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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Silversteel Gauntlets
32Hands Plate
Zaxxis Gloves
32Hands Plate
Faith Bearer's Gauntlets
31Hands Plate
Area 52 Engineering Gloves
31Hands Plate
Commander Skyshadow's Gloves
31Hands Plate
Judicator's Gauntlets
31Hands Plate
Ogre Defiler's Handguards
31Hands Plate
Spiritualist's Gauntlets
31Hands Plate
Whiteknuckle Gauntlets
31Hands Plate
Defender's Gauntlets
30Hands Plate
Lightbearer's Gauntlets
30Hands Plate
Sunstrider's Gauntlets
30Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Heroism
29Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Shining Light
29Hands Plate
Soulforge Gauntlets
29Hands Plate
Bloodbane's Gauntlets of Command
29Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Undead Slaying
29Hands Plate
Stalwart Grips
29Hands Plate
Front-Line Gauntlets
29Hands Plate
Lavaplate Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Nam's Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Business Handlers
28Hands Plate
Desert Wind Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Emerald Mist Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Nethergarde Gloves
28Hands Plate
Golem-Smasher's Grips
27Hands Plate
Golem-Smasher's Grips
27Hands Plate
Armed Gauntlets
27Hands Plate
Diemetradon Plate Gloves
27Hands Plate
Fists of the Pack
25Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Raw Strength
25Hands Plate
Gordok's Handguards
25Hands Plate
Fat Finger Gloves
25Hands Plate
Granite Grips
25Hands Plate
Slagplate Gauntlets
25Hands Plate
Trapper Punchers
24Hands Plate
Eastwall Gauntlets
23Hands Plate
Grasps of the Forsaken
22Hands Plate
Grasps of the Insane
22Hands Plate
Giddy's Old Gloves
22Hands Plate
Refitted Bruiser Gauntlets
22Hands Plate
Swamp Gas Gauntlets
21Hands Plate
Stalwart Grips
20Hands Plate
Gut Opener Gloves
20Hands Plate
Gut Opener Gloves
20Hands Plate
Bloodhilt Gloves
19Hands Plate
Brutal Gauntlets
19Hands Plate
Collector's Padded Gauntlets
19Hands Plate
Fire Hardened Gauntlets
19Hands Plate
Rockgrab Crushers
19Hands Plate
Trawley's Gloves
19Hands Plate
Gloves of the Jungle King
18Hands Plate
Shackling Gloves
18Hands Plate
Hierophant's Blessed Hands
18Hands Plate
Warsong Gauntlets
17Hands Plate
Flamethrower's Gloves
17Hands Plate
Commandeered Gloves
16Hands Plate
Grasps of the Unyielding
16Hands Plate
Head Inspector's Gloves
16Hands Plate
Palestrider Gloves
16Hands Plate
Tsul'kalu's Strikers
16Hands Plate
Gloves of Brawn
15Hands Plate
Curse Lifter's Gloves
14Hands Plate
Dagmire Gloves
14Hands Plate
Gloves of Unforgotten Vows
14Hands Plate
Heartwise Boon
14Hands Plate
Polar Gauntlets
14Hands Plate
"Jenny's" Gloves
13Hands Plate
Dirty Rotten Gloves
13Hands Plate
Hands of Encouragement
13Hands Plate
Maestra's Gloves
13Hands Plate
Night Watch Gauntlets
13Hands Plate
Bridgeworker's Gloves
12Hands Plate
Corin's Handguards
12Hands Plate
Riveted Gauntlets
12Hands Plate
Rugged Mail Gloves
11Hands Plate
Unmistakable Gloves
11Hands Plate
Ancient Handguards
10Hands Plate
Maltendis' Handguards
10Hands Plate
Scalding Gloves
10Hands Plate
Bailiff's Gloves
9Hands Plate
Bellipotent Gloves
9Hands Plate
Croc-Scale Gloves
7Hands Plate
Grasp of Victory
6Hands Plate
Caravan Escort's Gloves
6Hands Plate
Chicken Stuffers
6Hands Plate
Gloves of the Plate Fist
6Hands Plate
Margene Repair Gloves
6Hands Plate
Protective Field Grips
6Hands Plate
Saldean's Working Gloves
6Hands Plate
Expeditionary Plate Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Expeditionary Plate Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Fortified Oven Mitts
5Hands Plate
Gallywix Laborer's Gloves
5Hands Plate
Moss-Covered Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Stonebreaker's Gauntlets
5Hands Plate
Stormwind Plate Gloves
5Hands Plate
Battle Worn Gauntlets
4Hands Plate
Cold Steel Gauntlets
4Hands Plate
Spy Strangler Gloves
4Hands Plate