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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Amaranthine Path Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Black Rook Elite Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Blood Knight's Dedication Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Citadel Crusher's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Drekirjar Warrior's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Fel-Automaton Manipulators
1Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Righteous
1Hands Plate
Goldspine Fists
1Hands Plate
Jingoist's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Jotunheim Berserker's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Overgrown Freyan Handguards
1Hands Plate
Telhamat Anchorite's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Tidecrasher Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Twilight Zealot's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Valhalas Handguards
1Hands Plate
Warmonger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Ymirjar Deathbringer's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Helarjar Berserker Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Secret-Dredger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Val'Sharah Protector's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Void-Bound Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Initiate's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Outrage
830Hands Plate
QR IC36 Plate Healer Glove - PH
174Hands Plate
DB42 Plate Healer Glove2
146Hands Plate
QR 10574 Plate Warrior Gloves
114Hands Plate
Retaliation Gauntlets
104Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Absolute Authority
78Hands Plate
High Speed Gauntlets
78Hands Plate
Fangproof Gauntlets
59Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Avian Sentinel
59Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Total Subservience
59Hands Plate
Grips of the Everlasting Guardian
59Hands Plate
Power-Assisted Vicegrips
59Hands Plate
Risen Lord's Oversized Gauntlets
59Hands Plate
Rope-Scored Gauntlets
59Hands Plate
Sharktooth-Knuckled Grips
59Hands Plate
Battlegloves of Rezan's Bladeguard
58Hands Plate
Bleakweald Handguards
58Hands Plate
Bone-Fetished Crushers
58Hands Plate
Dunecrawler Crushers
58Hands Plate
Harbormaster Gauntlets
58Hands Plate
Honorbound Centurion's Gauntlets
58Hands Plate
Shoalbreach Crushers
58Hands Plate
The Soulbinder's Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Earthguard Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Reinforced Mook Handguards
50Hands Plate
Siegebreaker's Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Gloves
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Grips
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Handguards
50Hands Plate
Dread Corsair Strikers
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Crushers
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Grasps
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Handguards
50Hands Plate
Exiled Veteran's Handlers
50Hands Plate
Nazmani Warplate Battlegloves
50Hands Plate
Nazmani Warplate Crushers
50Hands Plate
Nazmani Warplate Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Nazmani Warplate Grasps
50Hands Plate
Nazmani Warplate Handguards
50Hands Plate
Rastari Battlegloves
50Hands Plate
Rastari Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Rastari Gloves
50Hands Plate
Rastari Grips
50Hands Plate
Rastari Handguards
50Hands Plate
Sea Raider's Crushers
50Hands Plate
Sea Raider's Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Sea Raider's Gloves
50Hands Plate
Sea Raider's Grips
50Hands Plate
Sea Raider's Handguards
50Hands Plate
Waycrest Militia Crushers
50Hands Plate
Waycrest Militia Gauntlets
50Hands Plate
Waycrest Militia Gloves
50Hands Plate
Waycrest Militia Grips
50Hands Plate
Waycrest Militia Handguards
50Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Legion Devastation
45Hands Plate
Goldsteel Gloves
44Hands Plate
Gutcrusher Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Incarnadine Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Krag'goth's Iron Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Nar'thalas Grips
44Hands Plate
Plainsthunder Handguards
44Hands Plate
Rivet-Sealed Crushers
44Hands Plate
Sieging Gauntlets of Erilar
44Hands Plate
Verdant Plate Grips
44Hands Plate
Blackfeather Handguards
44Hands Plate
Dreadsworn Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Fortified Librarian's Grips
44Hands Plate
Heart-Lesion Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Nar'thalas Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Oathsworn Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Plainsthunder Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Rooksguard Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Rooksguard Grips
44Hands Plate
Sunsoul Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Thunderpeak Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Thunderpeak Handguards
44Hands Plate