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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Celestial Mollusk's Chestshell
24260Chest Plate
Centripetal Waistband
24260Waist Leather
Chitali's Command
24260Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Circle of Akkaris
24260Neck Neck
Coalescing Energy Implement
24260Off Hand Off Hand
Colossus' Focusing Headpiece
24260Head Plate
Constellation Master's Smock
24260Chest Leather
Constrained Prey's Binds
24260Wrists Mail
Converted Broker's Staff
24260Two Hand Staff
Cowl of Shameful Proliferation
24260Head Leather
Crouching Legs of the Bufonid
24260Legs Plate
Crown of Contorted Thought
24260Head Cloth
Curtain of Untold Realms
24260Back Back
Dark Sky Gavel
24260One Hand One-handed Mace
Deceiver's Illusionary Signet
24260Finger Finger
Devourer's Insatiable Grips
24260Hands Leather
Drape of Idolized Symmetry
24260Back Back
Dreadlord General's Tunic
24260Chest Leather
Elder's Opulent Stave
24260Two Hand Staff
Elegantly Balanced Axe
24260Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Enduring Protector's Shoulderguards
24260Shoulders Plate
Engulfer's Tightening Cinch
24260Waist Cloth
Enlightened Botanist's Machete
24260One Hand One-handed Sword
Enlightened Explorer's Lantern
24260Off Hand Off Hand
Facet Sharpening Crossbow
24260Ranged Crossbow
Fang of Phestis
24260One Hand Dagger
Feasting's Feeding Cloak
24260Back Back
Fleeting Broker's Strides
24260Feet Leather
Flowing Sandbender's Staff
24260Two Hand Staff
Furidian's Inscribed Barb
24260One Hand Dagger
Garudeon's Blanket of Feathers
24260Back Back
Gorger's Leggings of Famine
24260Legs Cloth
Gorkek's Glistening Throatguard
24260Off Hand Shield
Greaves of Cosmic Designs
24260Legs Mail
Hadeon's Indomitable Faceguard
24260Head Mail
Hammer of Shattered Works
24260Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Hapless Traveler's Treads
24260Feet Cloth
Harrowing Hope Squashers
24260Feet Mail
Hirukon's Radiant Reach
24260One Hand One-handed Sword
Hirukon's Syrupy Squeezers
24260Hands Cloth
Hood of Star Topology
24260Head Cloth
Immovable Stance of the Vombata
24260Legs Mail
Jellied Aurelid Mantle
24260Shoulders Mail
Legs of Graceful Landing
24260Legs Plate
Lush-Stained Footguards
24260Feet Plate
Lustrous Sentinel's Sabatons
24260Feet Plate
Majestic Watcher's Girdle
24260Waist Mail
Mask of the Resolute Cervid
24260Head Cloth
Matriarch's Shell Band
24260Finger Finger
Meticulous Architect's Mitts
24260Hands Cloth
Multi-Faceted Belt
24260Waist Plate
Mutated Devourer's Harness
24260Chest Leather
Orixal's Elegant Sash
24260Waist Cloth
Ornate Stone Mallet
24260One Hand One-handed Mace
Otiosen's Regenerative Wristwraps
24260Wrists Cloth
Pantaloons of Cold Recesses
24260Legs Cloth
Perennial Punching Dagger
24260One Hand Fist Weapon
Perverse Champion's Handguards
24260Hands Plate
Poison-Licked Spaulders
24260Shoulders Leather
Protective Raptora's Wing-Glaive
24260One Hand Warglaives
Restraints of Boundless Chaos
24260Wrists Leather
Sand Sifting Sandals
24260Feet Cloth
Scarabid's Clattering Handguards
24260Hands Plate
Sculpted Ouroboros Clasp
24260Waist Plate
Shackles of the Bound Guardian
24260Wrists Mail
Shoulders of the Missing Giant
24260Shoulders Mail
Singing Metal Wristbands
24260Wrists Plate
Skittering Scarabid Treads
24260Feet Leather
Skyward Savior's Talon
24260One Hand Dagger
Slick Scale Chitin
24260Chest Mail
Slime-Wake Sabatons
24260Feet Mail
Sorranos' Gleaming Pauldrons
24260Shoulders Plate
Strand of Tainted Relics
24260Neck Neck
Strangulating Chainlink Lasso
24260Waist Mail
Sublime Fur Mantle
24260Shoulders Cloth
Sunbathed Avian Armor
24260Chest Plate
Tahkwitz's Cloth Ribbon
24260Wrists Cloth
Tarachnid's Terrifying Visage
24260Head Leather
The Lupine Prime's Might
24260One Hand One-handed Sword
Tunneler's Penetrating Greathelm
24260Head Plate
Twisted Judicator's Gavel
24260Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Underground Circler's Crossbow
24260Ranged Crossbow
Vespoid's Clanging Legguards
24260Legs Mail
Vexis' Wisest Fang
24260One Hand Fist Weapon
Vexis's Gentle Heartcloth
24260Chest Cloth
Vigilant Raptora's Crest
24260Chest Mail
Vigorous Sentinel's Seal
24260Finger Finger
Vinebound Strap
24260Waist Leather
Viperid Keeper's Gloves
24260Hands Leather
Visor of Visceral Cravings
24260Head Plate
Vitiane's Defiled Vestment
24260Chest Cloth
Voracious Diadem
24260Head Mail
Xy'rath's Letter Opener
24260One Hand Dagger
Xy'rath's Signature Saber
24260One Hand One-handed Sword
Zatojin's Paralytic Grip
24260Hands Mail
Cache of Sanctum Treasures
23960 Other
Cache of Sanctum Treasures
23960 Other
Rae'shalare, Death's Whisper
23360Ranged Bow
Alandien's Tortured Twinblades
23360One Hand Warglaives
Antumbra, Shadow of the Cosmos
23360One Hand Dagger