

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Petrified Fel-Heart
1 Other
Petrified Flame
1 Other
Petrified Snake
1 Treasure Chest Other
Petrified Spiderweb
1 Other
Phial of 'Sacred' Fel Liquid
1 Other
Pious Anchorite's Breviary
1 Other
Plume of the Fallen Val'kyr
1 Other
Plume of the Great Eagle
1 Other
Prayers to the Earthmother
1 Small Treasure Chest Other
Primitive Roggtotem
1 Other
Primordial Giant's Heart
1 Other
Prize of the Triumphant
1 Other
Pruned Nightmare Shoot
1 Other
Purified Satyr Totem
1 Other
Purple Hills of Eredath
1 Other
Ravaged Wristclamp Strap
1 Other
Ravencrest Family Seal
1 Other
Reaver's Harpoon Head
1 Other
Reclaimed Ashtongue Feltome
1 Other
Renewed Lifeblood
1 Other
Repentia's Whip
1 Other
Residual Manastorm Energy
1 Other
Rimy Hailstone
1 Other
Rite-Blessed Sheath
1 Other
Rotten Spellbook
1 Other
Ruined Conservatory Emblem
1 Other
Safety Valve
1 Other
Sanctified Prayer Effigy
1 Other
Sanctified Warrior Memento
1 Other
Satchel of Coalescing Chaos
1 Other
Scarlet Hymnal
1 Other
Scavenged Felstone
1 Other
Scepter of Kerxan
1 Other
Scorched Pyrestone
1 Other
Scrawled Recipe
1 Other
Scrimshawed Dragonbone Paperweight
1 Other
Scroll of Tirisgarde Arcana
1 Other
Seal of Bravery
1 Other
Seal of Leadership
1 Other
Seal of Victory
1 Other
Searing Hellion Claw
1 Other
Selfless Glory
1 Other
Senegos' Favor
1 Other
Shard of a Dead World
1 Other
Shard of Compacted Energy
1 Other
Sharp Twilight Tooth
1 Other
Shattered Seal of the Unrepentant Guardian
1 Other
Shattered Wrathguard Horn
1 Other
Sheaf of Royal Stationery
1 Other
Shed Antlers of Elkeirnir
1 Other
Shimmering Floatroot
1 Other
Shimmering Hourglass
1 Other
Shinfel's Staff of Torment
1 Other
Sightless Tormentor's Tome
1 Other
Sigilstone of Tribute
1 Other
Silver Hand Aspirant's Codex
1 Other
Sinister Signet Ring
1 Other
Skirmisher's Advantage
1 Other
Skirmisher's Mastery
1 Other
Skyhorn Ritual Drum
1 Other
Smolderhide Spirit Beads
1 Other
Smuggled Magical Supplies
1 Other
Snapped Wand
1Created Other
Soldier's Esteem
1 Other
Soldier's Exertion
1 Other
Soldier's Glory
1 Other
Soldier's Glory
1 Other
Soldier's Grit
1 Other
Soldier's Legacy
1 Other
Soldier's Legacy
1 Other
Soldier's Splendor
1 Other
Soldier's Worth
1 Other
Soul Shackle
1 Other
Soulcatcher of the Encroaching Mist
1 Other
Soulgorged Felglobe
1 Other
Soul-Powered Containment Unit
1 Kiranys Duskwhisper Other
Spare Arcane Ward
1 Other
Spellbound Jewelry Box
1 Other
Spoiled Manawine Dregs
1 Other
Spoils of the Triumphant
1 Other
Spurs of the Risen Horsemen
1 Other
Stareye Gem
1 Other
Starsong's Bauble
1 Other
Stolen Pearl Ring
1 Other
Stonedark's Pledge
1 Other
Storm Drake Fang
1 Other
Storm Drake Scale
1 Other
Strangely-Flawed Gemstone
1 Other
Sweaty Bandanna
1 Other
Swiftflight's Tail Feather
1 Other
Symbol of Victory
1Looted Other
Tablet of Tyr
1 Other
Talbuk Bridle
1 Other
Tale-Teller's Staff
1 Other
Talisman of the Ascended
1 Other
Talisman of Victory
1 Other
Talisman of Victory
1Looted Other
Tarnished Engagement Ring
1 Other
Tattered Farondis Heraldry
1 Other
Tattered Sheet Music
1 Other