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Name Type Category Counters Description
Strength of the Tides
AbilityIncreased success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 15%.
Sturdy Ox Stance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
Sturdy Tents
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Archers, Marksmen, Trackers and Pathfinders you can recruit by 1.
Ability BossA dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush and counter some Bosses.
Summon Doomguard
AbilityIncrease success chance of the first mission of the day by 20%.
Summon Infernal
Ability Timed BattleCast by a warlock to feel powerful and deal significant damage. Makes nearby innocents very nervous.
Ability BossA rugged tracker who counters some Bosses using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons.
Survival Instincts
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 10% when a Ghoul or Geist is on the mission.
Sword of Light
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ability Wild AggressionForces an enemy to attack the warrior.
AbilityReduces travel time of missions.
AbilityReduces travel time of missions.
The Big One
AbilityIncreases success chance by 25%, but has a chance to cause 1 extra vitality loss to a random Troop.
The Hunt
AbilityIncrease success chance of the first mission of the day by 20%.
The Vault Ticket
AbilityGrants a chance for Champions on successful missions to return with a Vault Ticket.
Throw Glaive
Ability MinionsHurl a demonic glaive at your enemies, to counter a Minion.
Thundering Assault
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
Time Warp
Ability Timed BattleCast by a mage to greatly increase burst damage.
Time Warp
AbilityIncreases success chance by 15%.
Titan's Wrath
AbilityIncreases success chance when not accompanied by other Champions by 15%.
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
To Me Squire!
AbilityIncreases success chance of mission by 20% when accompanied by other Paladin Champions.
Touch of Madness
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by a Band of Zealots or Dark Zealots.
Touched by Void
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 75%.
Training Grounds
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Ashtongue Warriors, Naga Myrmidon, Illidari Adepts and Transformed Illidari Adepts you can recruit by 1.
Training Grounds
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Acolytes you can recruit by 1.
Ability ScoutCounters Ambush.
Ability ScoutCounters Ambush.
Travel Form
AbilityReduces mission duration of all missions by 20%.
Traveler's Backpack
AbilityWhen sent on missions, theres a chance you will bring back a random item.
Troop Portal Network
AbilityOpen a portal for transportation of troops, allowing troops to be recruited instantly.
True Aim
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Two Forms
Ability Quick Strike
When in human form, increases success chance on Stealth Missions by 25%.

When in Worgen form, increases success chance on Skirmish Missions by 25%.
Ultrasafe Transporter
AbilityDecreases mission duration by 50%.
Under the Table
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Unending Resolve
Ability Massive StrikeCast by a warlock to prevent significant damage.
Ability BossA master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to counter some Bosses.
Unholy Reclamation
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Unleashed Power
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Untouchable Brawler
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Upgraded Troop Barracks
AbilityConstruct a larger barracks for your army, increasing the maximum number of troops you can house by 2.
Ursol's Resolve
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
AbilityReduces mission duration by 50%.
Ability BossEmbraces the demon within to incinerate enemies and protect allies, countering some Bosses.
Vengeful Retreat
Ability Danger ZonesUsed by demon hunters to who are... not prepared.
Vengeful Retreat
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Verbose Grandstanding
Ability Boss
Increases success chance against Bosses by 20% but doubles mission duration.
Veteran of Argus
Ability Argus EliteA grizzled veteran with intimate knowledge of Argus, able to counter Argus Elites.
Vile Aberration
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Vile Gas
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
AbilityMission success chance increased by 5% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Wandering Keg
Ability Hazard
Increases success chance of missions with Minions or Hazards by 15%.
Water Shield
Ability Timed BattleCast by a shaman to greatly increase mana regeneration.
Ability Deep SeaIncreases success chance when on a Deep Sea mission by an additional 30%.
Well-Balanced Daggers
AbilityIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Ability MinionsIn a whirlwind of steel you counter a Minion.
Whispers of Death
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Wild Growth
Ability Group DamageCast by a druid to heal a group of allies.
Wild Growth
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Wind Shear
Ability Powerful SpellCast by a shaman to interrupt a spell.
Wind Shear
Ability SpellDisrupts the target's concentration with a burst of wind, to counter a Spell.
Windspeaker's Might
AbilityReduces mission duration of all missions by 20%.
Ability BossA martial artist without peer who counters some Bosses with hands and fists.
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ammo Reserves
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Battleship.
Automated Sky Scanner
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Carrier.
Bilge Pump
Ability Stormy WeatherPumps out excess water from the ship, allowing it to remain afloat during Stormy Weather.
Blast Furnace
Ability SwiftA massive furnace, capable of producing 11 out of 10 power.
Extra Quarters
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Transport.
Felsmoke Launcher
Ability First StrikeCreates a smoke screen around your ship, blocking sight on a First Strike.
Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer
Ability Chaotic WhirlpoolsKeeps the ship upright and stable, allowing it to move effortlessly around Chaotic Whirlpools.
High Intensity Fog Lights
Ability Dense FogBurn through the fog (and maybe some retinas) with these super illuminating lights.
Ice Cutter
Ability Icy WaterSlices a path through Icy Waters.
Q-43 Noisemaker Mines
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Submarine.
Sonic Amplification Field
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Destroyer.
Trained Shark Tank
Ability MinelayerMines are no match for a tank of trained sharks.
True Iron Rudder
Ability EvasiveReinforces the rudder to allow tighter turns at higher speeds.
Arakkoa Crew
Crew BattleshipCapable of launching attacks from the air.
Blood Elf Crew
CrewReduces mission time by 50%.
Draenic Crew
Crew Dense FogDraenei are adept at navigating the Dense Fog surrounding Shadowmoon Valley.
Dwarven Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Gnomish Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Goblin Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Human Crew
CrewIncreases success chance on missions.
Murloc Crew
Crew Land ObjectiveMurlocs can exit their ship and swim ashore even when underwater, always functioning as a Transport. Being amphibious has its perks.
Night Elf Crew
CrewReduces mission time by 50%.
Orc Crew
Crew Icy WaterThe icy waters surrounding Frostfire have long been training grounds for navigating Icy Waters.
Pandaren Crew
CrewPandaren crewman stash extra supplies on their ships, which helps on long missions.
Tauren Crew
CrewIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Troll Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Undead Crew
CrewIncreases success chance on missions.
Worgen Crew
CrewIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Advanced Training
TraitIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all followers by 100%.
TraitProfession AlchemyOffers various Alchemy benefits when assigned to the Alchemy Lab, and increases success chance on Alchemy missions.
Ally of Argus
TraitRacial PreferenceIncreases success chance when on a mission with a draenei.
Amber Rallying Horn
TraitEquip a champion with an Amber Rallying Horn which grants:

Increases success chance of missions by 10% for each accompanying troop.