clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
You, Robot
3 players
2525-30 10 50 Netherstorm
You'll Know It When You See It 1010-30 10 50 Desolace
You'll Know It When You See It 1010-30 Desolace
You'll Need a Bear 2525-30 The Storm Peaks
You'll Need a Gryphon 2525-30
Pick one:
10 50 Icecrown
You'll Never Walk Alone 1010-52 51 48 Bastion
Young and Vicious 1-10
Pick one:
20 Echo Isles
Young Hearts 1010-40 16 98 Frostfire Ridge
Young Lovers 1-30 Elwynn Forest
Young Twilight Scale 1010-60 12 87 Wetlands
Your Attention, Please 2525-30 Icecrown
Your Base, Your Choice 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Your Continued Support
2525-30 Isle of Quel'Danas
Your Death Or Mine 6060 Zereth Mortis
Your First Alchemy Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Alchemy Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Blacksmithing Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Blacksmithing Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Cantaric Protolock 6060
2 57 Zereth Mortis
Your First Charge Ain't Free! 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Your First Charge is Free! 1010-60 25 74 Mechagon
Your First Day as a Pirate 1010-30 7 87 The Cape of Stranglethorn
Your First Enchanting Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Enchanting Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Engineering Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Engineering Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Find 7070 28 9 Azerothian Archives
Your First Fugueal Protolock 6060
2 57 Zereth Mortis
Your First Inscription Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Inscription Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Jewelcrafting Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Jewelcrafting Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Leatherworking Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Leatherworking Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Mezzonic Protolock 6060
2 57 Zereth Mortis
Your First Tailoring Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your First Tailoring Work Order 1010-40 1 69 Garrison Support
Your Friend On The Inside 2525-30 Shadowmoon Valley (Outland)
Your Friend, Dactylis 6060 12 87 Path of Ascension
Your Fullest Potential 1010-45 Artifact
Your Instructor 1-20 5 35 Gilneas City
Your New Identity 3030-35 6 87 Mount Hyjal
Your Next Assignment...
Your Next Assignment...
Your Next Best Friend
6060 Covenant Sanctum
Your Next Move 1010-60 Zuldazar
Your Next Move 1010-60 2 57 Zuldazar
Your Next Move 1010-60 Zuldazar
Your Orders, General?
4040 Garrison Campaign
Your Orders, General? 4040 Tanaan Jungle
Your Personal Assistant 1010-52
12 87 Bastion
Your Place In The World 1-10 Valley of Trials
Your Presence is Required at Agmar's Hammer 1515-30 Dragonblight
Your Presence is Required at Stars' Rest 1515-30 Dragonblight
Your Private Collection 3030-35 1 37 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Your Problem Now 5050 11 70 Zuldazar
Your Time Has Come 3535 6 87 Molten Front
Your Time Has Come 3535 6 87 Molten Front
Your Training Starts Now 1010-35 1 37 The Jade Forest
Your Weight in Gold 7070
Zaralek Cavern
You're a Mean One...
3030 Seasonal
You're a Mean One...
3030 Seasonal
You're a Shark 3030-60
25 74 Stormsong Valley
You're Dead To Me 6060 12 87 Covenant Sanctum
You're Either With Us Or... 1010-35 13 74 The Jade Forest
You're Fired! 2020-30
Pick one:
21 Blade's Edge Mountains
You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat! 1 Pirates' Day
You're Grounded 5050 Zuldazar
You're Hired! 2525-30
Pick one:
10 50 Netherstorm
You're Playing Wrong! 1010-70
28 9 Little Scales Daycare
Youthful Resistance 4545
You've Been Served
1 28 9 Love is in the Air
You've Got A Friend In Me 5050 Nazjatar
You've Got to Be Kitten Me Right Meow 4545
20 22 Suramar
You've Never Seen Jammer Upset 5050 Zuldazar
You've Really Done It This Time, Kul
10 50 Tournament
You've Really Done It This Time, Kul
10 50 Tournament
Yowler Must Die! 77-30
Pick one:
31 50 Redridge Mountains
Yrel 1010-40
16 98 Assault on the Dark Portal
Yrel 1010-40
16 98 Assault on the Dark Portal
Ysera Invitational 1010-70
Emerald Dream
Ysera Invitational - Advanced 1010-70
Emerald Dream
Ysera Invitational - Challenge 1010-70
Emerald Dream
Ysera Invitational - Reverse 1010-70
Emerald Dream
Ysera Invitational - Reverse Challenge 1010-70
Emerald Dream
Ysera's Tears 1-30
Pick one:
31 50 Bloodmyst Isle
Ysondre's Call 1515-30 Feralas
Ysondre's Call 1515-30 Feralas
Ysondre's Farewell 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Feralas
Ysondre's Farewell 1515-30
Pick one:
21 Feralas
Ysondre's Seal Emerald Dreamway
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yuke Needs Help! 1010-60 Highmountain
Yulda's Folly 2525-30 7 87 The Storm Peaks