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Name Type Category Counters Description
Extra Training
AbilityGrants a bonus to XP upon mission completion.
Faithful Steward
Ability Boss
Increases success chance against Bosses by 50%.
Fan of Knives
Ability Minion SwarmsUsed by a rogue to damage many enemies.
Fan of Knives
Ability MinionsSprays knives all around you to counter a Minion.
AbilityReduces mission duration by 20%.
Ability Deadly MinionsUsed to neutralize a dangerous opponent. Sometimes causes them to violate basic laws of physics. Odd.
Feign Death
Ability Wild AggressionUsed by a hunter to force the enemy to attack a different target.
Fel Charge
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Fel Hammer's Wrath
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Fel Rush
Ability HazardRush forwards to counter a Hazard.
Fel Rush
Ability Wild AggressionLunges toward an enemy. Sometimes used on critters to travel quickly.
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Felsworn Gas Mask
AbilityNegates the stench created by Fel corrupted air.
Ability BossTakes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites, to counter some Bosses.
Feral Claws
AbilityIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
Feral Lunge
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Fierce Tiger Stance
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Ability BossIgnite the air around you with balls of fire and combustive flames to counter some Bosses.
Fists of Fury
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Flame Strike
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Flanking Strike
AbilityIncreases success chance of Mounted Troops by 20%.
Flight of the Valkyra
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Flying Carpet
AbilityReduces mission duration by 20%.
Flying Serpent Kick
AbilityReduces mission duration by 20%.
Focused Will
AbilityIncreased success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 15%.
For the Alliance!
AbilityIncreases mission success chance by 15%.
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Force Order out of Chaos
AbilityMission success chance increased by 1% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
Forced March
AbilityReduces mission duration of all missions by 20%.
Forged in Light
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 75%.
Forward Planning
Ability114Increases the rate at which adventurers heal by 25%.
Freezing Trap
Ability Deadly MinionsUsed by a hunter to neutralize a dangerous enemy. Watch your step!
Ability BossAn icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering vicious weapon strikes to counter some Bosses.
Ability BossCounter some Bosses by freezing them in their tracks and shattering them with Frost magic.
Frost Armor
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Frost Nova
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 10%.
Frost Reaver
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Frozen Blows
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Frozen Soul
AbilityIncreases success chance when not accompanied by other Champions by 15%.
Full Head of Steam
AbilityReduces mission duration by 50%.
Furious Blows
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Ability BossA furious berserker wielding a weapon in each hand, unleash a flurry of attacks to counter some Bosses.
Fury of Elune
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Druids of the Claw or Keepers of the Grove.
Fury of the Elements
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 20%.
Ability Minions
Increases success chance of missions with Minions or Spells by 15%.
AbilityIncreased success chance on missions longer than 8 hours by 15%.
Ghost Wolf
Ability HazardTurns the Shaman into a Ghost Wolf, increasing movement speed to counter a Hazard.
Ghost Wolf
Ability Danger ZonesCast by a shaman to quickly move out of harm's way.
Ghost Wolf
Ability ScoutCounters Ambush.
Gift of the Naaru
AbilityChance to heal a random troop vitality by 1.
Gift of the Naaru
AbilityRestores other squads on the mission to full combat readiness.
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Go Bananas
AbilityChance from successful missions to return with a Golden Banana. Golden Bananas are given to Champions to improve success chance.
Golden Banana
AbilityIncreases success chance of a single mission by 20$%. Will be consumed on use.
Grand Crusade
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Grand Crusader
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Silver Hand Knights or Silver Hand Templar.
Green - Mission Cost
Ability10% Reduced Mission Cost
Grim Harvest
AbilityQuests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Grim Matriarch
AbilityChance on mission success to return with an item to summon a Grimtotem Warrior, a powerful troop type.
Grim Strike
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 40%.
Ability Wild AggressionForces the target to attack the druid.
Ability Massive StrikeUsed by a monk to significantly reduce damage.
Guardians of Kings
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by Squires or Shieldbearers.
Gust of Wind
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.
Hammerin' Time
Ability MountedIncreases success chance of missions against Melee enemies by 30%.
Hard Assault
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 30%.
Hardened Survivor
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 75%.
AbilityChance to return from a mission with a random reward from inside the magic hat!
Ability BossA brooding master of warglaives who uses the destructive power of Fel Magic to counter some Bosses.
Head Wound
AbilityChampions on this mission will lose experience.
Healing Injector
AbilityChance to heal a random troop vitality by 1.
Healing Stream Totem
AbilityChance to return from a mission with a Healing Stream Totem, usable to heal troops for 1 Vitality.
Health Potions
AbilityCan toss out health potions to heal you when you get beneath 50% health.
Ability MinionsIgnite the area around the Warlock, to counter a Minion.
Hero of the Storm
AbilityIncreases success chance when not accompanied by other Champions by 15%.
AbilitySuccess chance reduced by 50%.
Heroic Leap
Ability HazardLeap through the air to counter a Hazard.
Heroic Leap
Ability Danger ZonesUsed by a warrior to quickly escape harm's way.
Ability Deadly MinionsCast by a shaman to neutralize a dangerous enemy. Also makes them feel dumb.
AbilityIncreases the maximum number of Dreamgrove Treants, Daughters of Cenarius, Druids of the Claw and Keepers of the Grove you can recruit by 1.
Ability BossA versatile healer who can counter some Bosses.
Ability BossInvokes the power of the Light to protect and to counter some Bosses.
Holy Nova
Ability MinionsCauses an explosion of holy light around the caster to counter a Minion.
Holy Radiance
Ability Group DamageCast by a paladin to heal a group of allies.
Horde Veteran
AbilityIncreases success chance by an additional 10%.
Horn of Winter
AbilityChance from successful missions to return with a Horn of Winter. Horns of Winter are given to Champions to improve success chance.
Horn of Winter
AbilityIncreases success chance of a single mission by 20$%. Will be consumed on use.
Hunter's Mark
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15% when accompanied by a Squad of Archers or Unseen Marksmen.
Ability Minion SwarmsCast by the druid to damage many enemies.
Ice Block
Ability Massive StrikeCast by a mage to prevent massive damage. For a while.
Icebound Fortitude
Ability HazardThe Death Knight freezes their blood to counter a Hazard.
Ability Minion SwarmsSome demon hunters take the mantra "fight fire with fire" a bit too seriously.
Immolation Aura
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Incapacitating Roar
Ability MinionsIncreases success chance of missions with Minions by 15%.
Infected Bite
AbilityIncreases success chance of missions by 15%.
Ability Timed BattleCast by a druid to rapidly regenerate the target's mana.
Invasion Thwated
AbilityIncreases the success chance of missions in this area.
AbilityCan investigate areas and discover secrets left behind.
Iron Autocannon
Ability RangedIncreases success chance of missions against Ranged Troops by 30%.
Judgement of Command
Ability HazardIncreases success chance of missions with Hazards by 15%.