

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Streamslither Boots
44Feet Mail
Streamslither Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Streamslither Chestguard
44Chest Mail
Streamslither Gauntlets
44Hands Mail
Streamslither Helm
44Head Mail
Streamslither Legguards
44Legs Mail
Streamslither Spaulders
44Shoulders Mail
Thorignir Javelin Mantle
44Shoulders Mail
Thornbrace Boots
44Feet Mail
Thornbrace Chainmail
44Chest Mail
Thornbrace Helm
44Head Mail
Thornbrace Spaulders
44Shoulders Mail
Troll Auxillary Chainmail
44Chest Mail
Violet Guardian's Helm
44Head Mail
Wall Watcher's Coif
44Head Mail
Whitewater Amice
44Shoulders Mail
Whitewater Boots
44Feet Mail
Whitewater Chestwrap
44Chest Mail
Whitewater Headguard
44Head Mail
Whitewater Helmet
44Head Mail
Whitewater Links
44Waist Mail
Academy Chain
44Waist Mail
Apostate's Hauberk
44Chest Mail
Armbands of Unrelenting Anguish
44Wrists Mail
Blackfeather Grips
44Hands Mail
Blighthound Master's Greaves
44Feet Mail
Charged Stormwing Belt
44Waist Mail
Dark Ranger Shoulderguards
44Shoulders Mail
Dark Ranger Wristguards
44Wrists Mail
Deep Squatter's Belt
44Waist Mail
Elementally Infused Boots
44Feet Mail
Felmonger's Treads
44Feet Mail
Greywatch Spaulders
44Shoulders Mail
Gryphonstalker's Visage
44Head Mail
Helm of the Fel Shaman
44Head Mail
Helmet of Demon Warding
44Head Mail
Humming Stormwing Chest
44Chest Mail
Lead-Studded Chestguard
44Chest Mail
Mistcaller Mail Belt
44Waist Mail
Nobundo's Earthshaper Kilt
44Legs Mail
Oenologer's Protection Bands
44Wrists Mail
Pinerock Tracker's Shoulderguards
44Shoulders Mail
Runesworn Boots
44Feet Mail
Scrapper's Coif
44Head Mail
Seaspray Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Seaspray Chain Boots
44Feet Mail
Seaspray Cinch
44Waist Mail
Seaspray Gauntlets
44Hands Mail
Seaspray Helm
44Head Mail
Seaspray Leggings
44Legs Mail
Seaspray Mantle
44Shoulders Mail
Seaspray Pants
44Legs Mail
Seaspray Sabatons
44Feet Mail
Shark-Link Gloves
44Hands Mail
Shotgun Rider's Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Skyfire Engineer's Mantle
44Shoulders Mail
Skyfire Engineer's Wristguards
44Wrists Mail
Soul-Stealer's Chain Pants
44Legs Mail
Standard Earthen Ring Regalia
44Legs Mail
Starlance Mantle
44Shoulders Mail
Stormborn Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Stormborn Cinch
44Waist Mail
Stormborn Cuffs
44Wrists Mail
Stormborn Gloves
44Hands Mail
Stormborn Hauberk
44Chest Mail
Stormborn Legguards
44Legs Mail
Stormborn Monnion
44Shoulders Mail
Stormborn Tunic
44Chest Mail
Stormborn Waistguard
44Waist Mail
Stormsteppe Belt
44Waist Mail
Stormsteppe Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Stormsteppe Chain Belt
44Waist Mail
Stormsteppe Gauntlets
44Hands Mail
Stormsteppe Sabatons
44Feet Mail
Stormsteppe Wristwraps
44Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Armbands
44Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Belt
44Waist Mail
Streamtalker Boots
44Feet Mail
Streamtalker Coif
44Head Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
44Hands Mail
Streamtalker Legwraps
44Legs Mail
Streamtalker Pauldrons
44Shoulders Mail
Streamtalker Tunic
44Chest Mail
Sweat-Swollen Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Thornbrace Gauntlets
44Hands Mail
Thornbrace Girdle
44Waist Mail
Thornbrace Grips
44Hands Mail
Thornbrace Leggings
44Legs Mail
Thornbrace Sabatons
44Feet Mail
Thornbrace Waistguard
44Waist Mail
Thornbrace Wristguards
44Wrists Mail
Tinkerer's Thinking Hat
44Head Mail
Tinkmaster's Buzzing Kickers
44Feet Mail
Trailseeker Belt
44Waist Mail
Trailseeker Bracers
44Wrists Mail
Trailseeker Gauntlets
44Hands Mail
Trailseeker Greaves
44Feet Mail
Trailseeker Helm
44Head Mail
Trailseeker Legguards
44Legs Mail
Trailseeker Spaulders
44Shoulders Mail