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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Commander's Stompers
36Feet Pressing Forward Plate
Femurbreak Stompers
36FeetQuest Plate
Gate-Breaker Treads
36Feet Pressing Forward Plate
Qebnet Greaves
36Feet The Bandit Warlord Plate
Rediscovered Delta Walkers
36Feet Shroud of the Makers Plate
Tank-Defending Treads
36Feet Siege Tank Rescue Plate
Treads of the Common Man
36Feet Death to Mor'ghor Plate
Berserker's Sabatons
35FeetLooted Plate
Echoing Stompers
35FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of Ancient Evil
35FeetLooted Plate
Harpooner's Striders
35FeetLooted Plate
Mojo Frenzy Greaves
35FeetLooted Plate
Nemesis Crushers
35Feet Finish Nemesis Plate
Rift Striders
35FeetLooted Plate
Silver Spur Boots
35Feet Return to Aviana Plate
Skywall Striders
35FeetLooted Plate
Slippers of the Mojo Dojo
35FeetQuest Plate
Submariner's Weighted Treads
35Feet Defending the Rift Plate
Submariner's Weighted Treads
35Feet Defending the Rift Plate
35FeetQuest Plate
Deathseed Crushers
35Feet Seeds of Their Demise Plate
Deepstone Treads
35Feet The Earth Claims All Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet Here Fishie Fishie 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet The Brothers Digsong 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Mercury Treads
35Feet Maziel's Ascendancy Plate
Midnight Service Treads
35Feet Without a Captain or Crew Plate
Polychaete Footguards
35Feet Stick it to Them Plate
Razorproof Greaves
35Feet Hyjal Recycling Program Plate
Super-Sized Stompers
35Feet Crabby Patrons Plate
Enticing Sabatons
34FeetQuest Plate
Greaves of the Blue Flight
34FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Traitor
34Feet Death to the Traitor King Plate
The Darkspeaker's Iron Walkers
34Feet Mind Tricks Plate
Volazj's Sabatons
34FeetLooted Plate
Accelerator Stompers
34FeetQuest Plate
Boots of Dominance
34Feet It Could Be Anywhere! Plate
Icewalker's Spikes
34FeetQuest Plate
Iva's Boots
34Feet Off With Their Black Wings Plate
34FeetQuest Plate
Pathfinding Treads
34Feet The Activation Rune Plate
Rockshaper Stompers
34Feet Valduran the Stormborn Plate
Steel-Tipped Snowboots
34Feet Valkyrion Must Burn Plate
Boots of the Unbowed Protector
33FeetLooted, Quest Plate
Implacable Zombie Crushers
33FeetQuest Plate
Invigorating Sabatons
33Feet Quickening Plate
Ancestral War Boots
33Feet Rampage Plate
Boots of the Altar
33Feet Pure Evil Plate
Boots of the Rescuer
33Feet Parachutes for the Argent Crusade Plate
Crustacean Stompers
33Feet Meat on the Hook Plate
Petrified Bone Footguards
33FeetQuest Plate
Rusty Cave Stompers
33FeetQuest Plate
Sabatons of Crushed Humanity
33FeetQuest Plate
Sabatons of the Enforcer
33FeetQuest Plate
Stonepath Sabatons
33FeetQuest Plate
Whispering Stompers
33Feet Put on Your Best Face for Loken Plate
Boots of the Colossus
32FeetLooted Plate
Boots of the Righteous Path
32FeetLooted Plate
Sha'tari Wrought Greaves
32Feet Into the Heart of the Labyrinth Plate
Ascendant's Boots
32Feet A Job Unfinished... Plate
Chilled Greaves
32FeetQuest Plate
Earthborn Greaves
32Feet Defeat the Gearmaster Plate
Earthmender's Plated Boots
32Feet Escape from Coilskar Cistern Plate
Ghoul-Crushing Stompers
32FeetQuest Plate
HF28 Plate Physical Boots4
32Feet Plate
Kirin'Var Defender's Greaves
32Feet Building a Perimeter Plate
Loam-Stained Greaves
32FeetQuest Plate
Master Artilleryman Boots
32FeetQuest Plate
Mendicant's Treads
32FeetQuest Plate
Moral Sabatons
32Feet Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer Plate
Starcaller's Plated Stompers
32Feet Escape from the Staging Grounds Plate
Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves
31Feet Plate
Bloodguard's Greaves
31Feet Information Gathering Plate
Boot's Boots
31Feet That Little Extra Kick Plate
Boots of the Ancient-Killer
31Feet Felling an Ancient Tree Plate
Clocktock's Jumpers
31Feet What Came First, the Drake or the Egg? Plate
Explorer's Boots
31Feet Into the Draenethyst Mine Plate
Instigator's Warboots
31Feet Crusader's Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Windroc Greaves
31Feet Windroc Mastery Plate
Golden Cenarion Greaves
30Feet Natural Remedies Plate
Expedition Footgear
30Feet Leader of the Bloodscale Plate
Feralfen Champion's Boots
30Feet Messenger to the Feralfen Plate
Acid Inscribed Greaves
29Feet Emeriss Plate
Boots of Heroism
29Feet Plate
Soulforge Boots
29Feet Plate
Greaves of the Slaughter
29Feet Plate
Fen Strider's Footguards
29Feet Have You Ever Seen One of These? Plate
Muck-Ridden Galoshes
29Feet Muck Diving Plate
Crystal Encrusted Greaves
28Feet Plate
Crystal Lined Greaves
28Feet Plate
Shieldplate Sabatons
28Feet Plate
Stalwart Treads
28FeetLooted Plate
Boots of Completed Rituals
28Feet The Altar of Storms Plate
Boots of Completed Rituals
28Feet The Altar of Storms Plate
Boots of the Blasted Lands
28Feet A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Plate
Boots of the Blasted Lands
28Feet A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Plate
Cragplate Greaves
28Feet Plate
Burndl's Bundled Boots
27Feet Bearzerker Plate
Eschewal Greaves
27Feet Plate
Larry's Boots
27Feet Can't Take It With Them Plate
Steelsmith Greaves
27Feet Plate