Name | Level | Type | Item Level | Followers | Cost | Duration | Follower XP | Rewards |
A Rune With a View
In the chaos of the battle of Shattrath, the Sargerei absconded with some of the Elemental Runes that Khadgar is looking for. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 75 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
Beyond the Pale
The Bladefist clan are capturing pale prisoners. We suspect they're looking for the same Elemental Runes as Khadgar. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 75 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
He Keeps it Where?
A powerful Bloodmaul magma-shaper is using an Abrogator Stone as a piece of navel jewelry. Don't tell Khadgar where we got it. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 50 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
It's Rigged!
Ogres are wagering an Abrogator Stone on an upcoming Ring of Blood gladiatorial contest. Send in the ringers. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 50 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
Lost in the Weeds
A failed Stonemaul assault on the Overlook Ruins has left ogre corpses everywhere. Search them for an Abrogator stone! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 50 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
Pumping Iron
Elemental Runes have been smuggled into the Iron Siegeworks. Essentially a suicide mission. Send followers you don't like. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 75 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
Rock the Boat
Disrupt tense negotiations between the Iron Horde and the Highmaul ogres to acquire an Abrogator Stone for Khadgar. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 50 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
Rocks Fall. Everyone Dies.
The Iron Horde have subjugated a stone fury in Ironfist Harbor. It's got the Elemental Runes Khadgar seeks. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 75 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Great Train Robbery
The Iron Horde is moving an Elemental Rune via train to the Blackrock Foundry. It's ambush time. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 75 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Pits
Good news! We've located some Elemental Runes that Khadgar is looking for. Bad News: They're in The Pits. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 75 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
Tower of Terror
Scouts have discovered a ruined ogre guard tower in Talador. It's haunted. Also, we're running out of scouts. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 50 | 23.9 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Ring of Trials
Sometimes, a follower's skills just aren't cutting the mustard. The ring offers a rare opportunity to retrain. | 100 | Training | 1 | × 25 | 16 hrs | 1500 | ||
Arakkoa Ancestry
Some ancient artifacts containing untold knowledge are being jealously guarded by arakkoa out in Spires of Arak. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Blizzard Convention
A group of frost furies has gathered in the snowy wastes of Frostfire Ridge and laid waste to a caravan carrying valuable weaponry. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Breaker Two
Two enormous breakers have been spotted out on Gorgrond. What better way to test our might? | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Burning Blademasters
A group of burning blademaster spirits has been roused by the activities in Nagrand. We should investigate. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Eldritch Horrors
Rumors abound of terrible demons near Shattrath that could drive a follower insane by just looking at them. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Fiery Friends
A group of tiny fiery puppies was spotted deep within Blackrock Foundry. If we save them, we may be able to raise them. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Monstrous Menagerie
Tanaan Jungle is a harsh landscape, home to some of the most powerful beasts on this world. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
Ogrecoming Adversity
The ogres found a huge supply cache out in Frostfire Ridge. Who's up for some ogre hunting? | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
The Botani Stirr
The botani of Shadowmoon have regrown, stonger than ever. Let us show them our might and test ourselves in the process. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
The Consuming Void
A deep chasm, filled with blackness, was found deep within the burial grounds. Who knows what horrors await us there? | 100 | Combat | 675 | 3 | × 100 | 12 hrs | 2000 | |
A Bird in the Hand
A little bird informed me that the arakkoa of Skyreach have been preying on our forward scouts. Make sure they regret that decision. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
Ancient of Corruption
Rumors swirl of an ancient gone awry in the undergrowth. Track down this "Shadowbark" and take care of business. | 97 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 1600 | ||
Bladefist Hold
The Shattered Hand clan has established the ironically named Bladefist Hold. Let's make a mockery of it. | 100 | Patrol | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Blingtron's Secret Vault
While we were occupied with the sabotage of the Dark Portal, Blingtron managed to build a vault of riches. Find it! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Breaker of the Blue Flame
Our scouts speak of a cavern in northern Gorgrond in which a strange ogron named Gelgor of the Blue Flame lies. | 93 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 800 | ||
Claws, Pincers, AND Tusks
Draenor can count the genesaur among its most vicious creatures. We must contain them before they spread from Gorgrond to other areas. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Death's Bite Again?
