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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cragplate Gauntlets
43Hands Plate
Sha'tari Keeper Handguards
42Hands Plate
Sha'tari Keeper Gauntlets
42Hands Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Gauntlets
41Hands Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Gauntlets
40Hands Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Handguards
40Hands Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Gauntlets
40Hands Plate
Wallbuilder Gauntlets
40Hands Plate
Serenity Gloves
39Hands Plate
Summit Guardian Gauntlets
39Hands Plate
Wallwatcher Gauntlets
39Hands Plate
Bladesworn Gauntlets
39Hands Plate
Bladesworn Handwraps
39Hands Plate
Coldbite Gauntlets
39Hands Plate
Coldbite Handwraps
39Hands Plate
Lucidity Gloves
39Hands Plate
Lucidity Handwraps
39Hands Plate
Mismatched Plate Gauntlets
39Hands Plate
Goldtalon Gloves
38Hands Plate
Palewind Gauntlets
38Hands Plate
Temple Guardian Gauntlets
38Hands Plate
Fallen Brotherhood Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Gloves of Gnomebliteration
37Hands Plate
Repository Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Bamboo Leaf Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Bamboo Plate Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Bamboo Strip Gloves
37Hands Plate
Dojani Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Dojani Handwraps
37Hands Plate
Glass Lake Gloves
37Hands Plate
Jade Tiger Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Korjan Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Korjan Handwraps
37Hands Plate
Narsong Gloves
37Hands Plate
Narsong Handwraps
37Hands Plate
Paoquan Burnished Gloves
37Hands Plate
Sunsong Armored Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Thunderfoot Heavy Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Thunderwood Gauntlets
37Hands Plate
Catapult Loader's Gloves
36Hands Plate
Coregrip Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Crazed Pilot's Gloves
36Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Delicate Aim
36Hands Plate
Gloves of the Stela
36Hands Plate
Grips of the Damned Mind
36Hands Plate
Grips of the Damned Mind
36Hands Plate
Heartblood Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Klem's Rusted Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Klem's Rusted Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Rune-Scribed Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Stormhammer Gauntlets
36Hands Plate
Gauntlets of The Culling
35Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Vigilance
35Hands Plate
Grips of Sculptured Icicles
35Hands Plate
Horn-Tipped Gauntlets
35Hands Plate
Web Winder Gloves
35Hands Plate
Chillplate Gauntlets
35Hands Plate
Embercrusher Grips
35Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Guerilla Fury
35Hands Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Plate
Grips of Arcane Imprisonment
35Hands Plate
Grips of the Severed Starfish
35Hands Plate
Handguards of the Severed Starfish
35Hands Plate
Schooner-Savior's Grips
35Hands Plate
Wheelman's Shattered Grasp
35Hands Plate
Expelling Gauntlets
34Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Stuttering Reality
34Hands Plate
Skittering Gauntlets
34Hands Plate
Skittering Gauntlets
34Hands Plate
Astrid's Riding Gloves
34Hands Plate
Backhanded Grips
34Hands Plate
Demolisher's Grips
34Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Holy Gladiator
34Hands Plate
Handguards of Transient Friendship
34Hands Plate
Jayde's Reinforced Handguards
34Hands Plate
Preservative-Stained Gauntlets
34Hands Plate
Charged Earthlink Grips
33Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Disturbed Giant
33Hands Plate
Handguards of the Sanguine Gladiator
33Hands Plate
Ancestral Gauntlets
33Hands Plate
Bite-Proof Grips
33Hands Plate
Crystalplate Gauntlets
33Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Altar
33Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Gatherer
33Hands Plate
Grips of Flawed Temper
33Hands Plate
Hammer-Holder's Gauntlets
33Hands Plate
Sea Rusted Gauntlets
33Hands Plate
Stonepath Gauntlets
33Hands Plate
Dauntless Handguards
32Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Righteous
32Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Vanquisher
32Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Vindication
32Hands Plate
Thatia's Self-Correcting Gauntlets
32Hands Plate
The Hands of Fate
32Hands Plate
Amberplate Grips
32Hands Plate
Blued Steel Gauntlets
32Hands Plate
Bogstrok Plate Gloves
32Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Crimson Guardian
32Hands Plate
Onyx Grips
32Hands Plate