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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Aku'mai Worshipper's Greatboots
1610Feet Plate
Creche-Guard's Sabatons
1610Feet Plate
Heart-Lesion Sabatons
1610Feet Plate
Lightsoul Sabatons
1610Feet Plate
Warsinger's Sabatons
1610Feet Plate
Sentinel's Warboots
1310Feet Plate
Shan'ze Sabatons
1310Feet Plate
Timerunner's Warboots
1310Feet Plate
Greenstone Boots
1310Feet Plate
Renowned Expeditioner's Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Bladesworn Warboots
110Feet Plate
Cliffbreaker Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Cragchewer Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Everbright Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Gatecrasher Warboots
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of Cyclopean Dread
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of Resounding Rings
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of the All-Consuming Maw
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of the Last Mogu
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of the Lost Catacomb
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Feet Plate
Greatboots of Winged Triumph
110Feet Plate
Greenstone Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Highpeak Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Lightning Emperor's Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Lightning Emperor's Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Lightning Emperor's Warboots
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of Cyclopean Dread
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of Resounding Rings
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of the All-Consuming Maw
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of the Last Mogu
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of the Lost Catacomb
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Feet Plate
Sabatons of Winged Triumph
110Feet Plate
Shan'ze Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Spiritguard's Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Steel Sentinel's Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Sunsoul Warboots
110Feet Plate
Swarmbreaker's Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Wallwatcher Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Cyclopean Dread
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Resounding Rings
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Resounding Rings
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the All-Consuming Maw
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the Last Mogu
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the Lost Catacomb
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Winged Triumph
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Greatboots
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Sabatons
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Warboots
110Feet Plate
Yaungolian Warboots
110Feet Plate
Acherus Knight's Greaves
298Feet Plate
Savage Trodders
138Feet Plate
Dented Plate Boots
58Feet Plate
Goblin Treekickers
116Feet Plate
Gorewalker Treads
116Feet Plate
Volunteer's Greaves
85Feet Plate
Copper Chain Boots
42Feet Plate
Warlords Intro Zone PH Plate Warboots
500Feet Plate
Speleothemic Footguards
379Feet Plate
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
350Feet Plate
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
330Feet Plate
Tuskarr Feet Buckets
200Feet Plate
Sleet Shined Stompers
200Feet Plate
Boots of Avoidance
164Feet Plate
Felforged Warboots
45Feet Plate
Tempered Warboots
44Feet Plate
Kyparite Boots
37Feet Plate
Kyparite Stompers
37Feet Plate
Landfall Plate Boots
37Feet Plate
Landfall Warboots
37Feet Plate
Emberspark Plate Boots
36Feet Plate
Emberspark Plate Sabatons
36Feet Plate
Earthen Sabatons
13Feet Plate
Dancing Boots
3Feet Plate
Initiate's Sabatons
2Feet Plate
Boots of the Righteous Path
1Feet Plate
Eternal Judgment Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Eternal Sabatons of Wrath
1Feet Plate
Pale Rider's Eternal Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Shadowmoon Anchorite's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Warboots of the Honored Valarjar
1Feet Plate
Amaranthine Path Greaves
1Feet Plate
Black Rook Elite Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Blood Knight's Dedication Greaves
1Feet Plate
Citadel Crusher's Footwraps
1Feet Plate
Drekirjar Warrior's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Fel-Automaton Stompers
1Feet Plate
Goldspine Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Jingoist's Warboots
1Feet Plate
Jotunheim Berserker's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Overgrown Freyan Boots
1Feet Plate
Telhamat Anchorite's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Tidecrasher Greaves
1Feet Plate
Twilight Zealot's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Valhalas Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Warmonger's Warboots
1Feet Plate
Ymirjar Deathbringer's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Helarjar Berserker Warboots
1Feet Plate