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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Spiderlord Spaulders
3529ShouldersLooted, Mined Mail
Spiked Chain Belt
1610WaistLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Breastplate
1811ChestLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Gauntlets
1610HandsLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Leggings
1710LegsLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Shoulder Pads
1710ShouldersLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Slippers
1710FeetLooted Mail
Spiked Chain Wristbands
1610WristsLooted Mail
Spiked Magmoth Chestpiece
32ChestQuest Mail
Spiked Magmoth Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Spiked Magmoth Helm
32HeadQuest Mail
Spiked Magmoth Mantle
32ShouldersQuest Mail
Spirestrider Belt
4238WaistLooted Mail
Spirestrider Bracers
4238WristsLooted Mail
Spirestrider Gauntlets
4238HandsLooted Mail
Spirestrider Greaves
4238FeetLooted Mail
Spirestrider Helm
4238HeadLooted Mail
Spirestrider Legguards
4238LegsLooted Mail
Spirestrider Spaulders
4238ShouldersLooted Mail
Spirestrider Vest
4238ChestLooted Mail
Spirited Stag's Chestguard
41570Chest Mail
Spirited Stag's Cuffs
41570Wrists Mail
Spirited Stag's Epaulets
41570Shoulders Mail
Spirited Stag's Handguards
41570Hands Mail
Spirited Stag's Helm
41570Head Mail
Spirited Stag's Legguards
41570Legs Mail
Spirited Stag's Treads
41570Feet Mail
Spirited Stag's Waistguard
41570Waist Mail
Spitelinked Bracers
34Wrists Wipe That Grin Off His Face Mail
Sporefused Chainmail
40070Chest Mail
Spothide Legguards
7Legs Jango Spothide Mail
Spritescale Boots
2215FeetCrafted Mail
Spritescale Britches
1912LegsCrafted Mail
Spritescale Cinch
2013WaistCrafted Mail
Spritescale Epaulets
1710ShouldersCrafted Mail
Spritescale Gloves
2114HandsCrafted Mail
Spritescale Jerkin
2013ChestCrafted Mail
Spritescale Wraps
2214WristsCrafted Mail
Squadron Leader's Gloves
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Stained Shoulderguards
28Shoulders A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Mail
Stained Shoulderguards
28Shoulders A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Mail
Standard Earthen Ring Regalia
44Legs Making the World Safe for Profit Mail
Starbreeze Gauntlets
6Hands Timely Arrival Mail
Stardust Waistcord
16Waist Return to Stardust Mail
Starfish Gauntlets
35Hands A Pearl of Wisdom Mail
Starlance Mantle
44Shoulders Back from the Dead Mail
Star's Rest Treads
33FeetQuest Mail
Starvation Leggings
9Legs Like a Fart in the Wind Mail
Starwhisper Spaulders
13Shoulders Agents of Destruction Mail
Steadfast Bracelets
2114WristsLooted Mail
Steadfast Breastplate
2316ChestLooted Mail
Steadfast Coronet
2316HeadLooted Mail
Steadfast Girdle
2114WaistLooted Mail
Steadfast Gloves
2214HandsLooted Mail
Steadfast Legplates
2215LegsLooted Mail
Steadfast Shoulders
2316ShouldersLooted Mail
Steadfast Stompers
2215FeetLooted Mail
Steel Breastplate
2215ChestCrafted Mail
Steel Reinforced Bracer
5Wrists Protect the Frontier Mail
Steel Thunder Chestbrace
6Chest Steel Thunder Mail
Steel-Clasped Bracers
18Wrists Mail
Steelgut's Undermail
18Chest Drowned Sorrows Mail
Steel-Linked Footguards
700Feet Mail
Steel-Linked Waistguard
700Waist Mail
Steel-Patched Armbands
18Wrists Raptor Scraps Mail
Steelscale Bracers
10050Wrists Mail
Steelscale Chainmail
10050Chest Mail
Steelscale Cinch
10050Waist Mail
Steelscale Gloves
10050Hands Mail
Steelscale Helm
10050Head Mail
Steelscale Leggings
10050Legs Mail
Steelscale Shoulderguards
10050Shoulders Mail
Steelscale Striders
10050Feet Mail
Stem-Laced Boots
22Feet Greasing the Wheel Mail
Steppe Belt
3732WaistLooted Mail
Steppe Bracers
3732WristsLooted Mail
Steppe Gauntlets
3732HandsLooted Mail
Steppe Greaves
3732FeetLooted Mail
Steppe Helm
3732HeadLooted Mail
Steppe Legguards
3732LegsLooted Mail
Steppe Spaulders
3732ShouldersLooted Mail
Steppe Vest
3732ChestLooted Mail
Stillfire Leggings
31Legs Skywing Mail
Stomachache Cinch
19Waist Gammerita, Mon! Mail
Stonefang Breastplate
1Chest Mail
Stonefang Footguards
110Feet Mail
Stonefang Girdle
110Waist Mail
Stonefang Grips
110Hands Mail
Stonefang Helmet
110Head Mail
Stonefang Legwraps
110Legs Mail
Stonefang Mantle
110Shoulders Mail
Stonefang Wristguards
110Wrists Mail
Stonehallow's Pressed Cuffs
5Wrists The Public Servant Mail
Stonemaul Gauntlets
22Hands Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern Mail
Stonesmirk Breastplate
11Chest Mail
Stormbinder Armbands
3530Wrists Mail
Stormbinder Armguard
3530Wrists Mail
Stormbinder Belt
3530Waist Mail
Stormbinder Boots
3530Feet Mail
Stormbinder Bracers
3530Wrists Mail