Name | Level | Type | Item Level | Followers | Cost | Duration | Follower XP | Rewards |
Sixteen Tons
Slaves in the Slag Mines are ripe for revolt. Aid them. Then ask if they've dug up any powerful relics lately. Try to be subtle. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 20 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |
The Basilisk's Stare
Basilisks have turned some arakkoa in the Spires of Arak to stone. It's macabre, but this stone is a precious resource. Gather it carefully. | 100 | Combat | 2 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |||
The Golden Halls of Skyreach
You and I both know the arakkoa are loaded. Feels like we could make a fortune just chipping away at the walls. | 100 | Treasure | 3 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |||
The Lost World
A portal in Auchindoun links Draenor to the demon world of Argus. Cut off the Legion's reinforcements: destroy every trace of the portal. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 20 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |
The One True Brambleking
Rumor has it that Brambleking Fili's staff points the way to a hidden cache. Myth? | 100 | Treasure | 2 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |||
The Quill is Mighty
It's time to make some changes to the Iron Horde's orders. If we can kill the guards, we can rewrite history before it happens. | 100 | Inscription | 3 | × 20 | 6 hrs | 1500 | ||
To Rest Again
Our shaman have prepared a ritual to return souls summoned by the Shadowmoon to rest. Go and perform this ritual at the burial grounds. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 30 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |
Tomb Raider
Ancient carvings in the tombs of the Fortress of Anguish may lead us to discover many secrets in Shadowmoon Valley. We'll have to fight our way in. | 100 | Exploration | 1 | × 50 | 6 hrs | 1500 | ||
Twisting the Nether
The voidlords and voidcallers plaguing Shadowmoon Valley are being summoned by someone. Find and kill whoever is responsible. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 6 hrs | 1500 | ||
Ug'lok the Incompetent
Even an ogre as incompetent as Ug'lok the Frozen can amass a fortune via slave labor, but be prepared to counter his magic should it happen to work. | 100 | Treasure | 2 | 6 hrs | 1500 | |||
Waste Not, Want Not
Apparently the goren can't digest the valuable gems they eat. Your mission should be clear. | 100 | Jewelcrafting | 3 | × 20 | 6 hrs | 1500 | ||
Where The Rock Flayers Went
Modern anthropologists had hoped Draenor would reveal the origin of the rock flayer. They were disappointed. | 90 | Exploration | 1 | × 10 | 6 hrs | 500 | ||
You're Fired
The pale are expert scavengers. Let's relieve them of some of that salvage. | 100 | Engineering | 3 | × 20 | 6 hrs | 1500 | ||
A Rare Flower
A rare lily grows in the waters of Talador. Our alchemists say it is many times more efficient than frostweed. | 100 | Alchemy | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Abyssal Core
The white-hot cores of the abyssals assaulting Shattrath could be useful as a compressed fuel source, if we can obtain a few. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Iron Horde are attempting to unearth long-lost ogre artifacts in the Broken Spine area. Evict them and claim the rewards as your own. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
Battlefield Scavengers
Scavengers gnaw and pick at the fallen. Kill them so we can do some scavenging of our own. | 100 | Blacksmithing | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Boiling Hot Magma
Relics of long-forgotten orc clans can be found by carefully traversing between the Daggermaw Flows lava streams - and dealing with deadly fire elementals. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
Cult of Sargeras
In a remote corner of Talador, a small faction of draenei has embraced the worship of Sargeras. Stop their cult before it spreads. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 10 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Early Mover
We've heard reports that the Steamwheedle Preservation Society is looking to start a dig site at the razed Warsong outpost - why wait for them when you can claim the easy finds now? | 98 | Exploration | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1200 | ||
Enchanted Weapons
