Gloves
3732HandsLooted Leather
Whisper Hood
3732HeadLooted Leather
Whisper Jerkin
3732ChestLooted Leather
Whisper Shoulders
3732ShouldersLooted Leather
Whisper Waistband
3732WaistLooted Leather
Whisperwind Armbands
25Wrists The Core of Kroshius Leather
White Drakeskin Cap
22Head Leather
White Leather Jerkin
64ChestCrafted Leather
Wicked Leather Armor
2923ChestCrafted Leather
Wicked Leather Belt
2923WaistCrafted Leather
Wicked Leather Bracers
2721WristsCrafted Leather
Wicked Leather Gauntlets
2720HandsCrafted Leather
Wicked Leather Headband
2822HeadCrafted Leather
Wicked Leather Pants
2822LegsCrafted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Belt of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440WaistLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Belt of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440WaistLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Bindings of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440WristsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Bindings of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440WristsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Boots of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440FeetLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Boots of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440FeetLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Legguards
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Legguards
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Tunic
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Dragonhide Tunic
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Legguards
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Legguards
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Tunic
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Ironskin Tunic
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Gloves
Warlords Season 2
4440HandsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Helm
Warlords Season 2
4440HeadLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Legguards
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Legguards
Warlords Season 2
4440LegsLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Spaulders
Warlords Season 2
4440ShouldersLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Tunic
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Leather
Wild Aspirant's Leather Tunic
Warlords Season 2
4440ChestLooted Leather
Wild Draenish Boots
3024FeetCrafted Leather
Wild Draenish Gloves
3025HandsCrafted Leather
Wild Draenish Leggings
3125LegsCrafted Leather
Wild Draenish Vest
3126ChestCrafted Leather
Wild Leather Boots
2519FeetCrafted Leather
Wild Leather Helmet
2417HeadCrafted Leather
Wild Leather Leggings
2620LegsCrafted Leather