A powerful spider named Death's Bite has returned as an undead, and terrorizes Talador yet again. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 2 | × 60 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
Drov the Ruiner
Gorgrond plays host to one of the most fearsome creatures in all Draenor. Tremble before his might, but come back with some plunder afterwards. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Errand for the SPS
If you really want to join the Steamwheedle Preservation Society, you've got to really care about Highmaul artifacts. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Warlocks in the northwest are draining life from the land, preparing to summon a demon lord. Well? Don't just stand there! | 100 | Combat | 675 | 2 | × 60 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
Fury of the Southwind Cliffs
The furies that roam the Southwind Cliffs have been known to leave their dead frozen in place. Perhaps there are things worth retrieving. | 91 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 400 | ||
Green Fel
The reckless warlock Gul'dan intends to create a fel volcano in the center of Shadowmoon Valley. Stop him before he dooms us all. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 2 | × 60 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
Heart of the Sabermaw
Just north of Grommashar dwell the Sabermaw clan, notorious outpost raiders. Strike out at their leader, Soulfang, and crush their morale. | 99 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 2000 | ||
Labor Dispute
Ogres are bringing in slaves to shore up defenses in the mines. Free the slaves, and the area will be vulnerable to attack. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 30 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
Mogor's Dilemma
Mogor the Ogre is having trouble with some gladiators, but slaughtering other ogres would look bad for him. He'll pay us for the dirty work. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Murkbog Terror
Scouts report a many-headed beast named Festerbloom waylaying travelers crossing the Murkbog. Clear the path for everyone's sake. | 96 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 1400 | ||
Outcast Relations
As we have a number of arakkoa allies, let's run some joint operations to build relations. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Ring of Cooperation
Head to neutral ground at the Ring of Trials and learn a thing or two about fighting alongside ogres. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Comb the northern wastelands of Gorgond for Rolkor. Find him and defeat him for the glory of the garrison. | 92 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 600 | ||
A manifestation of a Sun God, Rukhmar demands fealty and obedience. She will not be defeated easily. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Rustle in the Bushes
The natives are restless. Again. The Kirin Tor have asked us to help them with some "gardening." | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 30 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
Savage Kindred
The gronn and the ogres are working together on a two-pronged attack. We must disrupt their machinations before they overwhelm us. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
Steeltusk Lives
The Iron Horde have equipped a particularly violent elekk named Steeltusk. Let's make sure this doesn't become more common. | 95 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 1200 | ||
Summer is Here
The saberon have highly developed rituals and customs. Live among them, learn their ways, and gain strength from this experience. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Bloodmane Scrolls
The ruthless war prides of the Bloodmane have made off with the Reveries of Sethek, scrolls sacred to the outcasts. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Gorian Warmaster
We've isolated the murderous Warmaster Blugthol to a tower within Mar'gok's Overwatch. It's time to take him out. | 98 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 1800 | ||
The Hills of Talbuk Past
Rumors speak of a ghostly talbuk that haunts the southern reaches of Shadowmoon Valley, we should investigate. | 91 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 400 | ||
The Liberation of Shattrath
The once-great city of Shattrath continues to be subjugated by the legion. Cry havoc, and let slip the followers of war. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
The Mother of All Kaliri
Hen-Mother Hami. She who breeds the swooping terrors of the sky. Find her, subdue her, and restore freedom to the skies. | 94 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 1000 | ||
The Umbral Giant
The marshes of the Umbrafen are the stomping ground of Ba'ruun, a danger to all that need enter the fen. | 90 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 200 | ||
Tusks Like Icicles
Coldtusk the boar continues to roam the shivering trench, and clearly we can't rely on the ravagers to take care of him. | 90 | Combat | 3 | × 20 | 10 hrs | 200 | ||
What's Mine Is A Mine
Word has it that an Iron Horde mine near our outpost has hit a rich vein. We can't let them have nice things. Storm in and claim the mine. | 100 | Combat | 675 | 2 | × 60 | 10 hrs | 1500 | |
You, Robot
With the installation of a negatronic control unit, a true emotional bond between lifeform and machine can happen! Get one! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 25 | 10 hrs | 1500 | ||
A Grave Mistake
The Sargerei and their allies continue their desecration of Auchindoun. I recommend executing our "no traitor left behind alive" policy. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 30 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
All Aboard the Fail Boat