The Shadowmoon clan possess weaponry we can harness for raw magic. Raid their encampment and collect their enchanted weapons. | 100 | Enchanting | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Fall From Grace
Many shiny trinkets and precious valuables have been lost in Sethekk Hollow, the place where cursed arakkoa are cast out from Skyreach. | 96 | Exploration | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 800 | ||
Fickle Loyalty
A disgruntled Bladespire Chef has provided us with a lead on an ancient map hidden in the mines beneath the citadel. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 50 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
Field Photography
We need someone to document the devastation taking place here on Draenor. Head to Nagrand and photograph all you can. | 100 | Logistics | 1 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 150 | ||
Fields of Sorrow
A farmer claims knowledge of where many of Talador's secrets are hidden, and will share them if we'll help destroy the demons that ruined his land. | 95 | Exploration | 2 | × 50 | 4 hrs | 600 | ||
Fire and Fury
Rescuing slaves in the Bloodmaul Slag Mines is our priority, but to do this, we must thin the number of fire furies there. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Forced Eviction
The Steamwheedle Preservation Society management needs the Stonecrag dig site to be an ogre-free zone before their workers will agree to excavate, and have promised a cut of the proceeds if we help out. | 98 | Exploration | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1200 | ||
Green Thumb
The botani have claimed the abandoned ogre fortress at the Overlook Ruins as a new incubator. Stop them before they overgrow all of Gorgrond. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 300 | ||
Griefing with the Enemy
We dispatched a mage to deal with a hostile pack of genesaur, but now he's on their side. He must be infected. Time to send in the cavalry. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 2 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Heart of the Iron Horde
The Warsong clan is a symbol of the Iron Horde's power. Under the cover of night, set its camp ablaze. This will kill their morale. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Hefty Metal
Blackrock scouts have discovered a vast trove of metal ore perfect for making weapons. Make sure they never report their findings. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
I See Dead Ogres
The ghosts of ogre sorcerers haunt the Ango'rosh ruins, guarding artifacts forgotten by all others. | 94 | Exploration | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 600 | ||
I See Dead Orcs
The Shadowmoon Clan have interred their dead in this area for generations - find out more about their history. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
It's a Jungle Out There
A Steamscar saberon has been caught skulking around our walls. If we let him go, he's agreed to sell out a rival shaman who has been mapping the location of many hidden treasures. | 93 | Exploration | 1 | × 50 | 4 hrs | 300 | ||
Jewels of Denial
The arakkoa decorate their weapons and armor with fantastic jewels. Acquire them and let our jewelcrafters cut them into something useful. | 100 | Jewelcrafting | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Lens Some Hands
Your photos turned out great, but now we need some more creative shots. Head back out to the field and see what you can do! | 100 | Logistics | 1 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 150 | ||
Mountain of Spirits
The ancient communal site of Oshu'gun holds offerings from various orc clans. If not for the murderous void elementals unleashed by the pale, it would be a nice place to visit. | 98 | Exploration | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1200 | ||
Mushroom Mystery
The Umbrafen swamps have been overgrown by giant fungi for as long as anyone can remember - why are Ogre ruins buried here? | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
Nest Raid
Rylak's collect an immense amount of fur when building their nests. Raid a nest and recover the fur. | 100 | Tailoring | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
No Rest for Auchindoun
The Shadow Council is raising warriors interred at Auchindoun to create draenei constructs. Stop them before they defile the place further. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Not The Bees!
