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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Risen Lord's Oversized Gauntlets
59HandsLooted Plate
Rope-Scored Gauntlets
59HandsLooted Plate
Sharktooth-Knuckled Grips
59HandsLooted Plate
Battlegloves of Rezan's Bladeguard
58Hands Plate
Bleakweald Handguards
58Hands Plate
Bone-Fetished Crushers
58Hands Plate
Dunecrawler Crushers
58Hands Plate
Harbormaster Gauntlets
58Hands Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Gauntlets
58Hands Plate
Shoalbreach Crushers
58Hands Plate
The Soulbinder's Gauntlets
50Hands Trial of Valor: The Once and Future Lord of Shadows Plate
Earthguard Gauntlets
50Hands The Hammer of Khaz'goroth Plate
Reinforced Mook Handguards
50Hands Time to Collect Plate
Siegebreaker's Gauntlets
50Hands Ravencrest's Legacy Plate
Dread Corsair Gauntlets
50HandsQuest Plate
Dread Corsair Gloves
50Hands Gunpowder Plot Plate
Dread Corsair Grips
50Hands I Like Turtles Plate
Dread Corsair Handguards
50Hands The Abyssal Council Plate
Dread Corsair Strikers
50Hands Grizzled Plate
Exiled Veteran's Crushers
50HandsQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Gauntlets
50HandsQuest Plate
Exiled Veteran's Grasps
50Hands Dead Men Tell No Tales Plate
Exiled Veteran's Handguards
50Hands The Source of the Problem Plate
Exiled Veteran's Handlers
50Hands The Great Cranium Caper Plate
Nazmani Warplate Battlegloves
50Hands Krag'wa the Terrible Plate
Nazmani Warplate Crushers
50Hands Plate
Nazmani Warplate Gauntlets
50Hands Improper Burial Plate
Nazmani Warplate Grasps
50Hands That Which Haunts the Dead Plate
Nazmani Warplate Handguards
50Hands Reuniting the Company Plate
Rastari Battlegloves
50Hands He's Gone Mad! Plate
Rastari Gauntlets
50Hands Offensively Defensive Plate
Rastari Gloves
50Hands Hope's Blue Light Plate
Rastari Grips
50Hands Plate
Rastari Handguards
50Hands Rastakhan's Might Plate
Sea Raider's Crushers
50HandsQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Gauntlets
50HandsQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Gloves
50Hands Hold My Hand Plate
Sea Raider's Grips
50Hands Hold Still Plate
Sea Raider's Handguards
50HandsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Crushers
50HandsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Gauntlets
50Hands The Burden of Proof Plate
Waycrest Militia Gloves
50Hands Hold The Barricade! Plate
Waycrest Militia Grips
50HandsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Handguards
50Hands A Traitor's Death Plate
Gauntlets of Legion Devastation
45Hands Hiding in the Stacks Plate
Goldsteel Gloves
44HandsLooted Plate
Gutcrusher Gauntlets
44HandsLooted Plate
Incarnadine Gauntlets
44HandsLooted Plate
Krag'goth's Iron Gauntlets
44HandsLooted Plate
Nar'thalas Grips
44Hands Feasting on the Dragon Plate
Plainsthunder Handguards
44Hands The Shadow of the Void Plate
Rivet-Sealed Crushers
44HandsLooted Plate
Sieging Gauntlets of Erilar
44Hands Wings of Liberty Plate
Verdant Plate Grips
44HandsLooted Plate
Blackfeather Handguards
44HandsQuest Plate
Dreadsworn Gauntlets
44HandsQuest Plate
Fortified Librarian's Grips
44Hands Hit the Books Plate
Heart-Lesion Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Nar'thalas Gauntlets
44Hands Their Dying Breaths Plate
Oathsworn Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Plainsthunder Gauntlets
44HandsQuest Plate
Rooksguard Gauntlets
44Hands The Farmsteads Plate
Rooksguard Grips
44Hands Totemic Call Plate
Sunsoul Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Thunderpeak Gauntlets
44Hands Titanic Showdown Plate
Thunderpeak Handguards
44Hands Spray and Prey Plate
Cragplate Gauntlets
43Hands Declawing The Bloodmane Plate
Sha'tari Keeper Handguards
42HandsQuest Plate
Sha'tari Keeper Gauntlets
42Hands Aruumel's Rest Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Gauntlets
41HandsQuest Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Gauntlets
40Hands Gestating Genesaur Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Handguards
40HandsQuest Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Gauntlets
40Hands The Butcher of Bladespire Plate
Wallbuilder Gauntlets
40Hands Shimmering Gauntlets Plate
Serenity Gloves
39Hands The Leader Hozen Plate
Summit Guardian Gauntlets
39Hands The Leader Hozen Plate
Wallwatcher Gauntlets
39Hands The Leader Hozen Plate
Bladesworn Gauntlets
39Hands Nope Plate
Bladesworn Handwraps
39Hands Rending Daggers Plate
Coldbite Gauntlets
39Hands Nope Plate
Coldbite Handwraps
39Hands Rending Daggers Plate
Lucidity Gloves
39Hands Nope Plate
Lucidity Handwraps
39Hands Rending Daggers Plate
Mismatched Plate Gauntlets
39Hands Shattered Hand Torturer Plate
Goldtalon Gloves
38Hands The Endless Swarm Plate
Palewind Gauntlets
38Hands The Endless Swarm Plate
Temple Guardian Gauntlets
38Hands The Endless Swarm Plate
Fallen Brotherhood Gauntlets
37Hands The Fall of Neferset City Plate
Gloves of Gnomebliteration
37Hands Gnomebliteration Plate
Repository Gauntlets
37Hands Penetrating Their Defenses Plate
Bamboo Leaf Gauntlets
37Hands Spitfire Plate
Bamboo Plate Gauntlets
37Hands Spitfire Plate
Bamboo Strip Gloves
37Hands Spitfire Plate
Dojani Gauntlets
37Hands Profit Mastery Plate
Dojani Handwraps
37Hands Why So Serious? Plate
Glass Lake Gloves
37Hands And a Heavy Fist Plate
Jade Tiger Gauntlets
37Hands And a Heavy Fist Plate
Korjan Gauntlets
37Hands Profit Mastery Plate
Korjan Handwraps
37Hands Why So Serious? Plate
Narsong Gloves
37Hands Profit Mastery Plate