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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Astral Verdict
23360Ranged Gun
Ballad Shield
Cypher Equipment
23360Off Hand Shield
Bands of the Fallen House
23360Wrists Mail
Bindings of the Banished One
23360Hands Cloth
Broker's Cryptic Shoulderpads
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Leather
Broker's Enigmatic Cowl
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Mail
Broker's Numerus Breastplate
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Plate
Broker's Oracular Mantle
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Cloth
Ceremonial Construct Clasp
23360Waist Mail
Chains of Domination
23360Trinket Trinket
Choral Staff
Cypher Equipment
23360Two Hand Staff
Cryptic Cinch
Cypher Equipment
23360Waist Leather
Cryptic Grips
Cypher Equipment
23360Hands Leather
Cryptic Mask
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Leather
Cryptic Shoulderpads
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Leather
Cryptic Treads
Cypher Equipment
23360Feet Leather
Cryptic Trousers
Cypher Equipment
23360Legs Leather
Cryptic Vest
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Leather
Cryptic Wristbands
Cypher Equipment
23360Wrists Leather
Crystallic Cryptic Mask
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Leather
Crystallic Enigmatic Epaulets
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Mail
Crystallic Numerus Crown
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Plate
Crystallic Oracular Smock
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Cloth
Cuffs of the Covert Commander
23360Wrists Cloth
Cypher-Etched Band
Cypher Equipment
23360Finger Finger
Cypher-Etched Lavaliere
Cypher Equipment
23360Neck Neck
Cypher-Etched Ring
Cypher Equipment
23360Finger Finger
Cypher-Etched Torque
Cypher Equipment
23360Neck Neck
Dark Ranger's Quiver
23360Back Back
Desecrator's Keening Wristwraps
23360Wrists Cloth
Devastated Worldshard
23360One Hand One-handed Sword
Dimensional Cryptic Grips
Cypher Equipment
23360Hands Leather
Dimensional Enigmatic Footguards
Cypher Equipment
23360Feet Mail
Dimensional Numerus Handguards
Cypher Equipment
23360Hands Plate
Dimensional Oracular Wrists
Cypher Equipment
23360Wrists Cloth
Domination's Deliverance
23360One Hand Fist Weapon
Dreadful Chest Module
23360 Junk
Dreadful Shoulder Module
23360 Junk
Edge of Night
23360One Hand Dagger
Elite Aranakk Breeches
23360Legs Leather
Empathic Cryptic Shoulderpads
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Leather
Empathic Enigmatic Cowl
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Mail
Empathic Numerus Breastplate
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Plate
Empathic Oracular Mantle
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Cloth
Enigmatic Binds
Cypher Equipment
23360Wrists Mail
Enigmatic Chain
Cypher Equipment
23360Waist Mail
Enigmatic Chainmail
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Mail
Enigmatic Cowl
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Mail
Enigmatic Epaulets
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Mail
Enigmatic Footguards
Cypher Equipment
23360Feet Mail
Enigmatic Gauntlets
Cypher Equipment
23360Hands Mail
Enigmatic Legguards
Cypher Equipment
23360Legs Mail
Epaulets of the Master Ranger
23360Shoulders Mail
Epochal Oppressor's Greaves
23360Legs Mail
Forbidden Necromantic Tome
23360Trinket Trinket
Forbidden Truth
23360Off Hand Off Hand
Frame of the False Margrave
23360Shoulders Cloth
Gauntlets of Unseen Guests
23360Hands Mail
Gavel of the First Arbiter
23360Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Grasps of Abducted Fate
23360Hands Leather
Greaves of Haunting Ruination
23360Feet Plate
Grim Eclipse
23360Trinket Trinket
Guard of the Sundered Defender
23350Off Hand Shield
Handguards of Hidden Realms
23360Hands Plate
Harmonium Lantern
Cypher Equipment
23360Off Hand Off Hand
Heart of the Swarm
23360Trinket Trinket
Impossibly Ancient Cloak
Cypher Equipment
23360Back Back
Interdimensional Manica
23360Wrists Mail
Interplanar Keystone
23360Neck Neck
Intrusive Thoughtcage
23360Trinket Trinket
Jaithys, the Prison Blade
23360Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Jaithys, the Prison Blade
23360Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Lamenting Blade
Cypher Equipment
23360One Hand One-handed Sword
Legato Hammer
Cypher Equipment
23360One Hand One-handed Mace
Legguards of the Ultimate Threat
23360Legs Plate
Maledict Opus
23360Two Hand Staff
Meno Sword
Cypher Equipment
23360One Hand One-handed Sword
Mystic Chest Module
23360 Junk
Mystic Shoulder Module
23360 Junk
Nova Cryptic Mask
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Leather
Nova Enigmatic Epaulets
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Mail
Nova Numerus Crown
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Plate
Nova Oracular Smock
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Cloth
Numerus Breastplate
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Plate
Numerus Crown
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Plate
Numerus Cuffs
Cypher Equipment
23360Wrists Plate
Numerus Girdle
Cypher Equipment
23360Waist Plate
Numerus Greaves
Cypher Equipment
23360Legs Plate
Numerus Handguards
Cypher Equipment
23360Hands Plate
Numerus Sabatons
Cypher Equipment
23360Feet Plate
Numerus Shoulderplates
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Plate
Observer's Umbral Shiv
23360One Hand Dagger
Old Warrior's Soul
23360Trinket Trinket
Oracular Hood
Cypher Equipment
23360Head Cloth
Oracular Mantle
Cypher Equipment
23360Shoulders Cloth
Oracular Mitts
Cypher Equipment
23360Hands Cloth
Oracular Pantaloons
Cypher Equipment
23360Legs Cloth
Oracular Sash
Cypher Equipment
23360Waist Cloth
Oracular Slippers
Cypher Equipment
23360Feet Cloth
Oracular Smock
Cypher Equipment
23360Chest Cloth