Our allies in Spires of Arak have requested our aid against a large swarm of ravager wasps threatening their oil-pumping operations. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Poundface has cornered a small group of our allies bringing oil from the Blackrock Foundry. Help them get the oil back to our garrison. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
The high arakkoa have enslaved their outcast brethren to dig in the apexis excavation site, looking for ancient artifacts. Set the workers free. | 96 | Exploration | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 800 | ||
Raiding the Raiders
Iron Horde raiders have descended on nearby draenei villages. Find the raiders' camp and raid it. Turnabout, they say, is fair play. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Ravager Infestation
Pests! These ravagers are everywhere - in our supplies, in our barracks! Eradicate their nest in the Spires of Arak before they overrun us. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Relic Hunter: Amulet of Rukhmar
Claim the power of the arakkoa god before the Adherents of Rukhmar can take it for themselves. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 1 | × 75 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Relic Hunter: Dream of Argus
Recover the ancient crystal shards to restore this mysterious artifact of the draenei. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 75 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Relic Hunter: Grimoire of Nameless Void
Destroy the ancient barrier to access this dark and powerful tome. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 1 | × 75 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Relic Hunter: Gronnsbane
Seek the blessings of Frostfire to empower the ancient Thunderlord spear. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 1 | × 75 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Relic Hunter: Gutrek's Cleaver
Reforge the weapon of the most brutal gladiator to fight in the Ring of Blood. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 1 | × 75 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Relic Hunter: Silent Skull
Take the cursed skull mask from the legendary Laughing Skull assassin. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 1 | × 75 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Restless Dead
An elder Warsong shaman's spirit has been disturbed by unrest in Nagrand. The ogres would be willing to trade some supplies with us if we can put it to rest. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Saberon Ambush
Patrols have reported that roving bands of saberon are waylaying merchants traveling through Nagrand. Find them and stop them. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 10 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Savage Patch
Some magi stopped to smell the roses in the Everbloom. Oops. If we hurry, we should be able to save some of them. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Sparks and Steel
Goblin engineers are designing weapons for Blackrock and Thunderlord orcs. Well, we have weapons too. Go to Grimrail Depot and use them. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Spy Games
If we can decipher some stolen iron horde documents, we can find and assassinate their scouts. | 100 | Inscription | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Swamplighter Honey
The sticky, sweet liquid inside of swamplighter hives is highly combustible. Extract some and we can use it as a crude oil substitute. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
That's Some Bull
There's some rather large clefthoof in Nagrand. Let's take one down before they are killed by trappers. | 100 | Leatherworking | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Bigger They Are
The Thunderlord regard Colossal's Fall as a sacred location, claiming it was their clan who felled this Colossal many decades ago. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
The Burning Crusade
Rumor has it there's a chili cook-off soon, and frankly I'm tired of eating the same gruel every day. Send someone to get whatever wins. | 90 | Provision | 1 | × 10 | 4 hrs | 200 | ||
The Feathers Must Fly
Arakkoa talonpriests have begun sacrificing draenei to their god, Terokk. Interrupt their ritual and free the prisoners. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Infernals' Fury
Infernals are an uncommon sight in Talador. We'd like to keep it that way. The more that are destroyed, the better. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Wonder Gears
Our engineers are excited about tearing apart a siege engine for parts. Let's take one down and let them have their fun. | 100 | Engineering | 2 | × 20 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
To Freedom!
Ogre slavers have captured many of the draenei displaced by the Iron Horde. Send someone to their camp and liberate them. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Tomb Raider
Ancient carvings in the tombs of the Fortress of Anguish may lead us to discover many secrets in Shadowmoon Valley. We'll have to fight our way in. | 91 | Exploration | 1 | × 50 | 4 hrs | 100 | ||
Under Ner'zhul's Nose
Some of the Shadowmoon clan's treasures are poorly guarded. We'll take what we can and destroy the rest! | 100 | Combat | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | |
Waylay the Warlord
The Bloodmaul have discovered a powerful artifact, and their warlord is overseeing the excavation. Ambush the warlord and take the artifact. | 100 | Combat | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
We Will Fight In the Shadar
The outcast arakkoa were forced to abandon much of their written knowledge and history when the high arakkoa attacked Veil Shadar. | 94 | Exploration | 2 | × 15 | 4 hrs | 600 | ||
Who's the Boss?
