

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Crude Effigy of Despair
1Looted Other
Crude Statuette
1Looted Other
Crumbling Bust
1 Other
Crumbling Chronicles of Argus
1 Unsullied Leather Armbands Other
Crushed Stone
1Created Other
Crystallized Moon Drop
1 Other
Crystallized Sablehorn Antler
1 Other
Curio of Neltharion
1Looted Other
Daglop's Precious
1 Other
Dalaran Wine Glass
1 Other
Deepwater Blossom
1 Other
Defense Construct Identifier
1 Other
Defiled Moonborn Statuette
1Looted Other
Delving Deeper by Arcanist Perclanea
1 Other
Demonic Command Shards
1 Other
Demonic Whetstone
1Looted Other
Demon-Scrawled Drawing
1 Other
Dendrite Flux
1 Other
Depleted Azsharan Seal
1 Other
Depleted Cadet's Wand
1Looted Other
Depleted Pylon Core
1 Other
Depleted Rift Core
1 Rift Core Other
Desiccated Blue Dragonscale
1Looted Other
Discarded Aristocrat's Censer
1 Nightborne Treasure Chest Other
Discarded Remnant of the Void
1 Other
Discontinued Suramar City Key
1Looted Other
Disorganized Ravings
1Looted Other
Doom Dust
1Looted Other
Dragonscale of the Earth Aspect
1Looted Other
Drained Construct Core
1 Other
Draketaming Spurs
1 Other
Dreadlord's Commendation
1 Other
Dreadscar Instigator's Broken Soul
1 Other
Dreadsquall Eggshell Fragment
1 Other
Dream Tear
1 Other
Dried Stratholme Lily
1 Other
Dried Worldtree Seeds
1Looted Other
Dropper of Nightwell Liquid
1Looted Other
Druidic Molting
1Looted Other
Duskcloak Dorsal Plate
1 Other
Duskpelt Fang
1 Other
Dusty Focusing Crystal
1 Focusing Crystal Other
Eagle Eggshell Fragment
1 Other
Elemental Bracers
1 Other
Elixir of Ancient Knowledge
1Unobtainable, Looted Other
Elixir of the Rapid Mind
1Looted, Black Market AH Other
Emblazoned Fire Core
1Looted Other
Emblazoned Shadowguard Insignia
1 Other
Emblem of the Dark Covenant
1 Other
Emerald Bloom
1 Other
Empowered Elven Tome
1 Other
Empowered Half-Shell
1 Other
Emptied Satchel
1Created Other
Empty Brew Bottle
1Created, Quest Other
Empty Dredge Vial
1 Other
Empty Elixir
1Created Other
Enchanted Dusk Lily
1 Other
Enchanted Moonfall Text
1 Other
Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Other
Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Other
Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Into the Crevasse Other
Enchanted Sin'dorei Banner
1 Other
Enchanted Sunrunner Kidney
1 Treasure Chest Other
Enchanted Vault Cell Key
1Looted Other
Enchrgled Mlrgmlrg of Enderglment
1 Other
Engraved Bloodtotem Armlet
1 Mellok, Son of Torok Other
Entangled Telemancy Orb
1 Other
Eredar Tail-Cuff
1 Other
Eredari Ignition Crystal
1Created Other
Ettin Toe Ring
1 Other
Everburning Arcane Glowlamp
1 Other
Everburning Smolderon Ember
1 Other
Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning
135 Other
Exhausted Frost Crux
1 Frost Wyrm Other
Exhausted Portal Key
1Looted Other
Expended Spell Reagents
1Looted Other
Expert's Bounty
1Looted Other
Expert's Crest
1 Other
Eye of Burning Shadow
1 Gazz'uz Other
Faded Green Gem
1Looted Other
Falanaar Crescent
1Looted Other
Falanaar Gemstone
1Looted Other
Falanaar Orb
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Falanaar Scepter
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Fang of Goldrinn
1 Other
Favor of Valarjar
1 Skyhold Chest of Riches Other
Feather of Ohn'ahra
1 Other
Fel Toast
1Looted Other
Fel-Dipped Blade
1 Other
Fel-Imbued Artillery Catalyst
1Looted Other
Fel-Infused Shell
1 Other
Fel-Scarred Tomb Stone
1 Other
Felslate Arrowhead
1 Other
Felstalker's Ring
1 Other
Fel-Touched Tome
1 Other
Fire Turtle Shell Fragment
1 Other
Flying Hourglass
1 Other
Forgotten Offering
1Looted Other
Fossilized Succubus Horn
1Looted Other
Fractured Portal Shard
1 Treasure Chest Other