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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Tempered Thorium Boots
26Feet Plate
Mazoga's Boots
25Feet Chief Ukorz Sandscalp Plate
Gnomish Water Sinking Device
25Feet Rescue OOX-09/HL! Plate
Impatient Boots
24Feet Captain Dreadbeard Plate
Impatient Boots
24Feet Captain Dreadbeard Plate
Impish Boots
24Feet See the Invisible Plate
Shinkicker Boots
24FeetUnobtainable Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Front-Line Warboots
23Feet Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Marjhan's Stand
23Feet The Commander Plate
Rushridge Boots
23Feet Plate
Big Footwear
22Feet Sasquatch Sighting Plate
Big Footwear
22Feet Sasquatch Sighting Plate
Jungle Boots
22Feet Plate
Raceway Boots
22Feet Down in the Deeps Plate
Raceway Boots
22Feet Down in the Deeps Plate
Boots of the Noble Path
21Feet Agamaggan's Charge Plate
Kelly's Booties
21Feet A Gnoll's Resolve Plate
Scaled Marshwalkers
21Feet Cleansing Witch Hill Plate
Boots of Explosive Dancing
19Feet Recipe for Disaster Plate
Boots of the Fallen Brother
19Feet Silencing Rageroar Plate
Glass Encrusted Boots
19Feet Recipe for Disaster Plate
Head Kickers
19Feet Gan'dranda Plate
Revantusk Boots
19Feet Thornar Thunderclash Plate
Talonrend Stompers
19Feet Fletch Me Some Plumage! Plate
Cliffwalker Boots
18Feet To Be Horde... Plate
Lightstep Boots
17Feet Attack on the Tower Plate
Treads of Unforgotten Pain
17Feet To Steal From Thieves Plate
Clear Path Boots
16Feet Return to Stardust Plate
Gold Militia Boots
16Feet Plate
Junglewalker Boots
16Feet The Altar of Naias Plate
Junglewalker Boots
16Feet An Unusual Patron Plate
Krom'gar Sergeant's Armored Greaves
16Feet Plate
Krom'gar Sergeant's Plate Greaves
16Feet Plate
Wolfrunner Boots
16Feet True Power of the Rod Plate
Boots of the Hero
14Feet Heroes of the Horde! Plate
Bloodtaint Boots
14Feet Pierce Their Heart! Plate
Boots of the Deliverer
14Feet All's Well Plate
Disarray Boots
14Feet Wet Work Plate
Night Watch Boots
13Feet Wolves at Our Heels Plate
Creeping Boots
12Feet Glorious Harvest Plate
Slabchisel Boots
12Feet The Floodsurge Core Plate
Fire Stompers
11Feet Jadefire Braziers Plate
Lightweight Plate Boots
11Feet Galaen's Fate Plate
Strange Smelling Boots
11Feet Plate
Negotiation Stompers
10Feet The Blackmaw Doublecross Plate
Troll Kickers
10Feet Escape from the Catacombs Plate
Misshapen Boots
9Feet Miner's Fortune Plate
Padded Lamellar Boots
9Feet Plate
Treads of the True Plan
9Feet The Great Escape Plate
Unfortunate Treads
8FeetQuest Plate
Gryan's Boots
7Feet Big Trouble in Moonbrook Plate
Highstrider Boots
7Feet Kolkar Leaders Plate
Vindicator's Stompers
7Feet I Shoot Magic Into the Darkness Plate
Wild Bark Boots
7Feet The Looting of Althalaxx Plate
Stone Stompers
6Feet In Defense of the King's Lands Plate
Treads of the Sepulcher
6Feet Hair of the Dog Plate
Cliff Running Boots
5Feet Wildmane Cleansing Plate
Dark Iron Hobplate Boots
5Feet Dark Iron Scheming Plate
Expeditionary Plate Warboots
5Feet Plate
Expeditionary Plate Warboots
5Feet Plate
Heedless Treads
5Feet Ignoring the Warnings Plate
Hotfoot Boots
5Feet Losing Your Tail Plate
Stone Cairne Boots
5Feet Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty Plate
Lightweight Boots
5Feet Cleanup on Isle E. Plate
Naga Plate Boots
5Feet Warlord Sriss'tiz Plate
S.B.R.B. Prototype 4
4Feet Zombies vs. Super Booster Rocket Boots Plate
Agamand Family Riding Boots
4Feet The Family Crypt Plate
Battok's Bloody Boots
4Feet Eliminate the Resistance Plate
Orcish Scout Boots
4Feet The Enemy of My Enemy Plate
Leader's Boots
3Feet Leader of the Pack Plate
Marrowpetal Boots
3Feet Variety is the Spice of Death Plate
Reinforced Plate Boots
3Feet Nightstalker Clean Up, Isle 2... Plate
Swiftroot Boots
3Feet Twisted Hatred Plate
Carapace Boots
2Feet Sting of the Scorpid Plate
Gas Soaked Boots
2Feet 447 Plate
Green Plate Boots
2Feet Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle Plate
Outfitter Boots
2FeetQuest Plate
Tracking Boots
2Feet Fel Moss Corruption Plate
Boots of the Blameless
1Feet Give 'em What-For Plate
Brawler's Boots
1FeetUnobtainable Plate
CRobinson Plate Boots
1Feet Plate
Gilnean Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Goblin Brawler's Boots
1Feet Plate
Initiate's Boots
1Feet Plate
Paladin's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Quill Impaled Boots
1Feet Our Tribe, Imprisoned Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Squire's Boots
1Feet Plate
Squire's Boots
1Feet Plate
Warrior's Sabatons
1Feet Plate