The Grimrail Depot owes its efficiency to goblin and orc overseers. Kill them, and you'll kill its ability to ship arms to distant camps. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 2 | 4 hrs | 1500 | ||
Hearthstone Tournament
We could use a master tactician around here. Plus, we might get some autographs. | 90 | Training | 1 | 3 hrs | 400 | |||
Hearthstone Tournament
We could use a master tactician around here. Plus, we might get some autographs. | 90 | Training | 1 | 3 hrs | 400 | |||
Scouting Draenor: Frostfire Ridge
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Frostfire Ridge. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Frostfire Ridge
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Frostfire Ridge. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Gorgrond
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Gorgrond. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Gorgrond
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Gorgrond. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Nagrand
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Nagrand. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Nagrand
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Nagrand. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Shadowmoon Valley
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Shadowmoon Valley. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Shadowmoon Valley
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Shadowmoon Valley. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Spires of Arak
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Spires of Arak. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Spires of Arak
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Spires of Arak. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Talador
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Talador. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouting Draenor: Talador
Your scouts report that our forces need backup in Talador. | 100 | Exploration | 615 | 2 | × 15 | 3 hrs | 1500 | |
A Way Out
A group of defectors wishes to escape the Iron Horde! Let's clear the way for them. | 99 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 2 hrs | 1500 | ||
Fired Up
Some important Burning Blade orcs wish to discuss battle strategy with Iron Horde leaders. It would be a shame if they never arrived. | 98 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 2 hrs | 1350 | ||
Flint's Hide
Get it! | 98 | Treasure | 2 | 2 hrs | 900 | |||
Gronn with the Wind
Our scouts have vanished without a trace! They were last seen entering gronn lands. Find out what happened to them. | 99 | Combat | 1 | × 10 | 2 hrs | 1000 | ||
High ogre warriors are in battle array, screaming that they're going to "destroy the interlopers." Do you think they're talking about us? | 99 | Combat | 1 | × 10 | 2 hrs | 1000 | ||
Scared of the Dark
To the south lies Shadowfall Canyon, where wretched creatures are subjucating spirits of Fire, Earth, and Wind. Hopefully, no worse. | 98 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 2 hrs | 1350 | ||
Surge Protection
Energy-siphoning water spirits are giving our spellcasters fits. Time to bring in reinforcements. | 98 | Combat | 1 | × 10 | 2 hrs | 900 | ||
The Wolfmother's Pelts
The wolfmother Gar'lua raises the most ferocious of Warsong wolves. Their pelts would dent the Warsong war effort and fetch a tidy sum. | 99 | Treasure | 2 | 2 hrs | 900 | |||
Bad Day at Work
Several laborers have gone missing, and we fear that the arakkoa plan to burn them alive in sacrifice. We must save them! | 96 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 1.9 hrs | 1050 | ||
Cat Scratch Fever
Some sadistic saberon think the chaos on Draenor means they can butcher innocents without fear of punishment. Disabuse them of that notion. | 97 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 1.9 hrs | 1200 | ||
Peace unto You
The distressed spirits of fallen Azeroth soldiers have begun to rise. Quickly, let us end their torment. | 96 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 1.9 hrs | 1050 | ||
Shattered Expectations
We have intel that a unit of Shattered Hand orcs is en route to assist the Iron Horde in Talador. Too bad they'll never make it. | 97 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 1.9 hrs | 1200 | ||
Bug Squashing
Ravagers reproduce quickly and eat anything. Like crickets. They're also homicidal and roughly the size of horses. Not like crickets. | 96 | Combat | 1 | × 10 | 1.5 hrs | 700 | ||
Burning Desire
Burning Blade orcs are attacking treasure hunters at Oshu'gun and looting their crystals. Could they be preparing for some dark ritual? | 99 | Combat | 2 | × 10 | 1.5 hrs | 1000 | ||
Demonic Retribution
Agents of the Burning Legion are hunting down refugee draenei from Shattrath. Gather the refugees and take them to safety. | 95 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 1.5 hrs | 900 | ||
Drunk with Power
Gronn attacked an alchemist's wagon, and now they're hopped up on strength elixirs. Let's get 'em before they find the invisibility potions. | 91 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 1.5 hrs | 300 | ||
Dumb and Dumber
Several gronn and ogron came here to attack us, but the dumb beasts are just fighting each other. Let's kill them all and end this farce. | 92 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 1.5 hrs | 450 |