Our enemies boast that their massive ship at the Iron Docks cannot be sunk. This crate of shiny new seaforium charges begs to differ. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 15 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
An Eye for Terror
We need to shut down the legion gateways in operation within Shattrath. Strike out at their vigilant watchful eyes. | 100 | Patrol | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Apexis Nexus
Our need for equipment upgrades never ends, take a few of our best to the apexis excavation site. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 2 | × 40 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Scouts report that strange figures are lurking near Auchindoun, disturbing the mausoleums. We must destroy anything with even a hint of fel. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 20 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Birds of Pray
We would like to leave the vicious arakkoa alone, but capturing their temple in the Spires of Arak would give us a strategic advantage. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Black Forge
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Black Forge
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Black Forge
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Black Forge
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Blackhand's Crucible
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Blackhand's Crucible
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Blackhand's Crucible
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Blackhand's Crucible
A strike against the Foundry could cripple the war machinery of the Iron Horde. Our forces await your command. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 3 | × 100 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Bucket Brigade
Massive flooding has cut off our supply lines, and the water elementals responsible show no signs of stopping. Let's hang them out to dry. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 2 | × 40 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Burning Legion Vanguard
With infernals and felguard invading Talador, the rest of the Burning Legion can't be far behind. Defeat them, and try to find their source. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 15 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Clawing Skyward
Atop Skyreach, the high arakkoa are building mechanical constructs as weapons of war. Stop them, but beware their dread raven guards. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 15 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Clearing the Caches
Soulbinder Nyami has hidden caches of reagents for the Sargerei's summoning rituals all across Auchindoun. Find the caches and destroy them. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 30 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Clefthoof Rustling
To weaken the Thunderlord clan, we must eliminate their fiercest warriors - their clefthoof-riders. Go to their camp and free their mounts. | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Frostfire
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Frostfire
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Gorgrond
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |||
Conquest of Gorgrond
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Nagrand
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Nagrand
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Spires of Arak
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Spires of Arak
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Talador
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Conquest of Talador
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Crystal Power
Deep within Auchindoun, Draenei power crystals still hum with life. We can surely use them as a source of fuel. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 20 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Domination of Frostfire
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Frostfire
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Gorgrond
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Gorgrond
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |||
Domination of Nagrand
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Nagrand
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Spires of Arak
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Spires of Arak
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Talador
Slay our Alliance adversaries for the glory of the Horde! Go forth to victory! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Domination of Talador
Slay our Horde adversaries for great justice and for the Alliance! | 100 | Combat | 3 | × 10 | 8 hrs | 1500 | ||
Egg Them On!
The druids fear that the proto-drake populations are plummeting. Rescue their eggs from Warlord Zaela's army in Upper Blackrock Spire. | 100 | Combat | 615 | 3 | × 15 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
The more slaves we free at the Stonefury Cliffs, the more we weaken the Bloodmaul. | 100 | Combat | 660 | 2 | × 40 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Every Rose
A group of podlings has been spotted near some recently-formed tar pits in Gorgrond. If we defeat them, we can extract the fuel. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 30 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
The Iron Horde and its lackeys have "energetically" refused to vacate our own Blackrock Mountain. Go collect back rent from their corpses. | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 30 | 8 hrs | 1500 | |
Eye of the Beast
A master of beasts has been seen escorting a shipment of oil to Blackrock Mountain. Stop him! | 100 | Combat | 630 | 3 | × 30 | 8 hrs | 1500 |