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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Wrangler's Leggings
1710LegsLooted Leather
Wrangler's Mantle
1811ShouldersLooted Leather
Wrangler's Wraps
1811ChestLooted Leather
Wrangler's Wristbands
149WristsLooted Leather
Wrap of Furious Pride
35Waist Lycanthoth the Corruptor Leather
Wraps of Seven Sacred Seals
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Barbed Assassin
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Haunted Forest
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Shattered Vale
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Thousandfold Blades
110Wrists Leather
Wristguard of Healing Fingers
33Wrists Trolls Is Gone Crazy! Leather
Wristwraps of Fading Luminescence
40070Wrists Leather
Wyrmhide Spaulders
28Shoulders Leather
Yellow Ribbon Armbands
18Wrists Stromgarde Badges Leather
Yeti Hide Britches
22Legs Sasquatch Sighting Leather
Yeti Hide Britches
22Legs Sasquatch Sighting Leather
Yeti Hide Mantle
34Shoulders Making a Harness Leather
Yngwie's Vest
6Chest Leather
Yngwie's Vest
4Chest Send a Message Leather
Yojamba Bindings
3529WristsLooted Leather
Yojamba Boots
3529FeetLooted Leather
Yojamba Britches
3529LegsLooted Leather
Yojamba Gloves
3529HandsLooted Leather
Yojamba Hood
3529HeadLooted Leather
Yojamba Jerkin
3529ChestLooted Leather
Yojamba Shoulders
3529ShouldersLooted Leather
Yojamba Waistband
3529WaistLooted Leather
Yorick's Bequest
5Hands Waiting to Exsanguinate Leather
Yvonia's Pauldrons
18Shoulders Schemin' That Sabotage Leather
Zaralek Arachnid Armbands
35070Wrists Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Bindings
35070Wrists Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Breeches
35070Legs Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Epaulets
35070Shoulders Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Grips
35070Hands Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Helm
35070Head Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Sash
35070Waist Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Vest
35070Chest Leather
Zaralek Surveyor's Waders
35070Feet Leather
Zaxxis Boots
32Feet Warp-Raider Nesaad Leather
Zin'Jun's Blindfold
6358Head Leather
Zorbin's Water Resistant Hat
25Head Even More Fuel for the Zapping Leather
[PH] Leather Boots of the Brilliant Dawn
100100FeetUnobtainable Leather
[PH] Leather Boots of the Rising Dawn
100100Feet Leather
[PH] Leather Boots of the Shining Dawn
100100Feet Leather
[PH] Leather Bracers of the Brilliant Dawn
100100WristsUnobtainable Leather
[PH] Leather Bracers of the Rising Dawn
100100Wrists Leather
[PH] Leather Bracers of the Shining Dawn
100100Wrists Leather
[PH] Leather Chestguard of the Brilliant Dawn
100100ChestUnobtainable Leather
[PH] Leather Chestguard of the Rising Dawn
100100Chest Leather
[PH] Leather Chestguard of the Shining Dawn
100100Chest Leather
[PH] Leather Leggings of the Rising Dawn
100100Legs Leather
[PH] Leather Leggings of the Shining Dawn
100100Legs Leather
[PH] Rising Dawn Cap
1Head Leather
[PH] Rising Dawn Mitts
1Hands Leather
[PH] Shining Dawn Cap
100100Head Leather
Acceleration Belt
2Waist Finishin' the Job Leather
Agamand Family Bracelet
4Wrists The Family Crypt Leather
Animal Skin Belt
4Waist Gathering Leather Leather
Archery Training Gloves
2Hands The Balance of Nature Leather
Armstead Bracers
2Wrists While You're At It Leather
Bandit Shoulders
148ShouldersLooted Leather
Bashing Pauldrons
127Shoulders Leather
Battered Leather Belt
53Waist Leather
Battered Leather Boots
53Feet Leather
Battered Leather Bracers
53Wrists Leather
Battered Leather Gloves
53Hands Leather
Battered Leather Harness
53Chest Leather
Battered Leather Pants
53Legs Leather
Battle Harness
2114Chest Leather
Battle Worn Gloves
4Hands Bandits! Leather
Battleworn Leather Gloves
2Hands Leather
Beast Tracker's Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Belt of Brill
4Waist Maggot Eye Leather
Big Trogg Armbands
1Wrists Give 'em What-For Leather
Bindings of the Earth Spirit
3Wrists The Spirit and Body of Shen-zin Su Leather
Black Bear Hide Vest
63Chest Bjarn Leather
Black Leather Vest
3Chest The Dead Scar Leather
Blackened Leather Belt
2Waist Vile Touch Leather
Boar Hide Belt
1Waist Cutting Teeth Leather
Boots of Brill
4Feet The Grasp Weakens Leather
Boots of Courage
4Feet Evil from the Seas Leather
Boots of the Weary Raider
4Feet It's Raid Night Every Night Leather
Borderlands Bracers
1WristsQuest Leather
Bound Harness
5Chest Leather
Bracers of Angular Momentum
2Wrists Down with Crushcog! Leather
Buckled Harness
106Chest Leather
Burnt Hide Bracers
6Wrists Leather
Burnt Leather Belt
42WaistLooted Leather
Burnt Leather Boots
42FeetLooted Leather
Burnt Leather Bracers
42WristsLooted, Fished Leather
Burnt Leather Gloves
53HandsLooted Leather
Canopy Leggings
2Legs Fel Moss Corruption Leather
Caregiver's Leggings
3Legs Save the Children! Leather
Ceremonial Leather Ankleguards
85FeetLooted Leather
Ceremonial Leather Belt
74WaistLooted Leather
Ceremonial Leather Bracers
64WristsLooted Leather
Ceremonial Leggings
4LegsQuest Leather
Cold Focus Leggings
2Legs No More Mercy Leather
Cougar Pelt Boots
4Feet Leather
Cougar Pelt Wristwraps
4Wrists Mazzranache Leather