

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Fragment of the Soulcage
1 Other
Free Floating Ley Spark
1 Other
Friendly Brawler's Wager
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Frostbound Sinew
1 Other
Frostwyrm Bone Fragment
1 Other
Giant Pearl Scepter
1 Other
Gilbert's Finest
1 Treasure Chest Other
Gilded Prayer Beads
1 Other
Gilded Skyhold Greatshield
1 Other
Gladiator's Exultation
1 Other
Gladiator's Exultation
1 Other
Gladiator's Glory
1 Other
Gladiator's Glory
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Perseverance
1 Other
Gladiator's Revelry
1 Other
Gladiator's Revelry
1 Other
Gladiator's Triumph
1 Other
Gladiator's Triumph
1 Other
Gleaming Glacial Pebble
1 Other
Glinting Aurinor Dewdrops
1Looted Other
Glittering Memento
1Looted Other
Glory of Combat
1 Other
Glory of the Melee
1Looted Other
Glory of the Order
1 Other
Glowing Cave Mushroom
1 Other
Greater Adept's Spoils
1Looted Other
Greater Adventurer's Symbol
1Looted Other
Greater Champion's Symbol
1Looted Other
Greater Expert's Bounty
1Looted Other
Greater Glory of the Order
1 Other
Greater Hero's Symbol
1Looted Other
Greater Master's Symbol
1Looted Other
Greater Pathfinder's Symbol
1Looted Other
Gruesome Wind Chime
1Looted Other
Hallowed Glade Pinecone
1Looted Other
Hallowed Runestone
1Looted Other
Headpiece of the Shadow Council
1 Other
Heart of Zin-Azshari
1 Other
Helgar Forged Trophy Blade
1 Other
Hero's Symbol
1Looted Other
Hero's Trophy
1 Other
Highborne Pottery Shards
1Looted Other
Highly Charged Mana Clog
1 Other
Highmountain Mystic's Totem
1Looted Other
Hippogryph Plumage
1Looted Other
History of the Aeons
1 Other
History of the Ages
1 Other
History of the Blade
1 Other
Holy Tome
1 Other
Huge Blacksmith's Hammer
1 Other
Humming Shard
1 Other
Iadreth's Enchanted Birthstone
1 Other
Imp's Femur
1Looted Other
Inactive Demonic Phylactery
1 Enslaving Infernal Other
Incomprehensible Scribbling
1Looted Other
Inert Ashes
1 Other
Infused Pit Lord Tusk
1 Other
Ingested Legion Stabilizer
1 Other
Inquisitor's Shadow Orb
1Looted Other
Inscribed Vrykul Runestone
1 Other
Insignia of the Nightborne Commander
1 Other
Insignia of the Second Command
1 Other
Iron Black Rook Hold Key
1 Other
Jagged Worgen Fang
1 Other
Jandvik Jarl's Pendant Stone
1 Other
Jandvik Jarl's Ring, and Finger
1Looted Other
Jewel of Victory
1Looted, Skinned Other
Key to the Bazaar
1 Other
Key to the Nighthold
1 Other
Krokul Battle Horn
Artifact Power
1 Other
Krokul Remembrance-Crystal
1 Other
Kvaldir Anchor Line
1 Other
Legion Doom-Horn
1 Other
Legion General's Medallion of Command
1 Other
Legion Mark of Command
1Looted Other
Legion Pamphlet
1 Other
Legionfall Vanguard Battle Standard
1Looted, Quest Other
Lesser Adept's Spoils
1Looted Other
Lesser Adventurer's Symbol
1Looted Other
Lesser Champion's Symbol
1Looted Other
Lesser Expert's Bounty
1Looted Other
Lesser Hero's Symbol
1Looted Other
Lesser Master's Symbol
1Looted Other
Lesser Pathfinder's Symbol
1Looted Other
Lesser Unity of the Orders
1 Other
Letter from Exarch Maladaar
1 Other
Ley to Fel Power Converter
1 Other
Ley-Syphoner's Focus
1 Other
Lightforged Cannon Projectile
1 Other
Lightguard Battle Medal
1 Shattered House Chest Other
Light-Smote Skullplate
1 Other
Lord Shalzaru's Relic
1 Other