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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Venomtail Chestguard
37ChestLooted Mail
Venomtail Gauntlets
37HandsLooted Mail
Venomtail Girdle
37WaistLooted Mail
Venomtail Gloves
37Hands Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Venomtail Helm
37Head Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Venomtail Pauldrons
37Shoulders Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Venomtail Shoulderguards
37ShouldersLooted Mail
Venomtail Treads
37Feet Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Venomtail Vest
37Chest Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Venomtail Visor
37HeadLooted Mail
Chain Armor of Eminent Domain
37Chest Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Chain Leggings
37Legs Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Ringmail Leggings
37Legs Mail
Landfall Chain Boots
37Feet Mail
Landfall Sabatons
37Feet Mail
Peacebreaker's Chain Helm
37Head Mail
Peacebreaker's Ringmail Helm
37Head Mail
Ringmail Armor of Eminent Domain
37Chest Mail
Scavenger's Chain Gauntlets
37Hands Mail
Scavenger's Chain Spaulders
37Shoulders Mail
Scavenger's Chain Wristguards
37Wrists Mail
Scavenger's Ringmail Armbands
37Wrists Mail
Scavenger's Ringmail Gauntlets
37Hands Mail
Scavenger's Ringmail Spaulders
37Shoulders Mail
Sparkmail Boots
36FeetLooted Mail
Sparkmail Bracers
36Wrists Scorched Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Sparkmail Headguard
36HeadLooted Mail
Sparkmail Helm
36Head Scorched Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Sparkmail Sabatons
36FeetLooted Mail
Sparkmail Wristguards
36WristsLooted Mail
Icefall Chain Belt
33Waist Icy Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Icefall Chain Gloves
33Hands Icy Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Icefall Chain Helm
33Head Icy Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Icefall Chain Leggings
33Legs Icy Satchel of Helpful Goods Mail
Icefall Mail Girdle
33WaistLooted Mail
Icefall Mail Gloves
33HandsLooted Mail
Icefall Mail Helm
33HeadLooted Mail
Icefall Mail Leggings
33LegsLooted Mail
Grim Brave Vest
31Chest Mail
Earthen Belt
13Waist Mail
Earthen Chestguard
13Chest Mail
Earthen Chestpiece
13Chest Mail
Earthen Coif
13Head Mail
Earthen Cord
13Waist Mail
Earthen Footguards
13Feet Mail
Earthen Greaves
13Legs Mail
Earthen Handguards
13Hands Mail
Earthen Handwraps
13Hands Mail
Earthen Leggings
13Legs Mail
Earthen Mining Hat
13Head Mail
Earthen Striders
13Feet Mail
Gilnean Recruit's Belt
5Waist Mail
Prisoner's Drawstring
5Waist Mail
Prisoner's Shirt
5Chest Mail
Prisoner's Shorts
5Legs Mail
Empathetic Mail
4Chest None Left Behind Mail
Links of Grieving
4Waist Passing Wisdom Mail
Service Greaves
4LegsQuest Mail
Waders of Bravery
4Feet Evil from the Seas Mail
Bracers of the Earth Spirit
3Wrists The Spirit and Body of Shen-zin Su Mail
Handgrips of Verity
3Hands Rewritten Wisdoms Mail
Padded Greaves
3Legs Still Good! Mail
Ringing Boots
3Feet Missing Mallet Mail
Frostmane Chain Vest
2Chest Mail
Gauntlets of Splashing Water
2Hands A New Friend Mail
Initiate's Boots
2Feet Fanning the Flames Mail
Initiate's Chestpiece
2Chest The Way of the Tushui Mail
Initiate's Greaves
2Legs The Way of the Huojin Mail
Leather Belt
2Waist Mail
Rusted Chain Belt
2Waist Mail
Rusted Chain Boots
2Feet Mail
Rusted Chain Bracers
2Wrists Mail
Rusted Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Rusted Chain Leggings
2Legs Mail
Rusted Chain Vest
2Chest Mail
Sun Pearl Chainmail
2Chest The Sun Pearl Mail
Tarnished Chain Belt
2Waist Mail
Tarnished Chain Boots
2Feet Mail
Tarnished Chain Bracers
2Wrists Mail
Tarnished Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Tarnished Chain Leggings
2Legs Mail
Tarnished Chain Vest
2Chest Mail
Unadorned Chain Belt
2Waist Mail
Unadorned Chain Boots
2Feet Mail
Unadorned Chain Bracers
2Wrists Mail
Unadorned Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Unadorned Chain Leggings
2Legs Mail
Unadorned Chain Vest
2Chest Mail
Unmarred Chain
2Waist The Lesson of Dry Fur Mail
Flimsy Chain Boots
2FeetLooted Mail
Flimsy Chain Bracers
2WristsLooted Mail
Flimsy Chain Gloves
2HandsLooted Mail
Flimsy Chain Vest
2ChestLooted Mail
Shoddy Chain Boots
2FeetLooted Mail
Shoddy Chain Bracers
2WristsLooted Mail
Shoddy Chain Gloves
2HandsLooted Mail
Shoddy Chain Vest
2ChestLooted Mail
Armbands of the Honored Valarjar
1Wrists Mail
Boots of a Broken World
1Feet Mail
Coif of the Honored Valarjar
1Head Mail