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Name Type Category Counters Description
Sneak Attack
AbilityIncrease success chance of the first mission of the day by 20%.
Snowfeather's Screech
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Solar Beam
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Sonic Amplification Field
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Destroyer.
Soothing Focus
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Masters of Serenity.
Soul Link
AbilityMission success chance increased by 5% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
Soul Reapers
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Champions who have Shadow specialization.
Soulsever Blade
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Soulsever Blade
AbilityIncreases success chance of Melee Troops by 20%.
Spacial Rift
AbilityReduces mission duration by 50%.
Spear Hand Strike
Ability Powerful SpellUsed by a monk to interrupt a spell.
Spear Hand Strike
Ability SpellJab the enemy in the throat, to counter a Spell.
Speed of Light
TraitMission DurationThe Sun-touched Feather of Rukhmar infuses a follower with epic speed.
Spell Lock
Ability SpellCounters the enemy's spellcast, to counter a Spell.
Spell Lock
Ability Powerful SpellCast by a warlock to interrupt a spell.
Spinning Crane Kick
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Spoils of War
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Ability Danger ZonesUsed by a rogue to escape harm's way. Or, to move quickly between the mailbox and auction house.
Ability HazardIncreases your movement speed to counter a Hazard.
TraitIncreases success chance on missions with travel time shorter than 6 hours.
Spy Network
AbilityChance from successful missions to return with a Master Plan. Master Plans are given to Champions to improve success chance.
Stampeding Roar
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Ability MinionsCalls down a rain of starlight to counter a Minion.
Stars Fury
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ability ReconIncreases success chance on Stealth Missions by 50%. This unit does not incur a penatly on stealth missions.
AbilityTroops reduce success chance by 100%.
Stealth Suit
AbilityIncreases success chance for bonus loot by 30%.
Sticky Fingers
AbilityChance to return from a successful mission with a random item.
Stone Skin
Ability Massive StrikeDemon hunters can cover their skin in fel stone to absorb large blows. Also notoriously uncomfortable.
Stone Totem
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Earthen Ring Protectors.
AbilityThese troops start with 1 more Vitality
Storm Silver Spurs
TraitEquip a champion with Storm Silver Spurs which grants:

Equip a champion with Storm Silver Spurs which grants:

Decreases mission duration by 20%.
Stormbeak's Assault
AbilityReduces mission duration by 20%.
Strange Ball of Energy
AbilityIncreases success chance of a single mission by 20$%. Will be consumed on use.
Strategic Genius
Ability113Reduces the travel time on an adventure by 25%.
Strength of the Ancients
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Strength of the Tides
AbilityIncreased success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 15%.
Sturdy Hiking Boots
TraitIncreases success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 20%.
Sturdy Ox Stance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
Sturdy Tents
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Archers, Marksmen, Trackers and Pathfinders you can recruit by 1.
Type CarrierAllows the submarine to become invisible to radar and sneak up on enemy ships.
Ability BossA dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush and counter some Bosses.
Summon Doomguard
AbilityIncrease success chance of the first mission of the day by 20%.
Summon Infernal
Ability Timed BattleCast by a warlock to feel powerful and deal significant damage. Makes nearby innocents very nervous.
Ability BossA rugged tracker who counters some Bosses using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons.
Survival Instincts
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when a Ghoul or Geist is on the mission.
Swift Boots
TraitReduces mission duration by 5%.
Sword of Light
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
TraitProfession TailoringOffers a variety of tailoring benefits when assigned to the Tailoring Emporium, and increases success chance on Tailoring missions.
TraitSlayer ArakkoaIncreases success chance when fighting arakkoa and their minions.
Ability Wild AggressionForces an enemy to attack the warrior.
Tauren Crew
CrewIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Tea of Blessing
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Ox Initiates, Ox Adepts or Ox Masters.
AbilityReduces travel time of missions.
AbilityReduces travel time of missions.
TraitReduces travel time by 50%.
Tempest Hide Pouch
TraitEquip a champion with a Tempest Hide Pouch which grants:

Chance to bring back skins or hides from successful missions.
Test - Follower Test Ability
TraitTest follower ability description
Test - Temporary Follower Ability
TraitTemporary follower ability description. Lasts for one mission.
The Big One
AbilityIncreases success chance by 25%, but has a chance to cause 1 extra vitality loss to a random Troop.
The Hunt
AbilityIncrease success chance of the first mission of the day by 20%.
The Vault Ticket
AbilityGrants a chance for Champions on successful missions to return with a Vault Ticket.
Throw Glaive
Ability MinionsHurl a demonic glaive at your enemies, to counter a Minion.
Thundering Assault
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
Time Warp
Ability Timed BattleCast by a mage to greatly increase burst damage.
Time Warp
AbilityIncreases success chance by 15%.
Titan's Wrath
AbilityIncreases success chance when not accompanied by other Champions by 15%.
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
To Me Squire!
AbilityIncreases success chance of mission by 20% when accompanied by other Paladin Champions.
Tome of Secrets
TraitReduces mission duration by 15%.
Grants 25 Order Hall Resources when completing World Quests as a Combat Ally.
Totem of the Earth
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Circles of Earthcallers or Earthen Ring Geomancers.
TraitRacial PreferenceIncreases success chance when on a mission with a tauren.
Touch of Madness
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by a Band of Zealots or Dark Zealots.
Touched by Void
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 75%.
Trained Shark Tank
Ability MinelayerMines are no match for a tank of trained sharks.
Training Grounds
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Acolytes you can recruit by 1.
Training Grounds
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Ashtongue Warriors, Naga Myrmidon, Illidari Adepts and Transformed Illidari Adepts you can recruit by 1.
Ability ScoutCounters Ambush.
Ability ScoutCounters Ambush.
Travel Form
AbilityReduces mission duration of all missions by 20%.
Traveler's Backpack
AbilityWhen sent on missions, theres a chance you will bring back a random item.
Treasure Map
TraitGrants additional Apexis Crystals upon completion of any successful mission.
Troll Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Troop Portal Network
AbilityOpen a portal for transportation of troops, allowing troops to be recruited instantly.
True Aim
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
True Iron Rudder
Ability EvasiveReinforces the rudder to allow tighter turns at higher speeds.
Tuskarr Fishing Net
TraitA fishing net that is attached to the back of a ship, courtesy of the tuskarr. Supplies fish when returning from a successful mission.
Two Forms
Ability Quick Strike
When in human form, increases success chance on Stealth Missions by 25%.

When in Worgen form, increases success chance on Skirmish Missions by 25%.
Ultrasafe Transporter
AbilityDecreases mission duration by 50%.
Undead Crew
CrewIncreases success chance on missions.
Undead Token
TraitIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when accompanied by Packs of Ghouls or Geist Swarms.
Under the Table
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Unending Resolve
Ability Massive StrikeCast by a warlock to prevent significant damage.
Ability BossA master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to counter some Bosses.
Unholy Reclamation
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Unleashed Power
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
TraitOn a devastating hit, saves the ship by surrounding the ship with an impenetrable shield. Unsinkable is destroyed when triggered.
Unstable Portal
TraitReduces travel time by 25%.