

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Love-Laced Arrow
1 Other
Lucky Brulstone
1 Highmountain Clan Chest Other
Luminescent Moonshroom
1Looted Other
Mage-Guard Dueling Wand
1 Other
Magically-Fortified Vial
1 Other
Manafused Fal'dorei Egg Sac
1 Treasure Chest Other
Managazer's Petrifying Eye
1 Other
Mana-Injected Chronarch Power Core
1 Other
Mandate of the Watchers
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Marble Arrowhead
1Looted Other
Marble Niuzao Effigy
1 Other
Mardum Soulcrystal
1 Other
Mark of Lunastre
1 Other
Mark of the Aligned Elemental Lords
1 Other
Mark of the Rogues
1 Other
Mark of the Soulcleaver
1 Other
Mark of the Triumvirate Warriors
1 Other
Mark of the Valorous
1 Other
Master's Symbol
1Looted Other
Master's Trophy
1 Other
Memoir of the Broken Temple
1 Other
Moon Guard Focusing Stone
1 Other
Moon Guard Power Gem
1 Other
Moon Lily
1 Other
Moonglow Idol
1 Other
Moon-Rune of Elune
1Looted Other
Mornath's Enchanted Statue
1 Other
Morning Glory Vine
1 Other
Musty Azsharan Grimoire
1Looted Other
Naigtal Shambler Eye
1Looted Other
Nar'thalas Pottery Fragment
1 Other
Nar'thalas Research Tome
1Looted Other
Nar'thalasian Corsage
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Nashal's Spyglass
1 Glimmering Treasure Chest Other
Nefarious Trophy Jar
1Looted Other
Netherlight Reliquary
1 Other
Night Devint: The Perfection of Arcwine
1 Other
Nightborne Artificer's Ring
1 Other
Night-forged Halberd
1 Other
Nightglow Energy Vessel
1 Other
Novitiate's Tarnished Arcanoscope
1Looted Other
Obsidian Mirror
1 Other
Obsolete Silver Hand Orders
1 Blessing of the Silver Hand Other
Odyn's Watchful Gaze
1 Other
Offering to Ram'Pag
1 Actually Safe Treasure Chest Other
Omnibus: The Schools of Arcane Magic
1Looted Other
Onyx Arrowhead
1 Other
Opalescent Shell
1 Other
Ornamented Boot Strap
1 Other
Ossified Roc Feather
1Looted Other
Otherworldly Trophy
1Looted, Skinned Other
Overcharged Infiltrator's Mask
1 Other
Overcharged Stormscale
1 Other
Overcharged Ward Focus
1 Other
Overloaded Scrying Orb
1 Other
Oversized Drinking Mug
1 Other
Painted Bark
1 Other
Paper Scraps
1 Other
Partially Charged Conduit
1 Other
Partially Enchanted Nightborne Coin
1 Other
Pathfinder's Symbol
1Looted Other
Pathfinder's Trophy
1 Other
Petrified Acorn
1 Elven Treasure Chest Other
Petrified Air Totem
1Looted Other
Petrified Axe Haft
1Looted Other
Petrified Fel-Heart
1 Other
Petrified Flame
1 Other
Petrified Snake
1 Treasure Chest Other
Petrified Spiderweb
1 Other
Phial of 'Sacred' Fel Liquid
1 Other
Pious Anchorite's Breviary
1 Other
Plume of the Fallen Val'kyr
1 Other
Plume of the Great Eagle
1 Other
Prayers to the Earthmother
1 Small Treasure Chest Other
Primitive Roggtotem
1Looted Other
Primordial Giant's Heart
1Looted Other
Prize of the Triumphant
1 Cache of Fel Treasures Other
Pruned Nightmare Shoot
1Looted Other
Purified Satyr Totem
1 Other
Purple Hills of Eredath
1 Other
Ravaged Wristclamp Strap
1 Other
Ravencrest Family Seal
1 Other
Reaver's Harpoon Head
1Looted Other
Reclaimed Ashtongue Feltome
1 Other
Renewed Lifeblood
1 Other
Repentia's Whip
1 Other
Residual Manastorm Energy
1 Other
Rimy Hailstone
1Looted Other
Rite-Blessed Sheath
1 Other
Rotten Spellbook
1Looted Other
Ruined Conservatory Emblem
1 Other
Safety Valve
1 Other
Sanctified Prayer Effigy
1 Other
Sanctified Warrior Memento
1 Other
Satchel of Coalescing Chaos
1 Other
Scarlet Hymnal
1 Other
Scavenged Felstone
1 Other
Scepter of Kerxan
1 Other
Scorched Pyrestone
1Looted Other
Scrawled Recipe
1 Other