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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Vaporizing the Water Primalists
Primalist Storms
Varedis Must Be Stopped
5 players
Pick one:
Shadowmoon Valley (Outland)
Varedis Must Be Stopped
5 players
Pick one:
Shadowmoon Valley (Outland)
Varga 4545
Antoran Wastes
Variety is the Spice of Death 1-30
Pick one:
10 50 Tirisfal Glades
Variety is the Spice of Life 6060-70 Valdrakken Accord
Varsek Recruited 6565-68 28 9 The Azure Span
Varzok 1 2 80 Battle Pets
Varzok 1 2 80 Battle Pets
Varzok 1 2 80 Battle Pets
Varzok 1 2 80 Battle Pets
Varzok 1 2 80 Battle Pets
Vathikur 5050 Vol'dun
Vault Artifacts 6060-70
Dragonscale Expedition
Vault Artifacts 6060-70
Dragonscale Expedition
Vault of Secrets 6060 2 57 Korthia
Vault of Souls 5050 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Vault of the Incarnates: Break a Few Eggs 7070 56 18 Vault of the Incarnates
Vault of the Incarnates: Break a Few Eggs 7070 56 18 Vault of the Incarnates
Vault of the Incarnates: Break a Few Eggs 7070 56 18 Vault of the Incarnates
Vault of the Incarnates: Fury of the Storm-Eater 7070
84 27 Raid
Vault of the Wardens 88-45 101 10 Vault of the Wardens
Vault of the Wardens: A Masterpiece of Flesh 4545 40 44 Death Knight Campaign
Vault of the Wardens: Bendy Glass Tubes 4545 Alchemy
Vault of the Wardens: Borrowing Without Asking
5 players
4545 20 22 Artifact
Vault of the Wardens: Demon's Bile 4545 Alchemy
Vault of the Wardens: How'd He Get Up There? 4545 Vault of the Wardens
Vault of the Wardens: Into the Vault of the Wardens 4545 20 22 Vault of the Wardens
Vault of the Wardens: Into the Vault of the Wardens 4545 20 22 Vault of the Wardens
Vault of the Wardens: Into the Vault of the Wardens 4545 20 22 Vault of the Wardens
Vault of the Wardens: Matters of the Heart 4545 20 22 Warlock Campaign
Vault of the Wardens: Vault Break-In 4545 80 88 Demon Hunter Campaign
Vault of the Wardens: Vault Break-In 4545 80 88 Demon Hunter Campaign
Vaunted Vengeance 1010-54
Pick one:
25 74 Maldraxxus
Veehja's Revenge 1010-30 21 Borean Tundra
Vehicle: TK02[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK03[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK04[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK05[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK06[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK07[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK08[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK09[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK10[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK11[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK12[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK13[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK14[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK15[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK16[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK17[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK18[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK19[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Vehicle: TK20[DNT] 1010-60 Mechagon
Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Terokkar Forest
Veil Rhaze: Unliving Evil 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Terokkar Forest
Veil Shalas: Signal Fires 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50 Terokkar Forest
Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk 1515-30 10 50 Terokkar Forest
Veiled Grotto 5050 12 87 Alliance War Campaign
Veiled Ossuary Chaos 7070
28 9 Valdrakken Accord
Veiled Trouble 7070
2 80 Valdrakken Accord
Veilwing Soul 6060 Ardenweald
Velen's Vision 1010-45
60 66 Priest Campaign
Velkein's Blade 5050-60
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Ve'lor's Lost Parcel 5050-60
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
The Forbidden Reach
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Venari Rep Token Tracking 6060
Vendor Beckon Trigger - Druid
Vengeance 4545 20 22 Krokuun
Vengeance Be Mine! 2020-30
Pick one:
10 50 Utgarde Pinnacle
Vengeance Chosen
Vengeance for Korthia 6060 25 74 Korthia
Vengeance for Margaux 4545 20 22 Suramar
Vengeance for Orsis 3030-35
Pick one:
13 74 The Vortex Pinnacle
Vengeance for Our Soldiers 55-30
Pick one:
Ruins of Gilneas
Vengeance for the Fallen 1515-40 25 47 Gorgrond
Vengeance for the Fallen 1010-40 16 98 Assault on the Dark Portal
Vengeance for the Fallen 1010-40 16 98 Assault on the Dark Portal
Vengeance for the Stonedark 1010-45
Vengeance for the Venthyr 5050-60 Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Vengeance for Vol'jin 5050 46 80 The Shadow Hunter
Vengeance From Above 3030-60 51 48 Vol'dun
Vengeance of the Frogs 2020-60
51 48 Nazmir
Vengeance of the Wildhammer
3030-35 13 74 Archaeology
Vengeance on the Northspring 1515-30 21 Feralas
Vengeance or Survival 1-20 4 1 Gilneas
Vengeance Point 4545
10 11 Broken Shore
Vengeance Will Be Mine! 88-45 20 22 Demon Hunter
Vengeance Will Be Ours 1010-45 20 22 Artifact
Vengeance Will Be Ours 1010-45 20 22 Artifact
Vengeance, Served Hot 6868-70 28 9 Thaldraszus
Vengeance: Seeking Kor'vas 4545 2 2 Artifact
Vengeful Gladiator's Chain Armor
Vengeful Gladiator's Dragonhide Armor