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Name Type Category Counters Description
Ability BossA stalwart protector who uses a shield to counter Bosses.
Ability BossUses Holy magic to shield themselves and defend allies to counter some Bosses.
Ability Wild AggressionForces the enemy to attack the monk.
Psychic Scream
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Ability Powerful SpellUsed by a warrior to interrupt a spell.
Ability SpellPummel the target, to counter a Spell.
Purify Spirit
Ability Magic DebuffCast by a shaman to remove a harmful magic effect.
Quick Strike
AbilityReducing mission duration also increases success chance.

"A fast attack will surprise the enemy and provide zero opportunity to counter. Get in and get out."
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
AbilityMission success chance increased by 0% when at less than maximum Vitality.
AbilitySuccess chance reduced by 25%.
Rain of Fel Fire
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Rain of Fire
Ability Minion SwarmsCast by a warlock to damage many enemies.
Rallying Cry
AbilityIncreases the success chance of the first mission you send each day by 5% per troop Vitality.
Ranged Troop
Ability MeleeDecimates Melee Troops from a distance.
Rapid Fire
Ability Timed BattleSignificantly increases the hunter's burst damage.
Razorspine Scales
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
AbilityOn successful mission chance to return with an item to summon an Abomination.
Ability50% chance on mission success to recover an expired Troop with 50 Vitality.
Ability SpellRebuke the enemy to counter a Spell.
Ability Powerful SpellCast by a paladin to interrupt a spell.
Ability Timed BattleUsed by a warrior to greatly increase burst damage.
Ability Wild AggressionForces the target to attack the paladin.
AbilityOn successful mission chance to return with a Champion Armament or Equipment
Ability50% chance on mission success to recover an expired Troop with 50 Vitality.
Ability Deadly MinionsCast by a paladin to neutralize a dangerous enemy.
Resourceful Brawler
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Ability BossA healer who calls upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water to counter some Bosses.
Ability BossUses powerful Nature spells to keep allies alive and counter some Bosses.
Ability50% chance on mission success to recover an expired Troop with 50 Vitality.
Ability BossA righteous crusader who judges and counters some Bosses with weapons and Holy magic.
Righteous Blessing
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Ritual of Summoning
AbilityReduces mission duration of all missions by 20%.
Ability HazardRoll a short distance to counter a Hazard.
Ability Danger ZonesUsed by a monk to quickly move out of harm's way.
Root Out Corruption
AbilityChance to bring back Corrupted Mementos from successful missions.
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Royal Bloodline
AbilityIncreases mission success chance by 15% when accompanied by troops of different types.
Royal Guard
AbilityChance on mission success to return with an item to summon a Coilskar Brute, a powerful troop type.
Running Wild
AbilityReduces mission duration by 50%.
Salvage Arms
AbilityAwards a bonus to garrison resources upon mission completion.
Salvage Arms
AbilityAwards a bonus to garrison resources upon mission completion.
Ability Deadly MinionsUsed by a rogue to neutralize a dangerous enemy (or just to annoy you).
Sapper Charge
AbilityIncrease success chance by 20% when at 20 Vitality
Screams of the Dead
AbilityChance on mission success to return with an item to summon a squad of Valarjar Aspirants or Stormforged Valarjar.
Seal of Elune
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Seed of Corruption
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Serene Strike
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ability BossUses sinister Shadow magic, to counter some Bosses.
Shadow Assault
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Shadow Death
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ability Timed BattleCast by a priest to greatly increase burst damage and mana regeneration.
Ability ScoutCounters Ambush.
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Shadowy Insight
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
AbilityMission success chance increased by 5% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
Sharpened Glaives
AbilityIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Shattered Souls
AbilityChance to return from a mission with a Soul Fragment, usable to heal troops for 1 Vitality.
Shattering Blades
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Shield Bash
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Shield Charge
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Shield Wall
Ability Massive StrikeUsed by a warrior to greatly reduce damage.
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Ability SpellSilences the target to counter a Spell.
Singe Magic
Ability Magic DebuffCast by an annoying imp to remove a harmful magic effect.
Skull Bash
Ability SpellYou skull bash the target to counter a Spell.
Slime Spray
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
AbilityMission duration increased.
AbilityMission duration increased.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Sneak Attack
AbilityIncrease success chance of the first mission of the day by 20%.
Snowfeather's Screech
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Solar Beam
Ability SpellIncreases success chance of missions with Spells by 15%.
Soul Link
AbilityMission success chance increased by 5% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
Soul Reapers
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Champions who have Shadow specialization.
Soulsever Blade
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Soulsever Blade
AbilityIncreases success chance of Melee Troops by 20%.
Spacial Rift
AbilityReduces mission duration by 50%.
Spear Hand Strike
Ability Powerful SpellUsed by a monk to interrupt a spell.
Spear Hand Strike
Ability SpellJab the enemy in the throat, to counter a Spell.
Spell Lock
Ability Powerful SpellCast by a warlock to interrupt a spell.
Spell Lock
Ability SpellCounters the enemy's spellcast, to counter a Spell.
Spinning Crane Kick
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Spoils of War
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Ability HazardIncreases your movement speed to counter a Hazard.
Ability Danger ZonesUsed by a rogue to escape harm's way. Or, to move quickly between the mailbox and auction house.
Spy Network
AbilityChance from successful missions to return with a Master Plan. Master Plans are given to Champions to improve success chance.
Stampeding Roar
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Ability MinionsCalls down a rain of starlight to counter a Minion.
Stars Fury
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ability ReconIncreases success chance on Stealth Missions by 50%. This unit does not incur a penatly on stealth missions.
AbilityTroops reduce success chance by 100%.
Stealth Suit
AbilityIncreases success chance for bonus loot by 30%.
Sticky Fingers
AbilityChance to return from a successful mission with a random item.
Stone Skin
Ability Massive StrikeDemon hunters can cover their skin in fel stone to absorb large blows. Also notoriously uncomfortable.
AbilityThese troops start with 1 more Vitality
Stormbeak's Assault
AbilityReduces mission duration by 20%.
Strange Ball of Energy
AbilityIncreases success chance of a single mission by 20$%. Will be consumed on use.
Strategic Genius
Ability113Reduces the travel time on an adventure by 25%.
Strength of the Ancients
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.